1. Where is the scene?

2. Who are the first to enter?

3. Explain this quote: “…Iago, who had my purse…”

4. What does Roderigo refer to when he says, “…shouldst know this”?

5. To whom does Roderigo refer to in the line “Thou told’st me thou didst hold him in thy hate”?

6. What is the dramatic effect of the vague hints in the first part of the play?

7. Explain the following quote and what it reveals about Iago’s character: “…Three great ones of the city / In personal suit to make me his lieutenant, / Off capp’d to him;”

8. What answer does Iago say regarding his own worth?

9. Who was Othello’s choice?

10. What had Cassio seen of service?

11. Was Iago practiced in service?

12. Explain “ancient.”

13. What is Iago’s reason for following Othello under the circumstances?

14. In Iago’s opinion, why do some serve?

15. What does Iago mean in the line “…I am not what I am”?

16. Why does Roderigo hate Othello?

17. How does Iago begin his plot?

18. When Brabantio learns it is Roderigo who is calling him, what does he say?

19. What time is odd-even and dull watch of the night?

20. Before Iago had left Brabantio, where did he tell Brabantio to lead the searchers for Othello?

21. Why does Iago leave?

22. Why does Shakespeare have Iago speak so coarsely?

23. What advice would Brabantio give to fathers?


1. How does Iago characterize himself?

2. Who is the man Iago told Othello he “thought t’ have yerked him here under the ribs.” that is, stabbed?

3. How does Iago go about his villainy?

4. What does Iago say about Brabantio?

5. How is Othello affected by this warning?

6. What does Othello say of his lineage?

7. What evidence does he give as proof that he loves Desdemona?

8. Does Othello withdraw when Iago tells him to do so, for it is the aroused Brabantio who is among the group approaching?

9. Who gives Othello the message from the Duke?

10. What is the nature of the message?

11. What is Iago’s answer to Cassio as to why Othello wanted to stop before going to the Duke’s and what does Iago mean by this?

12. Why does Cassio ask “To who” in response?

13. As this conversation proceeds, who now enters?

14. What do both parties do?

15. Why does Iago challenge Roderigo?

16. What does Brabantio think is the reason for Desdemona’s marriage to Othello?

17. What does Brabantio threaten to do?

18. What prevents Brabantio from using force?


1. Where do the events of this scene take place?

2. What was the reason for the convening of the Council of State?

3. Why was it the policy of the Venetian state not to have the command of armies by native-born citizens?

4. How long had Othello been a soldier?

5. Of what does Brabantio again accuse Othello?

6. How does Othello make clear that no witchcraft was involved?

7. What reason does Othello give as to Desdemona being attracted to him?

8. What was the Duke’s reaction to Othello’s account?

9. What advice does the Duke give Brabantio?

10. What does Brabantio say to Desdemona when she tells him she would do as her mother had done in marrying him?

11. What further advice does the Duke give Brabantio?

12. What is Brabantio’s answer to the Duke’s statement that Desdemona remain with her father while Othello went to war?

13. How does Desdemona describe her interest in Othello?

14. What request does she make of the Duke?

15. What does Othello say to the Duke concerning her request?

16. What is the Duke’s reply?

17. What is the decision in this matter?

18. What is the dramatic purpose of Brabantio’s warning to Othello in the lines beginning “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see”?

19. What is the purpose of Iago’s conversation with Roderigo toward the close of Act I, Scene 3?

20. What is the purpose of Iago’s soliloquy at the end of Act I?


1. What is Shakespeare’s purpose in ushering in the action of this scene with the storm?

2. Who first arrives at Cyprus?

3. What news has come concerning Othello?

4. Is Cassio concerned about the safety of Othello?

5. How does Cassio describe Desdemona?

6. What dramatic purpose did Shakespeare effect by destroying the Turkish fleet?

7. What further description of Desdemona does Cassio make and what is its purpose?

8. Who arrived on the ship that landed after Cassio?

9. What is the purpose of their conversation?

10. What is the purpose of Iago’s aside?

11. What is the nature of the love of Othello and Desdemona?

12. Explain Iago’s aside in the lines beginning “O, you are well…”

13. Why does Shakespeare have Iago make so many asides and soliloquize so much?

14. In the conversation between Iago and Roderigo after the others leave, what information is given?

15. How successful is Iago in involving Roderigo in the plans?

16. What information do we get from Iago’s soliloquy at the end of Scene 1?

17. Note the rhyming couplets at the close of Scene 1. What is their purpose?


This is a short scene. The people are to celebrate Othello’s nuptials and his victory at Cyprus.


