No. Pre/Estt/872/01/2014

High Commission of India



The High Commission of India, Pretoria invites quote for replacement of paving driveway in the front of main entrance gate of its own building (Chancery) located at 852 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0083.

2. Scope of Work

To remove existing bricks/tiles from front side paving; to make levelling the entire front area between main entrance and Francis Baard street wall with supply additional material/sand; To supply new bricks/tiles for new paving; material is to be used as per standard quality and with a certain period of guarantee and as per specification for Heritage building.

3. Inspection of site

The site can be inspected on any time during working days with prior appointment with Mr. A.P. Meena, Attaché (Mob: 012-3427097).

4. Due date for submission of quotation

The quotation in sealed envelope addressed to Head of Chancery, High Commission of India, Pretoria should be delivered by hand at the Reception of High Commission of India or could be sent at PO Box 40216, Arcadia 0007, Pretoria or by e-mail latest by 10th October, 2016.

Dated: 21/09/2016
