GATMC 02/25/10 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Willie Williams, President. Willie welcomed everyone and thanked those who prepared and set up the potluck meal. Fourteen members were present. Ticket sales totaled $21 of which Deloris Barrington won half. He advised that membership lists would be available after the meeting if anyone did not have one. He reminded everyone that membership dues for those memberships expiring in January and February are now due and to check with Charlene Williams after the meeting if they did not know their expiration date.

Charlene Williams advised that effective with the February newsletter, the newsletter would be sent to those with e-mail addresses via e-mail rather than regular mail in order to cut costs. By doing this, postage expense for February was cut in half. She wished Jim Seelbach, Tom Sanders, Tommie Poteet, and Cynthia Daniel happy birthday and Buddy and Deloris Barrington happy anniversary. Charlene requested material for the ‘Tractor Show’ section of our newsletter, advising that members can write their own article or provide her with key points, and she will write it. She also requested before-and-after pictures, if available.


Willie Williams asked for a motion to approve the minutes from our January 28, 2010, meeting which were in our February newsletter. Tommy Williams motioned to accept the minutes as printed. Tommie Poteet seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Charlene gave the Treasurer’s Report for period ending February 25, 2010, stating income for the month was $177 with monthly expenses of $208.78, leaving a balance of $565.48. Charles Stoker motioned to accept the report as read. Seconded by Winston Pendley. Motion carried.

Membership Report

Charlene reported that the total membership dropped by one member for a total membership of 47, with 15 individual memberships and 16 family memberships. Tommy Williams motioned to accept the report. Merle Dally seconded. Motion carried.

Committee Reports


Old Business

Willie Williams reported that he had purchased another club banner, which was approved at the January meeting, exactly like the original banner. He also purchased five 24” x 18” roadside signs at a cost of $15 each. A motion to approve the cost of the additional signs was made by Buddy Barrington and seconded by Tommy Williams. Motion carried.

Due to a family emergency, Rickey Jewell was unavailable to report on the food concession for our upcoming show.

Willie opened the floor for nominations for the Board of Directors position which was not filled at our last meeting. Tommy Poteet nominated Don Hestand. Buddy Barrington seconded. Approved unanimously.

New Business

Willie Williams stated we need to have some type of membership drive and opened the floor for suggestions. After some discussion, this was tabled for a later meeting

Willie advised that the flyers for the spring show were available and requested each member take some with them to hand out.

After considerable discussion, the following was decided in regard to the spring show:

ü  Winston Pendley, Tommie Poteet, Tommy Williams, Charles Sanders, and Don Hestand volunteered to help Willie Williams by going to the sight and mapping out where everything will be including vendor area, spectator parking, tractor show area, and participant trailer and tow vehicle parking.

ü  Vendor spaces will be 10’ x 10’ with a fee of $25 for one day only, Saturday. Vendors may set up any time after noon on Friday and will end sales at 6 p.m.

ü  No food vendors will be accepted.

ü  Tommie Poteet will be responsible for obtaining trash bins.

ü  Tommy Williams will check into getting port-a-potties.

Willie Williams advised we will have a silent auction and will need members to donate the items. Goody bags will be given to each participant again this year. Donations from businesses will be needed for these as well. Charlene Williams stated that in order for this to be a good show, every member’s help is needed. We have a much larger area this year and more things going on. A sign-up sheet was available at the meeting showing where volunteers were needed and describing the duties involved in each area. She asked that everyone check it out and sign up for something, again reiterating the need for everyone’s participation.

The pulling and show schedule for March was discussed.

Adjourn Meeting

Deloris Barrington made a motion to adjourn. Winston Pendley seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Charlene Williams, Secretary/Treasurer