P: List the 4 major reasons for the European exploration and colonization of America?
G: What is main reason the Pilgrims and the Puritans came to America?
B: The Virginia Company establishes colony in the New World where and what date?
R: Name the geographic factors that influenced both Jamestown and Plymouth settlements? / ANSWERS:
P: Gold, God, Glory, Curiosity (renaissance spirit)
G: Religious Freedom
B: Jamestown, Virginia 1607
R: Near the coastline, natural resources available / ANSWERS:
P: slaves
G: New England
B: make a profit
R: Mercy Otis Warren / P: Use of ______made growing cash crops such as tobacco and cotton profitable
G: Which colonial region(s) depended on shipbuilding and forestry as primary economic activities?
B: The most important motivation for the colonial Americans who participated in the Triangular Trade was the desire to….
R: This colonial authoress influenced women to support the move for independence through her writings
P: What did the colonial economy depend primarily on ?
G: Why did the economy of the Southern colonies become increasingly dependent on large-scale farming?
B: Virginia House of Burgesses, established in 1619 by the Virginia Company was…
R: The Mayflower Compact and the English tradition of government contributed most significantly to the growth of which of the principles of American government? / ANSWERS:
P: natural/environmental resources
G: cash crops caused the growth of plantations
B: the first colonial legislature
R: Republicanism (representative government) / ANSWERS:
P: protect the people
G: explain the colonial grievances against England and declare war.
B: Fight for independence
R: freedom is worth dying for / P: deriving [obtaining] their just powers from the consent of the governed, The statement in bold above from the Declaration of Independence indicates that government has a responsibility to –
G: The Declaration of Independence was written to
B: “ …I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” This quote was used to influence colonists to….
R: using the above quote, a reader can conclude that Patrick Henry believed….
P: Thomas Jefferson.
G: The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the American Revolution because…
B: The Continental Army had a geographical advantage and defeated the British at the Battle of Yorktown because…
R: When George Washington read The Crisis to his troops in December 1776, he was trying to…. / ANSWERS:
P: Author of the Declaration of Independence
G: this victory convinced the French to join the Americans as an ally against the British
B: they knew the land
R: motivate them to keep fighting despite the difficult times / ANSWERS:
P: Samuel Adams
G: Battle of Lexington & Concord 1775
B: taxation without representation
R: Leader of the Continental Army / P: Leader of the Sons of Liberty
G: American Revolution begins with which battle?
B: One significant cause of the American Revolution was American reaction to the Sugar and Stamp Acts which created a resentment of ……
R: George Washington
P: Jamestown was founded in _____ in search of ______.
G: Benjamin Franklin
B: Describe the 3 important things to remember from the Treaty of Paris 1783.
R: Which ACT was the Boston Tea Party a response to? / ANSWERS:
P: 1607; gold
G: Negotiated the Treaty of Paris 1783 and helped draft the Decl. of Independence
B: Recognized the US as an independent country, established the border at the Mississippi River,
R: Tea Act / ANSWERS:
P: a professional soldier that was hired. Fought for the highest paycheck
G: French military leader that served as an aide in securing the French alliance and helped Washington from Valley Forge to the end of the war
B: tax on glass, lead, tea, paint, paper, silk…all imported goods. Included the Writs of assistance which allowed soldiers to search without cause.
R: tax on all paper products / P: What is a Hessian mercenary?
G: Who is Marquise de Lafayette?
B: What are the Townshend Acts?
R: What was the Stamp Act?
P: What does repeal mean?
G: Describe the Triangle Trade Route. Where does is start and what product goes to each point?
B: Define Mercantilism
R: Who negotiated the terms of the Treaty of Paris 1783? / ANSWERS:
P: to take away, take back
G: Starting in America sending rum and gold to Africa, receiving slaves (Middle Passage) to the Caribbean where some slaves are dropped off to work on sugar plantations and traded for sugar, and then returning to American South to work on plantations.
B: Colonies exist to benefit the mother country/ a nation’s power is determined by it’s wealth
R: Benjamin Franklin / ANSWERS:
P: the ability to trade with whomever will make you the most profit $$$!
G: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire
B: Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia
R: NY, NJ, Penn, Delaware / P: Define Free Enterprise.