1. What plan is Iago working on?

2. Does Iago succeed in getting Cassio drunk?

3. What happens when Roderigo enters?

4. What is the outcome of the alarm?

5. What was the effect of the brawl?

6. What steps does Iago take to carry out more of his plot?

7. How does Iago treat Roderigo after Roderigo has been his tool?

8. What tow things does Iago have left to do?

9. What is the reason for Iago’s treatment of Roderigo?

10. What has been accomplished in Act II?


1. What custom of the Venetians does Shakespeare make use of at the beginning of Act III?

2. Explain “content your pains.”

3. Explain the Clown’s question, “…have your instruments been at Naples…?”

4. What is the dramatic purpose of the introduction here of music, the Clown, and humor?


Othello gives Iago letters to take to the pilot and tells Iago to comes to him afterwards. Then Othello and the gentlemen go to see the fortification.


1. How does Desdemona respond to Cassio’s appeal for her help to regain Othello’s favor?

2. When Othello and Iago enter, what insinuations does Iago make to Othello after Cassio’s leaving?

3. What effect does Desdemona’s pleas have on Othello?

4. How does Othello express his first doubt of Desdemona’s loyalty?

5. Explain Othello’s answer to Iago’s statement – “I did not think he [Cassio] had been acquainted with her.”

6. When Othello probes Iago to clarify his insinuating remarks, Iago suggests Othello’s good name is involved. What is the purpose of Iago’s speech that begins “Good name in man and woman, dear my lord…”

