James E. Trosko, Ph.D.

March 2009


Birth date: April 2, 1938

Birthplace: Muskegon, Michigan

Marital Status: married, one child

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Office Address: Home Address:

Dept. Pediatrics/Human Development 1630 Sylvan Glen

College of Human Medicine Okemos, MI 48864

Michigan State University (517) 349-0449

246 Food Safety and Toxicology Bldg.

East Lansing, MI 48824-1302

Telephone: (517) 353‑6346

Fax: (517) 432-6340


Present Rank: Professor, Department of Pediatrics & Human Development


Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, B.A., 1960

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, M.S., 1962; Ph.D. 1963 (Radiation Genetics)


1. Student research assistant at Central Michigan University, 1956‑59.

2. Student‑aid, Argonne National Laboratory, Summers of 1959 and 1960.

3. National Defense Education Act Predoctoral Fellow, Michigan State University, 1960‑63.

4. Graduate teaching assistant, Michigan State University, Summer, 1963.

5. Graduate research assistant, Michigan State University, Biophysics Department, Summer, 1964.

6. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellow, 1963‑64.

7. American Cancer Society Postdoctoral at Oak Ridge, 1964‑65.

8. Part‑time tutorial instructor in Upward Bound project at Knox College in Knoxville, TN, Summer, 1964.

9. Staff research biologist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1965‑66.

10. Asst. Professor, Department of Natural Science, Michigan State University, 1966‑70.

11. Recipient of All University Grant #5087 ($3000), 1966‑67.

12. Recipient of Bio‑medical Support Grant #1‑SO5FR07049‑01 ($3500), 1966‑67.

13. Recipient of American Cancer Society Institutional Grant #IN‑44H $3000.

14. Recipient of Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT (11‑1)1704 ($36,200) 1967‑68.

15. Recipient of All University Grant #5586, 1967‑68.

16. Recipient of Atomic Energy Commission Contract Renewal ($29,863) 1968‑69.

17. American Men of Science, 1967.

18. Recipient of All University Grant #6044 ($300) 1968‑69.

19. Given dual appointment with Department of Human Development, 1969.

20. Recipient of Atomic Energy Commission Contract Renewal ($29,860) 1969‑70.

21. Transfer to Department of Human Development and Justin Morrill College, Spring 1970.

22.* Recipient of MSU Teacher‑Scholar Award for 1970.

23. Recipient of Atomic Energy Commission Contract Renewal ($26,500 1970‑71.

24. Recipient of General Research Support Grant ($1,400) 1970‑71.

25. Recipient of Biomedical Science Support Grant ($5,000) 1970‑71.

26. Recipient of Atomic Energy Commission Contract Renewal ($15,900) 1971‑72.

27. Trainee in Summer Workshop in Developmental Biology at University of California at LaJolla, Summer 1971.

28. Received an Outstanding Educator of America Award, 1971.

29. Promoted to Associate Professor of Human Development, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, 1971.

30.* Recipient of National Institutes of Health Career Development Award (National Cancer Institute) for 5 years 1971‑77.

31. Recipient of NIH‑NCI Research Grant (1‑RO1‑CA1304‑01) RAD ($24,227) for 1972‑73.

32. Research Leave of Absence ‑ Visiting Professor of Oncology and Bioethics at the University of Wisconsin (Dr. Van R. Potter, McArdle Laboratory of Cancer Research).

33. Recipient of NIH‑NCI Research Grant (1RO1‑CAl3048‑01) RAD ($24,288) for 1972‑74.

34. Recipient of NIH‑NCI Research Grant (2RO1‑CA13048‑03) RAD ($52,379) 1974‑ 75.

35. Led Provost‑Faculty Seminar for Spring term, 1974, on "Scientific Concepts of Human Nature and Their Implication to Ethics".

36. Promoted to Full Professor of Human Development, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, 1976.

37. Recipient of a National Foundation Grant (#67‑77) $40,000) for 1976‑78.

38. Recipient of a National Cancer Institute Grant (CA21104) $143,000 for 1977‑ 80.

39. Served on the Argonne National Laboratory Biology Committee (1977‑80).

40. Elected Vice‑President of the Michigan Branch of the Tissue Culture Association (1977‑78).

41. Elected President of the Michigan Branch of the Tissue Culture Assoc. (1978‑79).

42. Editorial Advisor Environmental Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis 1978‑ present.

43. Participant in a NIH‑NSF Workshop, "Philosophical Ethics for Scientists and Engineers", held at Georgetown University, Summer, 1978.

