CS1555 Recitation 7-Solution

Objective: to practice writing functions, stored procedures and creating views.


Before we start:

Copy the file creating the Bank Accounts and Student database and run it:

host cp ~panos/1555/recitation/bankdb.sql bankdb.sql

host cp ~panos/1555/recitation/studentdb.sql studentdb.sql




acc_no / Ssn / Code / open_date / Balance / close_date
123 / 123456789 / 1234 / 09/10/08 / 500 / null
124 / 111222333 / 1234 / 10/10/09 / 1000 / null


Ssn / Code / open_date / Amount / close_date
111222333 / 1234 / 09/15/10 / 100 / null


Code / Name / Addr
1234 / Pitt Bank / 111 University St


Ssn / Name / Phone / Addr / num_accounts
123456789 / John / 555-535-5263 / 100 University St / 1
111222333 / Mary / 555-535-3333 / 20 University St / 1

Part1. Functions and stored procedures

  1. Create a stored procedure transfer_fund that, given a from_account, a to_account, and an amount, transfer the specified amount from from_account to to_account if the balance of the from_account is sufficient.

create or replace procedure transfer_fund(from_account in varchar2, to_account in varchar2, amount in number)


from_account_balance number;


select balance into from_account_balance from account where acc_no = from_account;

if from_account_balance > amount then

update account set balance = balance - amount where acc_no = from_account;

update account set balance = balance + amount where acc_no = to_account;


dbms_output.put_line ('balance is too low');

end if;



  1. Call the stored procedure to transfer $100 from account 124 to 123.

--There are 2 ways to call a procedure:

--directly outside a PL/SQL block

set transaction read write;

set constraint all deferred;

call transfer_fund(124, 123, 100);


--inside a PL/SQL block (begin ... end;), including in the body of a trigger /stored procedure/ function

set transaction read write;

set constraint all deferred;


transfer_fund (124, 123, 100);




--***Note that in the procedure call here I use transaction because atomicity is needed for the 2 updates, *not* that it is part of the syntax.

  1. Create a function compute_balance that, given a specific ssn, calculate the total balance of the customer (the sum of total account balances less the loan amounts)

create or replace function compute_balance (customer_ssn in varchar2) return number


balance number;

total_account_balance number;

total_loan number;


select nvl(sum(balance), 0) into total_account_balance from account where ssn = customer_ssn;

select nvl(sum(amount),0) into total_loan from loan where ssn = customer_ssn;

balance := total_account_balance - total_loan;

return (balance);



--NOTE: because a customer might have no account or no loan, resulting in sum(balance) is null or sum(amount) is null and consequently, the final balance is also null. To avoid this, we use the nvl function. What nvl does is checking and replacing a value with another (0 in this case) if the value is null.

  1. Use the function created, write a query to print the list of customers together with their total balance.

select ssn, compute_balance(ssn)

from customer;

Part 2: Views:

  1. Create a view called student_courses that lists the SIDs and names of all the students and the number of courses they have taken.

create view student_courses as

select s.sid, s.name, count(distinct course_no) as num_courses

from student s, course_taken ct

where s.sid = ct.sid

group by s.sid, s.name;

  1. Create a materialized view called mv_st_courses that is build immediately that lists the SIDs and names of all the students and the number of courses they have taken.

create materialized view mv_student_courses as

select s.sid, s.name, count(distinct course_no) as num_courses

from student s, course_taken ct

where s.sid = ct.sid

group by s.sid, s.name;

  1. Execute the following commands

·  insert into course_taken values('CS1555', '129','Spring 12', null);

·  set timing on

·  select * from mv_student_courses;

·  select * from student_courses;

·  set timing off

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