Conference Program

5th WSEAS International Conference


(EMT '10)

West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania

October 24~26, 2010

Honorary Chair:


West University of Timisoara

General Chair:

Marilen PIRTEA

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Organizing Chair:


Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


University of Avignon, France

1st Day, October 24, 2010

Registration: 08:30-09:30 – Regional Business Centre Timisoara (1st floor)

Opening Ceremony: 09:30-10:00 – “Europa” Room


1.  Ioan TALPOS – Rector of the West University of Timisoara, Romania

2.  Marilen PIRTEA – Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of Timisoara, Romania

3.  François FULCONIS – Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France

4.  Constantin OSTAFICIUC - President of the Timis County Council

5.  Mircea BACALA – Prefect of Timis County

6.  Gheorghe CIUHANDU – Mayor of Timisoara City

Plenary Lecture 1: 10:00-10:30, Room “Europa”

Etics in the management of organizations: between knowledge and action
Guy Solle

Plenary Lecture 2: 10:30-11:00, Room “Europa”

Trade off theory of capital structure choice and its relevance for emergent markets: the Romanian case
Marilen Pirtea, Bogdan Dima, Claudiu Botoc

Coffee-break: 11:00-11:30

Plenary Lecture 3: 11:30-12:00, Room “Europa”

Migration Patterns in Central and Eastern Europe. Study Case on Romania
Mihai Daniel Roman, Monica Roman, Dumitru Marin

Plenary Lecture 4: 12:00-12:30, Room “Europa”

Opportunities and Threats for Romania as a Tourist Destination after the World Economic Crisis
Mirela Mazilu

Lunch-break: 12:30-13:30


Session: Costs and Performance Measurement

Chair: Corina Grosu, Ion Popa-Lala

Financial Measures for Performance Measurement in a Regulated Environment / Alina Carmen Almasan, Corina Grosu / 648-205
Analysis of a Company’s Capacity to Produce Profit under Inflation Conditions / Caruntu Constantin, Lapadusi Mihaela Loredana / 648-154
Collaborative Management in Consumer Goods Supply Chain. Using Balanced Scorecard in Aligning the Strategic Performance between a Manufacturer and a Retailer / Virgil Popa, Leonardo Badea, Madalina Barna / 648-168
Budget - Performance Tool in Public Sector / Cretu Carmen-Mihaela, Gheonea Victoria, Talaghir Laurentiu-Gabriel, Manolache Gabriel-Marian, Iconomescu Teodora-Mihaela / 648-191
Cost for Diabetes Mellitus Care in Romania and the World in the Interval 1998-2007 / Claudiu Morgovan, Steliana Ghibu, Marius Bota, Cristina Fleseriu, Smaranda Cosma / 648-254
The Assessment of the Company Financial Performances / Ion Popa-Lala, Cecilia–Nicoleta Anis / 648-261


Session: Marketing

Chair: Costinel Dobre, Stefan Dombay

The Website and its Role in the Online Marketing Mix of Guesthouses from Harghita County, Romania: an Introductory Analysis / Stefan Dombay, Laszlo Seer, Zsolt Magyari-Saska, Mihai Seer / 648-127
Market Neutral Phase Optimization Through the Use of Option Strategies / Armenia Androniceanu, Simona Sora, Diana Paun, Daniel Jiroveanu / 648-178
Consumer Profile and Tipping Habits. A Romanian Framework Using Fuzzy Method / Ada Mirela Tomescu, Olimpia Ban / 648-236
A Few Ways for Increasing the Response Rate in Employee Surveys / Prada Sorin Ioan, Naghi Remus Ionut / 648-255
CRM Processes and the Impact on Business Performance / Cristian Dutu, Horatiu Halmajan / 648-262
The experiences of the online buyers / Costinel Dobre, Anca Constantin / 648-275


Session: Finance & Banking

Chair: Lenka Preckova, Bogdan Dima

The management and result assessment of projects with structural funding in European Higher Education Area / Ioan Talpos, Alexandru Jivan, Teodora Dogaru / 648-219
Influence of Information on Insured Value in Case of Business Interruption on the Territory of the Czech Republic / Lenka Preckova / 648-166
Specifics of the Institutional Framework for Getting Credits to Households in the Czech Republic / Jindriska Sedova, Gabriela Oskrdalova / 648-238
Economic Competitiveness and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate / Anca Tanasie, Laurentiu Dragomir / 648-277
Applicability of trade-off and pecking order theories in the case of the financing structures of the Romanian companies / Carmen Corduneanu, Laura Raisa Milos, Marius Cristian Milos / 648-257
Financial assets valuation and issuers’ financial ratios / Dima Bogdan, Moldovan Nicoleta, Lobont Oana-Ramona, Nicolescu Ana-Cristina / 648-263

