Optional Activity 3.3.1b – Wood Fasteners and Adhesives Classification Worksheet Answer Key

Wood Fastener Classification – PART 1
DIRECTIONS: Teachers should Layout these common Fasteners into three groups: Nails, Screws and Adhesives and then label each item within the three categories. Fill in this answer key with the corresponding letter.
Nails / Screws / Adhesives
_____Common / _____Oval head / _____White glue
_____Finishing / _____Round head / _____Carpenter’s glue
_____Brad / _____Flat head / _____Casin
_____Box / _____Fine-thread / _____Contact cement
_____Casing / _____Course-thread / _____Hot glue
_____Tack / _____Slotted head / _____Polyurethane (Gorilla Glue)
_____Upholstery tack / _____Phillips head
Wood Fastener Classification Activity – PART 2
DIRECTIONS: Match the characteristics below with the correct fasteners or adhesive. Use the appropriate letter on each line below.
N for a characteristic associated with a NAIL
S for a characteristic associated with a SCREW
A for a characteristic associated with an ADHESIVE.
_N_ Measured, or sized, according to length which is expressed by the letter "d" (called penny).
_S_ Often identified by their slot and head types.
_A_ Uses heat in a gun to heat and then apply this material.
_S_ Work bests when applied into a pre-drilled “pilot” hole.
_N_ Most common wood fastener that comes in many sizes and varieties.
_A_ Needs to be applied to both surfaces then bonded together.
_A_ Yellow or brown in color and most commonly used in woodworking.
_S_ Measured using the shank or the part of the fastener that goes into the wood.
_A_ Plastic-based synthetic material for strongly bonding wood together.
_S_ Provides a strong hold and can be easily removed without damaging material.
_N_ Has a four-sided diamond point that is driven into wood.
_N_ Used to fasten carpet or when performing other light fastening jobs.


1.  What fasteners are being used in your product?

Answers will vary; some students will have products without fasteners.

2.  If you have wood fasteners in your product, why do you think the various wood fasteners were used in the construction of your product?

Answers will vary; consider answers that address the use of fasteners to strengthen the joint or to make the joint last longer; in some cases fasteners are needed to make the joint work.

3.  Why do you think that different joints, fasteners, and adhesives are used to assemble a wood product?

Answers will vary; consider answers that say the use of different joints, fasteners and adhesives may be due to style and design as well as strength of the particular joint, fastener, or adhesive used in combination.

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IED – Unit 3 – Lesson 3.3 – Optional Activity 3.3.1b – Wood Fasteners and Adhesives Classification Worksheet Answer Key – Page 1