Our standard traditional ceremony:

Memphis · Jackson · Kansas City · Topeka · Fayetteville · Branson · Springfield · Tulsa

Dearly beloved… We are gathered together in the sight of GOD, and the face of this company, to join together this man, and this woman, in the Holy estate of matrimony. If any man knows reason why _____ & _____ should NOT be joined together, let him speak now, or forever hold his peace.

Who giveth this woman to be married to this man? (optional)

For as much as ____ & ____ come now, from their community of family and friends, and ask our support as they begin their journey together…. We do well to remember our LORD, as he came not to rule but to serve, so we could live together in love and harmony, and in the end … have everlasting life…Let us Pray… (followed by) A reading from I Corinthians “Love is patient…”


Perhaps equally important as the LOVE which has brought you together, is the FRIENDSHIP and RESPECT that you share for each other; for with these three things I submit to you that: “A successful marriage is a never ending journey that two people take… hand in hand…With the love of GOD to shine as a beacon in the difficult times…And as a golden sunrise in the happy times.”


Do you ____ take this woman to be your wife: to live together in the Holy estate of matrimony; and do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and health; and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her… so long as you both shall live? I DO (repeat for Bride)

I, _____ take you _____ to be my wedded wife / to have and to hold / from this day forward / for better or worse / for richer for poorer / in sickness and in health / to love and to cherish / till death do us part. (repeat for bride)

(Minister asks for the rings) The wedding rings, are an outward and visible sign, of an inward, and spiritual grace. Made of the purest of metals, may these rings represent the type of love that you both have… without beginning or end… (Groom is instructed by Minister to place the wedding ring on the bride’s finger…and to repeat the following): ____ I give you this ring/ as a token of my love / and with all that I am / and all that I have / I honor you in the name of GOD. (repeat for the bride) Let us pray…….

* Unity Candle (Optional………strongly discouraged in an outdoor wedding)

For as much as ____ & ____ have come together in front of you… their family and friends, and by their promises to one another…..I as a Minister of the word of GOD, and according to the state of (Tennessee/Mississippi); am proud to pronounce you “Husband and Wife”. You may kiss your bride… Ladies and Gentlemen, May I introduce to you * Mr. & Mrs. ___________________

Our secular (non-religious) ceremony:

Memphis · Jackson · Kansas City · Topeka · Fayetteville · Branson · Springfield · Tulsa

Dearly beloved… We are gathered together to celebrate the miracle of love, and to witness the union of _____ & _____

Every experience you have ever had, everything you have ever done, everything you have ever learned, has brought you to this moment as you now stand before these witnesses to take each other as husband and wife. New experiences lie before you with opportunities to grow deeper in love with each other.

As you walk hand in hand into the future, cherish each moment as a gift…a gift given to strengthen the bond between you.

Who giveth this woman to be married to this man? (optional)

Do you ____ take this woman to be your wife: to live together in the Holy estate of matrimony; and will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and health; and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her… so long as you both shall live? I DO (repeat for Bride)

I, _____ take you _____ to be my wedded wife / to have and to hold / from this day forward / for better or worse / for richer for poorer / in sickness and in health / to love and to cherish / till death do us part. (repeat for bride)


(Minister asks for the rings) The wedding rings, are an outward and visible sign, of an inward, and spiritual grace. Made of the purest of metals, may these rings represent the type of love that you both have… without beginning or end… and we pray that this symbolize the time that you spend together as husband and wife.


(Groom is instructed by Minister to place the wedding ring on the bride’s finger…and to repeat the following): With this ring I thee wed / wear it with love and joy / as this ring has no end / neither shall my love for you / I choose you to be my wife / this day and forever more. (repeat for the bride)

* Unity Candle (Optional……….strongly discouraged in an outdoor wedding.)

For as much as ____ & ____ have come together in front of you… their family and friends, and by their promises of commitment to each other in marriage, demonstrated by their exchanging of vows and rings …..

I as a Minister of the word of GOD, and according to the state of (Tennessee/Mississippi); am proud to pronounce you “Husband and Wife”. You may kiss your bride

Ladies and Gentlemen, May I introduce to you Mr. & Mrs. _____________

* If you consider music DURING your ceremony, these are breaks where you can add music or readings, quite nicely.

If your titles are something other than MR. & MRS. Please let us know in advance.