School Website

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2011). Cooperative Education. Retrieved, February 11, 2012.

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2012). Specialist High Skills Major. Retrieved, February 11, 2012.

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2012). Student Success/ Learning to 18. Retrieved, February 11, 2012.

Ontario Ministry of Labour. (). Tips for Students. Retrieved, February 11, 2012.

Ontario Ministry of Labour. (). Tips for Parents. Retrieved, February 11, 2012.

Currently, there is a link to Co-op on our school website however (as is the case for most of the links), the linked page is blank. In speaking with our Information and Communication Technology teacher, I came to understand that s/he posts information provided to him/her, but to invest time and energy in website design and maintenance would be on a voluntary basis.

The Head of Co-op has informed me that in some boards, there are Co-op Co-ordinators or Communications staff responsible for this task. An opportunity exists then, for a student co-oping in business studies or Com-Tech, to build such a website that would require minimal updating. With that in mind…

Elements to include promoting Co-op and other forms of experiential learning:

Blue Text – Link in menu to the left of the main screen
Black Text – Title of page that link leads viewer to
Regular Text – some of the details that might be found there, with images (of students or other symbols) that might be hyperlink (websites provided) and hyperlinks to other documents and/or visuals.

About Co-op At School Name

What is Co-op and Why Consider It?

“Cooperative education is a ministry-approved program that allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement. The program consists of a co-op course monitored by a cooperative education teacher, a related curriculum course in any subject, and a work placement.”

“Co-op students have the opportunity to:

§  Experience hands-on learning

§  “Test-drive” career options

§  See the relevance of their classroom learning

§  Earn credits through workplace experience

§  Develop the essential skills and habits required in the workplace

§  Gain valuable work experience that will help build a résumé for postsecondary programs and future employment.”

Visual that shows the 4 pathways and has a Hyperlink to:


§  A semester-at-a-glance, noting Pre-Employment Orientation, Integration classes, assignment due dates.


§  Hyperlinks to: Printable forms (PDF).


§  A list of assignments (hyperlinked), but these are not in lieu of in-class attendance. Attendance is still mandatory.

For Your Safety:

Highlight this as a key component.

For the following, create safety signs (i.e. a yield or construction sign that has the titles):

§  Tips for Students

Hyperlink to:

§  Tips for Parents

Hyperlink to:


§  A sample of list of opportunities for students in all pathways.

§  Anecdotal stories from students – past and current, with photos.

§  Hyperlink to the Employer Registry ( )

Employer Appreciation:

§  Important to acknowledge the support of the community.

§  Highlight employers/ supervisors – maybe “Of the Year” (previous), with a the company logo, perhaps a photo of the employer/supervisor and an anecdotal comment from the Co-op student who nominated them.

§  Link to assignment to thank employers.

Other Experiential Learning Opportunities:

SHSM – Energy Specialist Program

§  A video made by students, showcasing the opportunities and real-life projects available to students.

Visual from our Energy Specialist promotional material and a Hyperlink to:

OYAP – Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

§  Visual of one of our OYAP students at work, with a Hyperlink to:

Frequently Asked Questions:

§  Self-explanatory.

Contact Information:

§  Co-op teachers, their phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

§  Principal and school phone number

§  School address

See below for sample format:

Cooperative Education at School Name