Emma McArthur, Sonia Ganatra, Jess Southgate /
Project Aim
Our project aims are to:
- Improve the delivery of the Course Handbook within the Sheffield Business School.
- Investigate the level of engagement the students have with the information contained in the Course Handbook.
- Explore the feasibility and potential popularity of new methods of providing students with essential information.
Our Approach
We wanted to understand what the students currently think of, and expect from, the Course Handbook. We have used different types of research methods involving a questionnaire and focus groups to get a solid understanding of what they require for their academic study. By using these research methods, we have found common themes which can be implemented in the future.
Our Results
Key findings from the Questionnaire
There were 22 respondents to the questionnaire.
- Many people have neither seen (8 out of 22) nor received a course guide (9 out of 22)when they started at Sheffield Hallam.
- Out of the people that did receive a Course Guide, 12 still have it, however only 7 said they have used it, stating:
Course information, understanding, content and structure
University calendar
Contact details
Support resources
University regulations
- There is a misunderstanding between what the Module Guides are and what the Course Guide is.
- The content is not relevant to all students- part-time and mature students.
- Everyone liked the general layout and presentation- clear and consistent.
- 15/22 people did not know that the all of the information is available on Shuspace.
- The most popular methods of receiving information are through the physical book and emails.
Findings from the Focus Groups
There were 35 focus group attendees in total.
General Overview
- Students like that everything is together in one place.
- Problems with general formatting
Spelling mistakes
No page numbers in some Course Guides.
- Like the general layout, it’s easy to read- however it lacks design, students would like more visuals.
- Would like to see student testimonials throughout, also students that have graduated saying what they are doing now.
- Were keen on the guide being more interactive and complimentary to technology but not replaced by it.
- Many students claim that they had never seen a course handbook and were never given one- these students were keen topossess one.
- Suggestion of a section towards the back of the book what contains all of the contact details in one place so they are all easy to find.
- The Sheffield Hallam colour scheme, but they feel that the purple gets lost within the black text.
- Suggestion of having a small Course Specific book (given on each year) and a Faculty Guide (Only in the first).
- When staff are seen in the book, students would like to see a short description of their role, as well as their title.
- Questioned the value photos and pictures have added, also feel that they are outdated.
Welcome Pages
- Students like the welcome pages as they are made aware of important members of staff.
- Would like to see a video online as students feel it is more personable.
Contents Page
- Would like to see pages and subtasks added.
Introducing the Course Team
- Like the grid layout.
- Find the SHIP photo helpful as they can now see exactly what they will be looking for.
Course Information
- Like the grid and bullet pointed format.
- Would like to see a course structure section in all module guides.
- Would like a breakdown of what the modules are/a short description of what they will involve.
- From 2.4- 2.12, there is too much text, would like it to be broken up with either pictures or colour, as they would ‘skim over most of it’.
- Liked that there was a section for previous students, but it’s too much text. Would like to see smaller blocks of text with more student views.
- Under Course Resources, they would like to see what sections of the library they will use most often.
- Would like to see more information about the Learning Centre here.
University Calendar
- A useful basic guide.
- All students found it difficult to understand in the first instance.
- Would like to see a different colour scheme.
The Student Voice
- Like the layout of the grids and tables.
- Course Reps
Feel the photo isn’t relevant, but like that there is a picture.
Would like to see what a previous student did and felt during the experience.
The words don’t really sell the experience like the course leaders do in person.
Have expressed that they would like an explanation of how to contact the course reps
- Employability pathway
Like that they are able to see what they will be doing, broken down into steps.
Would prefer something else instead of the slides, said ‘they feel like adverts on a webpage’.
Confusing as the centre section reads from bottom to top, but everything else reads top to bottom.
- Would specifically like to see a photo of the employability centre.
- 5.1-5.4 like the presence of pictures, but would like them to either be bigger, or have more of them.
- SBS Faculty Rep
Would like to see a student testimonial about what they have done, how they felt throughout their experience. But it doesn’t have to all be positive. They want to hear that it was difficult, but that it was worth it.
Students have stated that they believe this section should be with the Course Reps as one compliments the other.
- SBS internships
Loved the testimonials, not too long, but long enough to inform.
- Volunteering with Hallam Union
Would like a photo of the hubs.
A mini-map of where the hubs are.
