CPO Notes

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Attendees: Jana Compton, Shelley Cordier, Jeannette Hovermale, Sharon Kerrisk, Sheila Pederson, Cindy Perdicaro, Becky Wood, and Mr. Brew.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Secretary Report

March meeting minutes approved.

Treasurer/IMPACT Cheldelin Report

Becky reviewed the March Treasurer's report and pointed out that the grade level enrichment funds ($2,000/grade from IMPACT Cheldelin fundraising) are being used as follows: 6th grade -- trip to the Evergreen Aviation Museum; 7th grade -- Shakespeare experience ($500) and a trip to OMSI; and 8th grade -- to be determined. CPO funds have also supported several teacher grants including an author visit, Science Olympiad, 7th grade science magazines, supplies for FACS classes, and the art kiln. In addition, CPO has funded the following entrance fees: MathCounts, Geography Bee, Pentagames, and OMEA (Oregon Music Education Association).

Becky proposed to increase the 8th grade party budget from $500 to $1,000. We added up the costs from last year and would like to minimize additional costs to parents. It was proposed that we take the additional $500 from the Dine Out proceeds since that budget line has exceeded our expectations. The proposal was seconded. Vote: approved.

Becky also announced that the cost of the Evergreen field trip for the 6th graders is $3,400. Shelley Cordier proposed funding the additional $1,400 from the rollover account ($6,579.61) from last year. It was noted in our discussion that this is the first year that the District put Outdoor School on hiatus for the 6th graders. The proposal was seconded. Vote: approved.

Dine Out Coordinator Report

Jeannette announced that the McMenamin's dine out made $1,100 for Cheldelin! The Zoup dine out made $30. April's dine out is next Tuesday, April 12 at the Old Spaghetti Factory. A flyer or electronic version is needed. May's dine out is at Buffalo Wild Wings and Jeannette is working with Cirello's for the June dine out. Jeanette will write a "Good Words" article for the GT at the end of the year listing all the dine out business partners, how much money was made, and what the activities/events were supported by those funds.

Teacher Grant Committee Report

Sharon Kerrisk reported that there are currently no outstanding requests. Becky noted that there is $562 left in the budget line.

Volunteer Coordinator Report

Sheila reported that there are three CPO sponsored events remaining this year: staff appreciation in May and the 8th grade party/breakfast. Becky is organizing Staff Appreciation Week and Sheila is coordinating the party/breakfast. VolunteerSpot sign ups will be distributed via the listserv during the next month or two and all volunteers will have the opportunity to help. Becky distributed a document for us to sign at the meeting that she will make into cards for the staff members. She is working on the final plan for Staff Appreciation Week (May 2-6) and will begin recruiting help soon.

We discussed the lack of a dedicated Volunteer Coordinator. Becky and Sheila are covering the job until the end of the year but it would be really helpful to have someone secured for next year. Sheila will advertise the position along with a specific job description in the May newsletter. We also discussed the need for parents to update their electronic profile in Helpcounter (the District's volunteer system) each year to have an accurate list of the activities that parents want to help with. It was suggested that CPO have a very visible "manned" table during registration in August and that computers are available for parents to update their profiles on the spot. Potentially, we could have a detailed sign, IMPACT Cheldelin donation cards, and a brochure to further explain the purpose and goals of CPO.

Along those lines, Jana addressed the group on how to get more 6th grade parents to feel welcome and involved. She suggested marketing presentations by guest speakers or staff members on specific topics such as Smarter Balanced testing, AVID, School Resource officer purpose, math curriculum, etc. as part of the meeting. That may increase attendance beyond our typical crowd. We also discussed the welcoming feel of the office, which is an important first impression. It was suggested that the general layout of the office could be improved. It was noted that there is some confusion as to where to go since there is a window for the Registrar and the main counter isn't directly in front of the doors.

We also discussed the fact that 6th grade is like kindergarten -- parents are trying to figure out what to do and how they can be helpful at their child's new school. CPO can provide some guidance as to how parents can support their middle schooler: dine outs, volunteer in office/store, contribute funds during IMPACT Cheldelin, bring food/item for staff conference meals/appreciation week, etc.

Principal's Report

Mr. Brew reminded us that it's budgeting/staffing changes season for next year. All that should be sorted out during the next month or so.

Mr. Brew announced that there will be a second AVID elective added next year so both 7th and 8th graders will be able to participate. AVID is a teacher-led program to prepare students for success. It addresses issues like organization, note taking, visiting colleges, etc. The staff is also evaluating the other elective offerings.

He also mentioned that PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) will be beefed up -- increasing awareness, providing incentives and being more timely with them.

An Instructional Coach will be hired next year to help teachers with teaching strategies and the implementation of technology.

Staff is starting to forecast schedules for next year and ask questions like what classes should be offered and when? Generally, teachers feel that the current bell schedule is working. It would be ideal to see all teachers every day for longer classes but the current schedule seems to work. The one issue was noted about FLEX. The fact that it is only offered 1x/week has cut down on some of the anti bullying/"how to treat each other" curriculum. There has been some discussion about having an advisor every morning (like high school) so that there is a daily check in with teachers and the teachers can get to know individual students better.

Staff is also evaluating new math and language arts curriculum.

General Discussion

There was a question about the police car that is sometimes seen on campus. Mr. Brew explained that Cheldelin has a School Resource Officer who splits her time between Cheldelin, CV, and Linus Pauling. Her purpose is a preventative/support mode. She visits periodically during lunch, attends meeting, helps plan emergency response protocols, and has conversations with kids (when requested). Mr. Brew will introduce her in a future newsletter so parents have a better idea of her purpose and role. A comment was made regarding where the patrol car is parked -- when it's in the "U" where the busses park, it may be viewed as more of an emergency situation. If it's parked in the lot, it may be seen as more of a supportive role.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Notes taken by Sheila Pederson, Secretary