4-H Families and Volunteers,
Welcome to spring! There are lots of things going on during this time of year and this newsletter is loaded with important information and upcoming events.
Here at the office we have been working on enrollment and everything is in the database as of this week. We have 42 clubs, 960 4-H and Cloverbud members, and over 120 volunteers!! Welcome back to all our returning members and families and welcome to our new members, families, and volunteers! We have a few very busy months with family fun night, camp, cloverbud camp, and judging coming up. Please take a moment to read through the newsletter and mark any important dates and events.
For all the updated information please make sure to check our county website, seneca.osu.edu and our Facebook page, Seneca County 4-H Program. There has been information and several forms added to the website within the last week so take a moment and check it out!
We are looking forward to seeing members and families at the Family Fun Night (Kick Off) on May 13 at the fairgrounds!
Family Fun Night
The Family Fun Night is scheduled for Friday, May 13. Bring your pennies, family, and friends to the fairgrounds to enjoy playing different games and meeting new people. The event runs from 7:00-8:30 p.m. and clubs may start setting up at 6:00 p.m. Any clubs who would like to have a game/activity that night may still sign up by calling the Extension Office.
Pizza and pop will be provided again by Landing Point Financial Group. This is the third year they have made such a generous donation to our fun night and we can’t thank them enough! We also thank the 4-H Advisory Committee for their donations and their help with the Family Fun Night.
Goat and Sheep Weigh In
A reminder to 4-H members who are taking market sheep and goats, the weigh in for both animals will be Saturday, May 7, 2016, at Sentinel, starting at 8:00 a.m. If you have any questions please call the Extension Office.
Horse Exhibitor Reminders
Any members exhibiting a horse this year should turn in their horse identification papers and pictures, lease agreements (if applicable), and rules acknowledgement to the Extension Office by May 1.
Cattle Reminders
Members who are exhibiting feeder calves should turn in the three pictures, one of each side and the front with the exhibitor in all pictures, to the Jr. Fair Office by April 30. Remember, there is NO cattle haul in like previously stated. Members can also pick up a vaccination form or print one off the county website seneca.osu.edu under 4-H Youth Development and forms.
Writing Project Reminder
Just a reminder any writing projects are due to the Extension Office by June 15th. This deadline is set so judges have time to read through your materials.
Dog Paperwork Due
If you are exhibiting a dog project this year you have several papers that are due on April 30 to the Extension Office. Papers can be turned in after the Extension Office by dropping in the night box outside the entrance to the building. Please submit: Dog project identification form and Vaccination Certificate, Permission to Participate, Seneca County 4-H Dog Project Registration, and two pictures, one of the front and one side of the dog.
Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance dates have passed for county trainings. We held three dates, January 30, March 22, and April 2. If you did not attend a county meeting and it is not offered in your club, please call the Extension Office to find other county dates. Remember, if you are taking a livestock project (excluding dogs, horses, and pet rabbits) you need to attend a Quality Assurance program in order to exhibit at the fair. I would like to take a moment to thank Adam Horner, Anna Horner, and Bryan Zimmerman for facilitating our county programs. Your help was greatly appreciated!
Volunteer Finger Print Rescreening
Volunteers who were selected for a rescreening of their fingerprints were sent a letter and form for reimbursement. The University has agreed to reimburse volunteers for the cost of the finger printing. Volunteers will need to bring their reimbursement form and receipt to the Extension Office after getting their finger prints done and the office will submit for reimbursement. Please make sure to get finger printing done before the middle of May.
Cross County Forms
If you live in a different county and have joined Seneca County 4-H for the first time this year, please make sure to fill out a cross county form. Forms are available at the Extension Office or your advisor should have a copy.
2016 Jr. Fair Theme
The theme for this year is “Outer Space.” Clubs with booths should create their own booth title relating to the theme “Outer Space.”
Farm Bureau Dairy Bar Help and T-shirts
The Seneca County Farm Bureau is looking for help working shifts in the Dairy Bar during the fair this year. The Farm Bureau is able to provide this service and offer lower costing food to 4-H members and their families but they need our help to fill shifts during the week. Please contact the Extension Office to schedule a shift. The serving hours this year are as follows: Monday- Saturday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Sunday 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Groups who work the first shift of the day are asked to arrive at 7:00 a.m. to get things started and set up for the day. Groups working the last shift are asked to stay for about a half hour to help clean up and shut things down for the day.
The Farm Bureau is also providing t-shirts to members taking livestock projects (which includes dogs and horses) like they did last year. The t-shirt sizes come off your enrollment forms. If you did not mark a t-shirt size please make sure to call the Extension Office to update your size or you will not receive a t-shirt this year.