44. Recipient of an NCI Supplemental Grant (CA21104‑S) for 1979‑80.

45.* United Kingdom‑Environmental Mutagen Society's "Searle" Award for pioneering research on DNA repair in mammalian cells. Sept., 1979 (University of Sussex, England).

46. Recipient of NCI Grant (CA26803), Sept. 1980‑Aug. 1984.

47. Appointed Acting Associate Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, Michigan State University, Sept. 1980‑Aug. 1982.

48. Recipient of NCI Grant (CA21104), April 1984 ‑ March 1987.

49.* Sigma Xi Senior Research Award, Spring, 1985.

50. Appointed member of Organ Systems Program, Pancreas Cancer Working Group, April, 1985.

51. Organized Society of Toxicology's symposium on "The Role of Gap Junctions in Toxicology", New Orleans, March, 1986.

52. Organized Environmental Mutagen Society's workshop on "Mechanisms of Tumor Promotion", Baltimore, MD, April 8, 1986.

53. Organized Tissue Culture Assoc. workshop on "Problems in In Vitro Carcinogenesis Studies".

54. Appointed to State of Michigan's Critical Materials Register Advisory Committee, Fall, 1985 ‑ Fall, 1987.

55. Recipient of Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant, Feb. 1986 ‑ Jan. 1989.

56. Recipient of Education Foundation of America grant, Sept. 1986 ‑ Sept. 1987.

57. Recipient of the Distinguished Faculty Award, Feb., 1987.

58. Certified as a "Diplomat of General Toxicology" by the Academy of Toxicological Sciences, August, 1988.

59. Participant in the "Workshop in Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics", sponsored by the N.C.I. at the University of Colorado Health Science Center, July 18‑30, 1988.

60. Recipient of the American Oil Chemists' Society award for "Outstanding Paper Presentation".

61. Recipient of an NIH-Shared instrument grant.

62. Recipient of a grant from R.J. Reynolds, Inc., 1986-89.

63. Recipient of a U.S. Defense Dept. large instrument grant, 1989.

64. Recipient of USAFOSR Grant, 1989-91.

65. Appointed to Governor Blanchard's "Commission on Chronic Diseases", 1989-1990.

66. Recipient of a NIEHS Grant, 1989-93.

67. Consultant to the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Health Committee, March, 1989.

68. Appointed to MSU's "Corrage" Committee (Council on Review of Research and Graduate Education).

69. Appointed as Chief of Research, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima, Japan, July 1990 - August 1992.

70. Central Michigan University's Centennial Award Recipient, 1993.

71. Recipient of a research "gift" from the Acrylonitrile Group for $80,000, 1994.

72. Recipient of a Michigan Great Lakes Protection Grant of $160,000, 1994-96.

73. Member of NIH Chem-Path Study Section, 1993-97.

74. Member of the State of Michigan Public Health Department's "Radon Awareness" Committee, 1993-94.

75. President, MSU-Sigma Xi Chapter, 1996-1997.

76. Recipient of award from MSU-Minority Medical Student Association, 1995.

77.* Kenneth B. DuBois Award from Midwest Regional Chapter of Society of Toxicology, 1995.

78. Organized American Cancer Society symposium, Michigan Division, Nov. 17, 1995, MSU.

79. Recipient of an Electric Power Research Institute Grant, 1996-1998.

80. Recipient of a competitive NCI grant, 1996-2000.

81. Recipient of an Electric Power Research Institute Grant, 2000-2001

82. Recipient of a gift from Loretta Van Camp Foundation for diabetes research, 1998-2000.

83. Scientific Achievement Award from Society of Toxicology, 2000.

84. Recipient of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award, 2001.

85. Recipient of a McLaren Foundation Grant, 2001.

86. Recipient of an NIEHS Superfund grant, 2002.

87. Recipient of renewal of NIEHS Superfund grant, 2003.

88. Invited member of an International Consortium on “Low Level Radiation Effects” from the University of Nagasaki, Japan, 2003.

89. Member of the Advisory Committee of the National Food Safety Toxicology Center, Michigan State University, 2002-2003.

