APRIL 28, 2005

SOUND EFFECTS TRACK: “It’s just a lot of fun” “I think it’s awesome” “It’s got to part of living in Montana” “Well I think it’s pretty neat” “Not many schools get to have fun like this”

MIKE GURNETT: Montana’s new Archery in the Schools Program appears to be right on target.

MIKE GURNETT: (On Camera) The activity is archery, but the lesson plan is about making healthy choices. Encouraging students to become more involved in outdoor activities and spending less time parked in from of a television.

STACI DAWES: With our world where it’s at with obesity rates,

STACI DAWES: (On Camera) programs like this are providing opportunities for kids that we didn’t have before and we have to provide activities that kids can relate to and maybe they don’t have to be the athlete to do. Our administrators pop in and it’s just been a great experience for not only the students but the teachers as well.

MIKE GURNETT: This program is perfect for people who have their sights set on volunteering their expertise. Field archery world record holder and high school junior, Katie Deyerle is a former student right here at the East Valley Middle School.

STACI DAWES: She’s one of those kids who didn’t do a lot of participating in your traditional sports.

KATIE DEYERLE: Well the cool thing about this NAS program when I went the indoor worlds,

KATIE DEYERLE: (On Camera) The day before that was the national NAS program which this is, there were 1900 kids at that tournament. IT helps with the self-esteem because you don’t have to be in perfect physical condition, you can just go out and have fun with a bunch of friends with it.

MIKE GURNETT: A grant from the National Archery in the Schools Program enabled 12 Montana Schools to become involved in this pilot program. For more information, contact your nearest FWP office. This is Mike Gurnett, out among Montana’s fish, wildlife and parks.