Oversight Committee Modifications and Clarifications
For implementation in 2014-2015 unless otherwise noted
FCAT Science and FSA 3rd grade inclusion in the following bullets was required by DOE before approval of the 14/15 manual would be given.
· FCAT Science (5th and 8th) and FSA 3rd grade math results must be used in a teacher’s evaluation.
· BDS will use the BDS VAM model in an attempt to take into consideration ESE, ESOL, 504, attendance and mobility. A close inspection of the results will be done by the Oversight Committee and the Superintendent prior to implementation into teacher evaluations.
The information below represents the Oversight Committee Modifications and Clarifications
· SAT 10 and FCAT/FSA 3rd grade
o For 2014-2015 for 1st – 3rd grade, if there is a prior SAT 10 score for a student, then the student’s growth will be included as a growth model for the teacher’s measurement. Similar to the FSA VAM, students without a prior score will not be included.
o For 2014-2015 for Kindergarten, the BDS VAM model used for SAT10 and FCAT 3rd grade in the 2013-2014 school year that took into consideration ESE, ESOL, 504, attendance and mobility will be used to measure the 2014-2015 student achievement.
o For the 2015-2016 school year, the district is tentatively planning to purchase the SAT10 for kindergarten pre-testing. This will enable kindergarten to also have a “growth” model.
o The PERT will be included as a teacher’s direct measure for the following courses:
· Liberal Arts Math 1 (1207300) and Algebra 1 Credit Recovery (1200315) (PERT comparative score = 97)
· Math for College Readiness (1200700) (PERT Math college ready score = 114+)
· English 4 Florida College Prep (1001405) (PERT college ready score = Reading 106+, Writing 103+)
o If a 9-12 teacher does not have a direct measurement of any kind (PERT, IB, AICE, etc.) then an indirect based on the PERT Reading college ready score (106) will be used applying the Achievement Rubric.
o Therefore, it is required that ALL students enrolled in Math for College Readiness and/or English 4 Florida College Prep take the PERT for the final exam even if they have already earned a college ready score through PERT, ACT, SAT or FCAT.
· FCAT Retakes
o For 11th and 12th grade reading courses, FCAT retakes will be included in a teacher’s measurement. The Achievement Model used for the SAT10 and FCAT 3rd grade will be applied here which takes into account a student’s ESE, ESOL, 504, attendance and mobility.
o For the 15/16 school year, the Oversight Committee will explore the use of the ACT/SAT concordant scores as a portion of a teacher’s student growth/achievement.
· Brigance
o For 14/15, the Brigance results will not be reported on paper. A system will be put into place in order for teachers to report student names and results electronically. This will enable Brigance scores to be rolled up in the same manner as other scores. More information on this will be forthcoming to teachers and administrators.
o The 2014-2015 school year is the last year the district can use learning targets (SB1664). The district will convene a group of teachers and administrators to shift the Brigance measurement to a standardized measurement for implementation in the 2015-2016 school year.
· FAA/Brigance
o Teachers of students assessed via Brigance or FAA must utilize the state roster verification tool during the roster verification process to remove/add students.
· Indirect FSA VAM Scores
o The state will no longer submit an Indirect VAM score to districts for teachers not receiving a direct VAM. Bay District Schools will now use the following guidelines for this scoring:
§ A comparison will be made of students’ predicted score versus actual score.
§ This information will then use the Achievement Rubric to derive the teacher’s Indirect Rating and will be based on students’ served.
§ In the 2015-2016 school year, the Oversight Committee will examine the data and consider a rule stating that the Indirect will be used only if a Direct is not available. This was tabled for the 2014-2015 and will be revisited at a later date.
· Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists
o Will use a rubric based on student achievement of therapy-based IEP goals.
· Student Growth/Achievement Considerations
o If a measurement’s rating or application is adjusted for a school year, the prior year score remains “as is.” Any adjustments are not applied to prior years. It only applies to the current year.
· Media Specialists
o The district is exploring a roster for media specialists.
· Human Resources
o It is the teachers’ responsibility to check and then sign Fall and Spring roster during the Roster Verification time period. Teachers failing to do so lose their right to the appeal process.
o Teachers will print and provide to administrators for an End of the Year checklist item the AIMS page displaying a completed IPDP and Observation score. Administrators will provide these pages and a teacher roster showing completion of staff to PALS. Incomplete evaluations will be processed as is and teachers lose the right to appeal missing information.
o At the start of the 3rd nine weeks, teachers will be hired using a temporary instruction code and will not have an evaluation completed.
o Due dates regarding the evaluation system are important. It is both the teacher and administrators responsibility to comply with due dates stated in the Teacher Appraisal Manual and those submitted via email. Specifically due dates surrounding final evaluations bear significant importance such as verifying evaluation information, printing and signing final evaluations and submitting issues/concerns about evaluation information. Teachers failing to comply with due dates lose their right to the appeal process; administrators failing to comply will have this evidence added to their evaluation from the Superintendent and/or PAL.
· Job Code Changes
o For teachers and/or administrators moving from positions such as classroom teacher, multi-school resource teacher, district resource teacher and/or administrator, the student growth starts over due to issues combining the scores.
· 2015-2016 Changes
o Danielson Model Component scoring
§ For the 2015-2016 school year, the district is exploring focusing on components specific to impacting instruction. Currently, the Oversight is exploring the following components: 1A, 1C, 1E, 1F, 2D, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4F. These components would be the components rated for Summative Observations in place of the current 22. More exploration by the Oversight Committee is necessary.
o IPDP to Deliberate Practice
§ A Task Force being convened by the district which will explore this transition.
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