- Hallam Award
Would like the section to be bigger and would like to know exactly what the award will involve them doing.
Like the testimonial, however it isn’t very clear.
- Campus Jobs
Would like this section to have more information, including student ambassador positions.
- Would like to see a placements section.
Would like to see a testimonial from someone that has been on placement.
Would like a breakdown of what a placement means in terms of opportunity and practicality.
Would like mentions of where you can go- specifically that you are able to go abroad if you would like to.
Would like a picture in this section.
- Include information about-
The Careers and Employability Blog
CV drop-ins
Help with LinkedIn and other workshops.
Support Whilst You Are Studying
- Good points that tell you what you need to know.
- Like the bullet point layout.
- Like 6.3 and 6.4 pictures are relevant to the information.
- Believe the Careers and Employability service would be more useful in the Employability section.
- Throughout this section, students like the colour on the page, but not the amount of photos- they are looking for design.
Academic Integrity, Assessment, Standards and Fairness
- Lots of text they would “most likely skip over, but it is comforting to know that it is all there.”
- Example of marking criteria
Like the translation of % to grade boundary
Don’t feel that the rest is needed as they are given marking criteria grid in every module guide.
- Like knowing the different ways that the university will contact the students.
- Forwarding your emails to another account.
Would like a more up to date picture.
Or, change this section to ‘how to sync your emails to your smartphone’.
- Like the QR code for Android and Apple
- Would like to see a screenshot of both app pages.
- Students have suggested that the layout of the page take on a mind map structure with the screenshot in the centre and arms leading to the icons with their descriptions, rather than having to guess which description goes with which icon.
Health, Safety and Welfare
- Have asked that the information regarding fire alarms and contact information to stand out much more as they feel it is likely to be skipped over.
- Would like to see fire alarm assembly points.
- Feel that information about being clean and tidy and personal safety is “common sense”.
General Information
- Like the holiday breakdown, and the table format- clear and easy to read.
- Would like information on how to add money onto the SHUcard and what they are needed for in the university- ie for access to the Learning Centre.
- Would like a picture of the Hubs and more information on the Student’s Union.
FAQ’s (From all students and International)
- Students feel that these questions should be answered in the text; however they are good useful points.
International Students
- International students would like to see information about language help here.
- The map is really useful for open days.
- Asked about a mobile friendly map and a QR code for this.
- Suggested a larger detachable map- an A3 map, folded and tucked into a pocket in the back of the book.
- Liked the colour scheme.
- Differentiate the buildings with different colours, highlight the main buildings i.e. Stoddart and SHIP
We faced a number of restrictions throughout the project, both within the group, and with aspects that were outside of our control. Firstly a lack of supporting evidence meant that we had to shift our focus onto researching the feasibility of the idea.
Time and organisation, on our part, has been difficult as we have all had to fit this project, and the role in general, around our academic study. This has impacted the project as we could only meet at very specific times due to part-time work, societies and volunteering.
Student engagement has proven highly difficult in different ways. For example, getting the students to attend the focus groups in the first place and then getting them to speak their honest opinions if they did attend. There have also been inconsistencies in the number of students that attended each focus group, which then means that the information in each group could be biased; however we have identified the common trends that ran throughout each of them.
Finally, this experience was extremely challenging as we have not worked on a project like this before in the past. This is because none of us have had any previous relevant experience in running a project of this nature before.
Throughout this project, we have learned a number of things which has affected our approach. For example, from the results, we can now see that it is almost impossible to please everyone as the students have such diverted opinions.
Our original idea was ambitious and we realised that to create something of that scale, we would need to have much more supporting evidence than we did.
There needs to be more consistency within the focus groups, in terms of structure and numbers. There also needs to be a much larger sample group for the questionnaire to find out if the results are true across the whole Business School.
Our Recommendations
Based on this research, we would suggest that immediate changes be made to:-
-Consistency in general (faculty) information
-Design, colour and style
-Standard formatting
-Create more awareness for the Course Guide
Main long term suggestions would be:-
-To add Student Testimonials throughout
-Updated Photography
-Up to date information i.e. SHUgo app page/ email forwarding
We would suggest for future research that this project trialled with a younger age group- yr 12/13- as these prospective students’ suggestions and feedback will be implemented into the Course Guide they actually receive. We advise this should also happen with the potential Postgraduate students- current lvl 6.
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