90. Organized the “Stem Cell Research and Therapeutics” symposium in San Diego, Ca, on April 11-12, 2005

91. Became a consultant to the Princess Chulabhorn Research Institute in Bangkok, Thailand.

92. Became a scientific consultant to the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima, Japan, 2005.

93. Was recipient of Core Director, Superfund Grant, 2006-2011.

94. Helped to organize meeting on Gap Junctions on Disease Implications, Tokyo, Japan, 2006.

95. Received the Korean Ministry of Science & Technology “Brain Pool” award ( Aug. -Nov) at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2006.

96. Was Visiting Scholar at ARNAS-Civico, Dept. of Oncology, Palermo, Sicily, March 1- Sept. 1, 2007.

97. Organized the superfund meeting on “ The NAS and WHO on Dioxin-like compounds: International Implications and potential Impact”. Sept. 19th, 2007, Michigan State University.

98. Receive patent , Non-Fiber Extract of psyllium with anti-tumorigenic effects and method for identifying the same”,March 27th, 2007.

99. Helped University of Nagasaki get renewal grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Scienceand technology. The new COE grant, whose title is "Global Strategic Center for RadiationHealth Risk Control", 2007-2012.

100. Helped to Organize Conference, “Steroid Enzyme & Cancer”, Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Cultural, Erice, Sicily, May 3-8, 2008.

101. Help to organize the conference, “Health Effects of Low Level Radiation Exposure”, Michigan State University, Sept. 30, 2008.

102. Received MSU grant, Nov. , 2008, $60,000.00 . Starts, Jan. 01, 2009- Dec. 31, 2010

103. Elected to the College of Human Medicine’s Graduate Studies Committee ( Aug, 16- 2009- Aug. 15, 2011


1. Worked for Dr. L. L. Curry at Central Michigan University on two projects 1957‑59.

a. Institute for Fisheries Research (trout food studies).

b. Radioisotope studies on aquatic midges, together with histological studies, isotope distribution and detection techniques.

2. Summers of 1959 and 1960 at Argonne National Laboratory under Dr. Herman Slatis.

a. Assisted Dr. Slatis in research on Drosophila larva (trachea‑broken mutant), longevity of progeny of irradiated mice, chromatographic study of amino acid patterns in human urine.

3. Master's and Ph.D. research at Michigan State University under Dr. Armon F. Yanders, 1960‑63.

a. Master's thesis: "The effect of aging irradiated Drosophila sperm on the sex‑linked lethal rate and sex‑ratio".

b. Ph.D. thesis: "Analysis of post‑irradiated modification of genetic damage in mature Drosophila sperm".

4. Graduate research assistant at Michigan State University under Dr. Leroy Augenstine during the summer of 1962.

a. Assisted in research on the reactivation of ultraviolet‑irradiated trypsin molecules. This involved the study of the mechanism of repair of UV‑damaged molecules.

5. Postdoctoral research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under Dr. Sheldon Wolff, Dr. Ernest Chu and Dr. Richard Setlow during Sept. 1963 ‑ Oct. 1965.

6. Staff member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in radiation‑biophysics, Sept. 1965 ‑ Sept. 1966.

7. Spent Summer 1970 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in mammalian cell mutagenesis (Dr. E. Chu) and UV‑biophysics (Dr. R.B. Setlow).

8. Teaching general education of science to undergraduates, doing research in ultraviolet light biophysics on human cells and teaching medical students comprise my professional duties at the present time.

9. Career Development Awardee from NIH working on the Molecular Basis for Genetic and Environmental Influences on Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis in Human Beings at Michigan State University, 1972-77.

10. Cancer research in Dr. Van R. Potter's laboratory at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research in Madison, WI (DNA repair in mice, rats and human cells.

11. Research leave of absence to work in Dr. Ron Hart's laboratory at the Ohio State Cancer Center, Columbus, OH (March‑May, 1975).

12. Trainee in Molecular Biology, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, Summer 1989.

13. Research leave of absence to become Chief of Research, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima, Japan (August 1990-92).

14. Spent three months at the Adult stem Cell Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea, Aug-Nov. , 2006.

15. Was Visiting Scholar at the Dept. of Oncology, ARNAS-Civico, Palermo, Sicily to isolate human prostate stem cells

16. Estabolistic a “ General Agreement for Academic XXXXX” between the University of Nagasaki and Michigan State University, 2007-20012.


