Chem 2364

Organic Qualitative Analysis

SN1 and SN2 tests for alkyl halides

$ Mechanisms

Lucas test (ZnCl2/HCl) for alcohols

The alkyl halide produced (R-Cl) is insoluble in the aqueous solution. Hence, a second phase or turbidity can be seen.

Jones Oxidation test, CrO3/H2SO4

A color change is seen if the test is positive

Ferric Chloride (FeCl3) test for stable enols

Br2/CHCl3 for alkenes, phenols and stable enols

The red-brown Br2/CHCl3 solution becomes colorless if test is positive. If the compound is a phenol or a stable enol the positive test will also result in the production of bubbles (HBr gas is produced).

Tollens mirror test for aldehydes

2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNP) for aldehydes and ketones