Orientation---Get to Know Ya Sheet
Some of this stuff you may have already told me...
If so, just humor me and tell me again!
The Basics...
Name:______________ Box:______ Phone:__________ Place of living:__________
Where are you from?_____________________________________________________
What year at Fox are you?_____________ Transfer from: ________________
What Major are you pursuing?____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Do you have brothers/sisters? Names and ages?____________________________
Tell me about your life outside of Classes and homework.....(sports, hobbies, church, family, other jobs, housing, other interests... WHATEVER!)
Important Trivia...
Favorite Foods:____________________ Favorite Candies:____________________
Foods you hate? ________________________________________________________
Favorite Movies:________________________________________________________
Favorite Book? _________________________________________________________
Favorite Sports and teams:________________________________________________
Favorite Type of Music and/or group:_____________________________________
Type of Music that you Hate!!: ____________________________________________
If you were an animal, what would you be? Why? __________________________
Favorite Holiday: _______________________________________________________
Favorite Bible verse? or story? ____________________________________________
When you have free time, how do you like to spend it? ______________________
What’s the weirdest or most unique thing about you????? (scary question huh?)
What really annoys you and just drives you crazy? __________________________
What do you most appreciate in other people? ______________________________
Who do you most look up to? Heros? ______________________________________
Favorite cartoon? _______________________________________________________
Other stuff--confidential to me if you like.
Do you have anything that you are concerned or nervous about school here, or your new Phonathon job?? (honest...this is confidential) _____________________
Do you have any specific prayer requests I can pray for you? _________________
Do you have any special ambitions or goals that I can help you achieve this year either through Phonathon or school? ______________________________________
Any other tid-bits or info that you’d like me to know about? _________________
The end!
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C:\My Documents\Phonathon\Surveys\Get to know ya sheets.doc