1. Trosko, J.E.: "Effect on genetic damage of posttreatments given x‑rayed Drosophila males”. Genetics 49:401‑409, 1964.

2. Trosko, J.E., E. Chu, and W.L. Carrier: "The induction of thymine dimers in ultraviolet‑irradiated mammalian cells”. Rad. Res. 24: 667‑672, 1965.

3. Trosko, J.E. and S. Wolff: "Strandedness of Vicia faba chromosome as revealed by enzyme digestion studies". J. Cell Biol. 26:125‑135, 1965.

4. Jacob, K. and J.E. Trosko: "The relation between 5‑amino uracil‑induced mitotic synchronization and DNA synthesis". Exp. Cell Res. 40:56‑67, 1965.

5. Trosko, J.E. and J.G. Brewen: "Cytological observations on the strandedness of mammalian metaphase chromosomes". Cytologia 31:208‑212, 1966.

6. Trosko, J.E. and M.R. Kasschau: "Study of pyrimidine dimers in mammalian cells surviving low doses of ultraviolet radiation". Photochem. Photobiol. 6:215‑219, 1967.

7. Muhammed, A., J. Concalves and J.E. Trosko: "Deoxyribonuclease and deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase activity during Drosophila development". Develop. Biol. 15:23‑32, 1967.

8. Regan, J., J.E. Trosko, and W.L. Carrier: "Evidence for excision of ultra‑ violet‑induced pyrimidine dimers from DNA of human cells in vitro". Biophysical J. 8:319‑325, 1968.

9. Trosko, J.E. and V. Mansour: "Response to tobacco and Haplopappus cells to ultraviolet irradiation after posttreatment with photoreactivating light". Rad. Res. 36:333‑343, 1968.

10. Trosko, J.E. and L. Isaacs: "Some properties of radioactivity" and "Neuron Activation". In: Laboratory Manual for Natural Science, Michigan State University Press, 1967.

11. Trosko, J.E. and V. Mansour: "Photoreactivation of ultraviolet light‑ induced pyrimidine dimers in Ginkgo cells grown in vitro". Mut. Res. 7:120‑121, 1969.

12. Rosenberg, B., L. VanCamp, J.E. Trosko and V. Mansour: "New class of potent anti‑tumor agents". Nature 222:385‑386, 1969.

13. Cleaver, J.E. and J.E. Trosko: "DNA degradation products from mammalian cells irradiated with ultraviolet light". Intern. J. Rad. Biol 15:411‑424, 1969.

14. Trosko, J.E. and V.H. Mansour: "Photoreactivation of ultraviolet light‑ induced inhibition of DNA synthesis in tobacco cells grown in vitro". Rad. Botany 9:523‑525, 1969.

15. Cleaver, J.E. and J.E. Trosko: "Absence of excision of ultraviolet-induced cyclobutane dimers in Xeroderma pigmentosum". Photochem. Photobiol. 11:547-550, 1970.

16. Trosko, J.E.: "Lack of photoreactivation in human cells grown in vitro". Intern. J. Rad. Biol. 18:271, 1970.

17. Trosko, J.E. and M. Isoun: "Photosensitizing effect of Trisoralen on DNA synthesis in human cells grown in vitro". Intern. J. Rad. Biol. 19:87, 1971.

18. Trosko, J.E. and J.G. Brewen: "Inhibition of UV‑induced chromosome breaks by cysteamine in 5‑bromouracil‑substituted mammalian cells". Rad. Res. 32:200‑213, 1967.

19. Trosko, J.E. and M. Isoun: "Sunlight‑induced pyrimidine dimers in human cells in vitro". Nature 228:358, 1970.

20. Trosko, J.E.: Science as a Liberal study: "Is it worth a rose in a dung heap?" Perspectives 1:62‑68, 1970.

21. Trosko, J.E. and E.H.Y. Chu: "Effects of caffeine on the UV‑induction of mutations in Chinese hamster cells". Mutat. Res. 12:337‑340, 1971.

22. Trosko, J.E.: "Studies on DNA metabolism in human cells treated with LSD". Biochem. Pharmacol. 20:3213‑3218, 1971.

23. Trosko, J.E.: "General Education: A means to acquire meaning?" Report to Michigan State University Ad Hoc Committee on General Education, Fall 1971.