INSTRUCTOR: Joel M. Levine

OFFICE: Tech 160E

PHONE: 714-432-5888


This physics course is designed to meet the calculus based physics requirement for Engineering and Physics/Astronomy Majors. This semester, the first of three, will cover the topics of Kinematics (the study of motion), Dynamics (the study of forces), Work, and Mechanical Energy. Additional topics will include Momentum, Rotation, Angular Momentum, Oscillations, Fluids, Waves, and Sound. This course is specifically designed to meet the transfer requirements for engineering and physics majors to the UC and State College campuses. This course has also been accepted at most major colleges and universities throughout the country. Transferring out of state requires that you check with the individual colleges and/or universities of your choice. Do not be deluded into thinking that because you are taking this course at a “community college” it is any less rigorous than the comparable course offered at any university anywhere in the country. This is a course with a rigorous text (one of the most rigorous and respected texts in the nation) and with high expectations from the instructor. You will be challenged in your efforts to learn physics. [When transferring to the UC’s on the quarter system, it is advisable to complete all three semesters at OCC to receive 5 quarters of physics credit.]

Required & Recommended Materials:

Textbooks: Physics—Volume 1, Fifth ed., Resnick, Halliday, and Krane.

Physics 185 Lab Info by OCC Physics Dept.

Other sources of information:

Physics for Scientists and Engineers—Schaum Outline Series (bookstore)

The Physics Teacher--Interesting articles on general physics. (library)

Scientific American--Articles in all fields of science. (library)

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: 10 to 15 problems will be assigned at the beginning of each chapter and are due the day of the announced quiz. The problems are to be worked neatly on standard size paper. Be as complete as possible, make a sketch or graph to help you. Use the diagram to help you apply the general equations that are found in the chapter. Numerical answers must include the proper units.

The problems will not be graded. You will be given a 15 point quiz according to the posted schedule that will consist of one problem. This problem will be from the homework assignment. [THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS FOR QUIZZES]

[If you fail to take the quiz or if you do poorly on the quiz, you will be allowed to submit the solutions to the homework problems. This will be recorded and at the end of the semester, the zero or low quiz grade will be replaced by the average quiz grade earned. This may be done twice only.]

Problem solving is the most appropriate practice for this course. If you get behind in the homework, you will have trouble passing the tests.

See the handout on Problem Solving and try the METHOD, it works!


Solutions to the assigned homework problems will be available for checkout (2 hours) in the library (reserve desk).

Physics 185 Assignments
Resnick, Halliday, and Krane: 5th Edition
Chapter # / Exercises / Problems
1 / 3, 6, 9, 10, 15, 21, 22, 27, 31 / 6, 9
2 / 4, 10, 13, 17, 21, 27, 29, 39, 44, 53, 57, 60, 61 / 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 23


There are additional HANDOUTS on the class website that will help you to prepare for the quizzes and exams as well as understand the physics principles presented. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE HOW TO READ THE PHYSICS TEXTBOOK AND EQUATION STUDY PAGE (SAMPLE AND BLANK) FROM THE CLASS WEBSITE:

LAB EXPERIMENTS AND REPORTS. You will be doing 10-12 lab experiments during the term. The lab procedure is explained in the Lab Information booklet and help in using the computer to analyze your results is in the Data Studio Reference Guide. All of the experiments must be done and all reports handed in or you will receive a grade of Incomplete or F for the course.

The work in the laboratory is fairly simple, however, analyzing the results of your work, understanding the sources of error and evaluating the effect of those errors is the main purpose of the lab and of the report. Notice: Some questions on the exams will come from the laboratory activities.

The report should be more than a mere filling in of the report sheet. On certain experiments a reports a complete error analysis will be required. Information on data analysis and report writing is in the lab syllabus. Many questions you may have will be answered if you read the Physics Lab Information booklet (syllabus).

In regards to grading of the lab report, emphasis is placed on your analysis of the results, error analysis (when required), and on your conclusion. Note the list of most common errors and omissions on the lab reports in the Lab Information manual.

You must maintain a minimum of 80% on lab report grades to qualify for an A in the course and a minimum of 75% to qualify for a B grade in the course.