G: Name the New England Colonies
B: Name the Southern Colonies
R: Name the Middle Colonies.
P: Who is William Penn
G: What is the Act of Toleration?
B: What is the Great Awakening?
R: What religious revival swept the 13 colonies uniting them to believe God would treat everyone equally? / ANSWERS:
P: Quaker founder of PA
G: A law that allowed freedom of religion in Maryland, esp. for Catholics
B: The formation of the idea of a tolerant God and the creation of religions like Baptist, Methodist, etc.
R: Great Awakening / ANSWERS:
P: Valley Forge
G: when people control their government through voting
B: Appalachian Mountains
R: Declaration of Independence / P: Where did Washington and his troops experience a harsh winter?
G: What is self government?
B: What are the geographic boundaries to westward expansion in the 13 colonies?
R: Which document lists grievances against the King of England?
P: Which Indian helped the Pilgrims to survive?
G: What concept came from the Mayflower Compact, a written agreement reached by the Pilgrims?
B: The colonial cities of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia grew rapidly because…
R: What is the role of Wentworth Chesswell during the American Revolution? / ANSWERS:
P: Squanto
G: first written plan of self-government
B: they were located along the Atlantic coast
R: African American Patriot that served as a midnight rider to warn colonists tat the British were moving on Lexington / ANSWERS:
P: The growth of the slave trade and the importation of slaves into the American colonies were most supported by which colonies?
G: In order to raise money to pay for the French and Indian War, Britain decided to…
B: What role did James Armistead play in the American Revolution
R: According to the Declaration of Independence, what should be done when a government takes away rights belonging to the people? / ANSWERS:
P: Southern colonies
G: tax the colonies
B: He was a very successful African American who served as a spy for Marquis de Lafayette against the British
R: the government should be fired and replaced with a new one that will respect people’s rights / P:
P: An important effect of Common Sense was that it…
G: In camp the snow shows bootless, bloody footprints. Uniforms are tattered and offer little protection against the bitter wind. What experience is described in the passage?
B: When did the battle of Trenton occur?
R: As a result of the signing of the Treaty of Paris in1783 the United States of America boundary was… / ANSWERS:
P: encouraged colonists to become Patriots and fight for independence
G: Valley Forge
B: Christmas night, surprise attack
R: Mississippi River / P:
P: Who are the Powahtans?
G: Define BOYCOTT.
B: First Battle of the American Revolution
R: Last battle of the American Revolution / ANSWERS:
P: The native tribe that helped Jamestown settlers survive
G: refuse to buy
B: Lexington and Concord
R: Battle of Yorktown
P: Who won the French and Indian War?
G: What was the Proclamation of 1763
B: What is the Quartering Act?
R: Why did it take 2 years before the American Revolution officially ended? / ANSWERS:
P: The British
G: Colonists were not allowed to cross over the Appalachian Mountains to avoid a costly war with the Native Americans
B: An indirect tax that forced colonists to feed and house British soldiers
R: King George refused to acknowledge the American victory.
P: Date Plymouth was founded
G: What is the Great Migration?
B: Who is John Winthrop?
R: Where do American allies come from in the American Revolution? / ANSWERS:
P: 1620
G: 15000 Puritans move to Massachusetts in 1630 seeking religious freedom
B: Leader of the Puritans in Massachusetts
R: France
P: what are examples of unalienable rights?
G: define unalienable rights
B: define Loyalist
R: define Patriot / ANSWERS:
P: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
G: rights that can not be taken away
B:A colonist that remains loyal to England during the American Revolution
R: A colonist that wants to fight for independence from England during the American Revolution
P: What does the Samuel Adams quote “No taxation without representation!” mean?
G: What was the economic result of the French and Indian War for the British?
B: Date of the Declaration of Independence?
R: Name the event that Sam Adams uses as propaganda to unite the colonists against British soldiers in which 5 colonists were killed after they threw rocks at soldiers. / ANSWERS
P: Colonists did not want to pay for taxes that they had no vote on due to no colonial representative in Parliament
G: they went into debt.
B: July 4, 1776
R: Boston Massacre
P: List the 4 Major Reasons for the European Exploration and Colonization of America