7. What does Iago say about jealousy?

8. What warning does Iago give Otehllo which echoes a warning of Brabantio?

9. What was the effect on Othello of Iago’s crafty and baseless insinuations against Desdemona?

10. Explain the quote: “And so she did.”

11. Explain the quote: “If I do prove her haggard…”

12. Explain the quote: “This fellow’s of exceeding honesty…”

13. What dramatic use is made of Desdemona’s handkerchief?

14. How does Othello show his desire for revenge?

15. What comparison does Othello make between his “bloody thought” and the “Pontic sea”?

16. How does Othello test Iago’s loyalty?

17. Does Iago accept the test?

18. What point is now reached in the construction of the drama?


1. What is the dramatic function of the Clown in Scene 4?

2. What does Desdemona say about the lost handkerchief?

3. Does Desdemona think Othello is jealous?

4. Explain Othello’s remark, “This hand is moist…”

5. What is Othello’s description of the handkerchief?

6. What does Othello say about its power?

7. How does Desdemona react to Othello’s questioning and insistence for an answer?

8. Is Desdemona a hypocrite, does she simply lack moral courage, or is she temporarily disconcerted?

9. What example is there of dramatic irony in Desdemona’s speech beginning “Sure there’s some wonder…”?

10. When Cassio comes to learn what his fate will be for reinstatement to his officer, what does Desdemona say?

11. What remark of Iago, after Desdemona’s speech, shows him to be an arch hypocrite?

12. What does Desdemona think may have caused Othello’s rage?

13. How does Emilia describe jealousy?

14. Who enters for the first time in the play and who is she?

15. Why has she not appeared before?

16. What is her mood?

17. What does Cassio ask of her?

18. What is the purpose, dramatically, of this interview?

19. What has been accomplished in Act III?

20. What is the source of Iago’s power over Othello?


1. What is suggested by “O, it comes o’er my memory / As doth the raven o’er the infected house / Boding to all!”

2. Note how Iago attempts to intensify Othello’s jealousy, fury, and rage. What is the effect upon Othello?

3. What does Iago say at this point?

4. What does Iago now do to prove to Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are guilty?

5. What does Othello recognize?

6. What is the effect upon him?

7. When he asks Iago whether it was his handkerchief he saw, what is Iago’s answer?

8. What does Othello tell Iago to get him?

9. What method of killing does Iago suggest?

10. Who now enters?

11. What message does Lodovico bring Othello from the Duke and the senators of Venice?

12. What does Othello do to Desdemona?

13. What does Othello say to Lodovico about Desdemona when Lodovico reproves him?

14. Explain “crocodile.”

15. What does Lodovico say of the change in Othello and what is the dramatic purpose of these words?


1. How loyal to Desdemona is Emilia?

2. What does Desdemona say about her father in connection with the cause of Othello’s recall to Venice?

3. What does Othello say about his grief?

4. What charge does Othello make against Desdemona?

5. How is Desdemona affected?

6. When Iago asks who had played the trick upon Othello to make him doubt Desdemona, what practical view does Emilia take?

7. Explain the terms “cogging” and “cozening.”

8. What is the dramatic purpose of Desdemona’s appeal to Iago to aid her to win her lord again, and her protestations of innocence?

9. What does Roderigo say of the jewels he has given to Iago?

10. With what plan does Iago approach Roderigo?

11. What is Roderigo to do?


1. What is the effect of Othello seeming gentler?

2. What words of Desdemona have the effect of premonition?

3. What is the effect produced by Desdemona’s song?

4. What difference in the character of Desdemona and Emilia is to be inferred from their conversation beginning “O, these men, these men!...”?

5. What is the principal characteristic of Act IV?


1. Why does Iago say to Roderigo, “Quick, quick, fear nothing; I’ll be at thy elbow. / It makes us, or it mar us – think on that, / And fix most firm thy resolution.”?

2. What does Rodergio say further that shows his hesitation?

3. Whatever way the plan works out, what is Iago’s motivation of it?

4. What saved Cassio from being fatally wounded by Roderigo?

5. Does Cassio kill Roderigo when he strikes him?

6. What does Iago do in the darkness?

7. Who hears Cassio’s calls for help?

8. Who does he think has killed Cassio?

9. Who now enters?

10. What do they hear?

11. Why do they not come in answer to their calls?

12. When Iago enter, what does he pretend?

13. What does Iago do to Roderigo?

14. What does Iago say to Cassio?

15. When Bianca enters, why does Iago say, “Gentlemen all, I do suspect this trash [Bianca] / To be a party in this injury.”?

16. Why does Iago say to Bianca, “Look you pale mistress…”?


1. What reason does Othello give for the murder of Desdemona which he is about to commit?

2. How many times does he kiss her?

3. What charge does Othello lodge against Desdemona?

4. When Desdemona pleads to let her live, does he spare her?

5. When Emilia tells Othello that Roderigo has been killed and Cassio is alive, how is Othello affected?

6. Had Desdemona died?

7. What did she say was the cause of her death?

8. How does Emilia describe Iago when she hears of his plot against Desdemona?

9. What was the first effect on Othello when he learns of Desdemona’s innocence?

10. What does Gratiano say of the effect of Desdemona’s marriage on her father?

11. Why is Brabantio’s death mentioned?

12. What is the effect of Emilia when she learns what Iago has done in falsely accusing Desdemona?

13. In what way was Emilia superior to Desdemona?

14. When Othello is finally convinced of Desdemona’s innocence, what does he say?

15. When Iago is captured and brought before Othello, what does Othello do?

16. Why does he prefer not to kill Iago?

17. What does Othello say of the purity and honor of his motives in everything he has done?

18. When Iago refused o comply to Othello’s demand that he tell why he had done what he did to Othello, what did Lodovico reveal?

19. What were the contents?

20. Did Othello learn the truth about the handkerchief’s being in the possession of Cassio?

21. What arrangement did Lodovico make?

22. What request did Othello make?

23. What is the significance of the lines starting with “Of one not easily jealous…”

24. When he had finished making his request, what did he do?

25. What are the words of Lodovico in the last of the play?


1. Why do you think Emilia was willing to die to make known the truth about Desdemona’s death and her husband’s part in the events?

2. Now that Othello’s dead, what will happen to his position and all of his goods?

3. What ultimately caused Othello’s downfall? What might his “tragic flaw” be?