TESTS: There will be three one-hour closed book exams and a final. The first test will be at the end of Chapter 5; the second will cover chapters 6-10, and the third test will cover chapters 11-15.

IMPORTANT: A make-up exam will be given for a test missed due to illness only. A doctor’s note (on letterhead) is required. No other explanation will be accepted. The schedule of exams and quizzes is provided in the class calendar. Plan accordingly. You may take a make-up exam one time only.


A Re-take test is available for those scoring below the C level on the first test only. The Re-take exam must be taken on the date arranged by the instructor. The purpose is to allow you to demonstrate competence at the C level (40 points maximum) for that material. Your grade will be raised to a C (low one) for that test upon successful completion of the Re-take test. This does not apply to any other test, the final exam, or to quizzes.

You are allowed TWO sheets of helpful equations and facts for all tests.

IF YOU ARE STUCK ON ANYTHING or can't do the problems or don't understand what's going on--ask questions or come to see me for help. It doesn't take long to get lost in this course! REPEAT: I am in Tech 160E.

ONLINE COMPONENT: In addition to the textbook and exam component of this course, there is also an online component. This component consists of two sections. The first involves online quizzes which I call “Reading Quizzes”. The intent of these quizzes is to get you to read the material covered in class lecture before you attend class. Research shows that this actually improves learning. The second section contains resource materials. There are copies of the Laboratory Experiments for you to download as well as the abbreviated solutions to the assigned homework problems. [WARNING: Do not use these solutions to solve the homework problems. You must start at the beginning of the question and follow my outlined strategy. Only studying the solutions allows you to solve only the homework problem and does not teach general problem solving strategies. I DO NOT give homework problems on exams.]

The online management system is referred to as BlackBoard Vista. Follow the links page on the class website to the “sign in” page. Use the following link to set up your computer and create your user name and password--

GRADING: Your grade will be based upon your total performance in the course. The relative contributions will be: three tests (100 points each), homework quizzes (100 points), Final examination (comprehensive, 400 points), online quizzes (20 points), participation, and the laboratory work including lab reports as shown below.


Grade in Relative Absolute Lab Points

course scale scale prerequisite

A M% + 30% 80% 80 points

B M% + 10% 60% 75 points

C M% - 10% 40% 70 points

D 30% 30% 60 points

F below 30% below 30% below 60 points

The median M% and other percentages in the table refer to the total points distribution in percentages. [Note: Minimum M value is 36%]

Lab extra point contribution (%) = (lab pts - 80)x0.1 (max 2%)

You must attain the minimum lab points to secure your lecture grade. If the minimum lab points are not achieved, the lower grade will be issued.


Philosophy: I have the responsibility to ensure that grades assigned are indicative of the knowledge and skill level of each student. Acts of academic dishonesty make it impossible to fulfill this responsibility, and they weaken our society. I promise to ensure that academic honesty is maintained in my classroom and assure the honest majority that they are not working under a handicap due to dishonest behavior. I have the following options available to me if the need arises to respond to a case of academic dishonesty.

1. Issue an oral reprimand (for example, in cases where there is reasonable doubt that the student knew that the action violated the stands of academic honesty).

2. Give the student an “F” grade, zero points, or a reduced number of points on all or part of a particular paper, project, or examination (for example, for a first time occurrence of a relatively minor nature will result in a deduction of points.)

3. For any incident of academic dishonesty that is sufficiently serious for me to take disciplinary action that lowers the student’s grade (for example, an “F” given for all or part of an assignment), I will report the incident to the Dean of Students and file an “Academic Dishonesty Report.”


FINAL EXAM: May 27 and 29, 2009 -- [No Final Exam will be given early]

Last day to drop without W: February 27, 2009

Last day to drop with “W”: May 2, 2009

If you have specific disabilities and require accommodations, please let me know early in the semester, so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You will need to provide documentation of your disability from the Special Services Office.

CELL PHONE POLICY: It is rude and disruptive when cell phones and/or pages go off during instruction time. Please be sure to have them turned off before entering class. FIRST OFFENSE: You will be asked politely to turn off the cell phone. SECOND OFFENSE: You will be asked to leave the class for the balance of the class. THIRD OFFENSE: At my discretion, I may begin proceedings to have you permanently removed from the class for disruptive behavior.