Impact of OSH Provision on OSH Performance Questionnaire

Organisation’s anonymous reference number: (leave blank)

Contact details: NamePhoneEmail

This questionnaire has been developed by Glasgow Caledonian University for research funded by the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH). The research objective is to investigate the relationship between the provision and application of professionally competent Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) management personnel and OSH performance in construction organisations.

General notes:

All questions relate to work undertaken in UK only. Relate all answers to the same time frame e.g. most recent financial year. Where your answer is an estimate place an 'E' beside it.


1 / In general, which statement best describes your organisation?
(1a) / Principal/Main contractor (most of the time) / Choose one from dropdown menu:
1a Main C1b Sub C
(1b) / Sub contractor (most of the time)
2 / Industry sectors your organisation works in:
Civil / 2a / Services/Utilities
2b / Transport
2c / Other (state)
Building / 2d / Housing
2e / Commercial/industrial
2f / Other(state)
Demolition / 2g / General
2h / Other(state)
3 / How long has your organisation worked in the construction industry?
4 / What is your organisation’s annual turnover? (last financial year)

**Where possible relate all following answers to the last financial year. **

5 / Types & number of accidents during last financial year (only complete boxes with numbers you can easily calculate e.g. use totals if no individual figures available*).
Employees / Sub-contractors / Public / TOTAL*
All Persons / Dangerous
5(a) / Fatal/Major
5(b) / >3 Days
5(c) / Minor/1st Aid
(5d) / TOTALS

*If you only complete ‘total’ column circle who is included in this figure i.e. employees, sub-c, public

6 / Average number of workers employed for year / OR / 7 / Total hours worked in year
(6a) / Site employees / (7a) / Site employees
(6b) / Site sub-contractors / (7b) / Site sub-contractors
(6c) / Office employees / (7c) / Office employees
(6d) / Total (Total (please complete even if figures for 6a, 6b, & 6c not available). / (7d) / Total (please complete even if figures for 7a, 7b, & 7c not available)
Note: Give average numbers employed for the last financial year. / Note: If 'hours worked' data is based on an estimated working week state figures used i.e. average hours per week & average weeks per year
8 / Does your organisation have at least one designated OSH Person?
8a / Yes (Internal Staff) State how many: GO TO QUESTION 9
8b / Yes (External Consultant) State how many: GO TO QUESTION 9
9 / For the lowest level of OSH manager/advisor, what is the largest area covered by any one person (in square miles)?

Table 10 is for designated OSH personnel. There is space for five individuals. If your organisation has more than five OSH personnel either:

Provide a sample of five individuals who representative of all.


Supply a separate sheet with the full list.

Dr Billy Hare, BNE, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA

Tel 0141 331 3908 Fax 0141 331 3696

OSH Resource Provision: one line per person (copy this BLANK page if more lines are required)

10 / Job title (dedicated OSH Professionals) / Position+ / Full-time or fraction part-time# / Experience
(years) / Highest OSH Qualification or training / OSH
Professional membership* / OSH Duties+ / Other duties+ / Authority+ / Own discretionary budget for OSH (threshold before approval needed)
Ext. consultant / Director/Senior / Middle Mgt. / Site based / Develop Policy/procedure / Do Risk Assessments / OSH audits/inspections / OSH training / Accident investigation / Vet sub-contractors / PS/Co duties under CDM / Quality / Environment / Other (specify) / Advise only / Enforce specific rules / Orders must be obeyed

+tick box(s) if applicable (can be more than one). #Full time = 1, works 2 days out of 5 = 0.4 *use more than one line if necessary

11 / Job types
(Line Management) / Number of managers / Highest OSH Qualification or training
Group types together e.g. :
Project Managers
Site Managers etc… / No. / OSH Qualification*
(if managers of the same ‘type’ have different OSH qualifications list qualifications separately)
Type of Manager / No / No / QUALIFICATION

No. = Number of managers in the category. *use more than one line if necessary

Dr Billy Hare, BNE, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA

Tel 0141 331 3908 Fax 0141 331 3696

Other significant organisational factors that affect OSH performance

12 / How is good management of H&S performance rewarded in your organisation?
(12a) / Formal part of pay & promotion / Choose one from dropdown menu:
12a Formal12b Discretion12c None
(12b) / Discretionary incentives
(12c) / None
13 / Cumulative OSH training provided each year by your organisation and to whom?
(13a) / > 4 days / Choose one from dropdown menu: Employees & SubCEmployees onlyNone
(13b) / 2 –4 days / Choose one from dropdown menu: Employees & SubCEmployees onlyNone
(13c) / 1 day / Choose one from dropdown menu: Employees & SubCEmployees onlyNone
14 / Does your organisation’s clients request measures of OSH performance during projects?
(14a) / Most clients audit sites (more than just accidents) / Choose one from dropdown menu:
14a More14b Accidents14c Not
(14b) / Most clients ask for accident rates on site
(14c) / Most clients do not measure H&S performance
15 / Does your organisation have a Safety Management System (SMS)?
(15a) / Yes, accredited by 3rd party (OSHAS 18001 or similar) / Choose one from dropdown menu:
15a Yes accredited15b Yes HSG6515c Yes Own15d None
(15b) / Yes own system unaccredited (but based on HSG65 or similar)
(15c) / Yes, own system unaccredited (in-house, own design)
(15d) / None
16 / Does your organisation have an OSH behavioural programme in place?
(16a) / Yes, structured programme with budget, aimed at management & workers / Choose one from dropdown menu:
16a Yes Structured M&W16b Yes Structured Wk16c Partially Wk16d None
(16b) / Yes, structured programme with budget, aimed at workers
(16c) / Partially, but no specific programme or budget, aimed at workers
(16d) / None
17 / What relationship does your organisation have with trade union safety representatives?
(17a) / Organisation’s management regularly meets with TU safety representatives and work together on initiatives / Choose one from dropdown menu:
17a Work together17b Isolated sites17c None
(17b) / TU safety representatives are active on isolated sites
(17c) / No TU safety representatives

Financial information (Please complete as much of this table as you can. A partly completed table is still useful.) This data will be used to calculate accident costs for your organisation.

18 Cost v Benefits information (last financial year) for indicative cost calculation.
(18a) / Total annual salaries for dedicated OSH Personnel / £
(18b) / Other related on-costs for OSH personnel e.g. NI, Pensions, Overheads / £
(18c) / Total annual cost of external OSH consultants / £
(18d) / Employers liability insurance current annual premium / £
(18e) / Any other insurance (to cover accidents) annual premiums / £
(18f) / Gross profit margin for year / %

Documents to include with questionnaire:

Organisational chart: show OSH reporting lines & function in relation to rest of organisation.


Dr Billy Hare, BNE, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA

Tel 0141 331 3908 Fax 0141 331 3696