Coffee-break: 15:30-16:00


Session: Business Strategies

Chair: Nelson Duarte, Gabriel Bizoi

Strategies of Handling a Working Meeting when Dealing with Difficult Situations / Roxana Dinescu, Marius Petrescu, Delia Popescu / 648-140
Employee Satisfaction in the Public Sector / Armenia Androniceanu, Simona Sora, Diana Paun, Daniel Jiroveanu / 648-175
Business Strategies on Innovation, Risk and Proactivity / Nelson Duarte / 648-180
Indirect Taxation, Corporate Pricing Strategy and Competitive Positioning: The Reaction of Romanian Firms to Value-Added Tax Increase / Musetescu Radu Cristian, Musetescu Adina / 648-197
The Organizational Climate Study in a Romanian Multinational Company / Rozalia Nistor, Costel Nistor, Mihaela-Carmen Muntean, Adrian Istrati / 648-210
Leadership Style and Culture for Innovation in Hotel Industry / Carmen Babaita, Gabriela Sipos, Andreia Ispas, Andrea Nagy / 648-218
Romanian Quality Seen by an American Group / Georgiana Cioana, Adina Andreea Ohota / 648-232
The Risk Management of Companies from Timis County Involved in International Business / Gabriel Bizoi, Alexandra Popescu / 648-267


Session: Global Economy

Chair: Mihai Roman, Jindriska Sedova

Satisfaction with Family's Financial Situation and its Implications / Caraion-Buzdea Constantin, Carmen Barbat, Adina Popovici, Corina Ilin / 648-098
Improving EU programs performances through comprehensive evaluation approach / Scorza Francesco / 648-216
About Some Extensions of Loan Laws in Terms of Variable Interest / Catalin Mitran, Mirela Monea, Alin Monea / 648-222
The Role of European Funding in the Economic Developed of Possible Future European Member States / Teodora Dogaru, Marius Rotaru, Octavian Dondera / 648-235
Contract Enforceability in the Czech Republic and Its Comparison with the EU Countries / Gabriela Oskrdalova, Jindriska Sedova / 648-239
The Evolution of the Romanian Economy . Past Experiences and Reactions to the Current Crisis / Daniela Constantin, Zizi Goschin, Mihai Roman, Constantin Mitrut / 648-266


Session: Financial Accounting

Chair: Guy Solle, Jiri Strouhal

Management risks, on the border between accounting constructions and cash flow forecasting tools / Guy Solle, Nicoleta Farcane, Laurence Saglietto, Dan Aurelian Stirbu / 648-176
Opinion on Accounting Treatment of Trade Discounts / Bunget Ovidiu-Constantin, Popa Irimie-Emil, Dumitrescu Alin-Constantin, Span Georgeta-Ancuta / 648-188
Is Romanian Accounting Curriculum Offering the Premises to Form a Complete Person? / Alexandra Mutiu, Carmen Georgiana Bonaci, Razvan Valentin Mustata / 648-204
Econometric Tools Used in Measuring Accounting Harmonization: A Necessity Imposed through Globalization / Razvan V. Mustata, Dumitru Matis, Carmen Giorgiana Bonaci, Jiri Strouhal / 648-244
The Institutional Framework of the Romanian Accounting Profession – An Exploratory Study / Nadia Albu, Catalin Nicolae Albu, Maria Madalina Girbina, Iuliana Maria Sandu / 648-245
Applicability of E-Testing on Professional Certification Schemes for Accountants / Jiri Strouhal, Marie Pasekova / 648-246
Implementation of partnership contracts – a challenge for the accounting of public institutions / Gabi Georgiana Dragu / 648-251

2nd Day, October 25, 2010 Regional Business Centre Timisoara


Session: Opportunities, Performances & Risks in Tourism

Chair: Mirela Mazilu, Ramona Gruescu

The Sustainable Tourism – between the Conceptual Approach and the Strategy for Putting it in Practice / Anica Iancu, Luminita Popescu, Virgil Popescu / 648-107
Tourism and Statistics, Inseparable Binominal / Dumitru Bala, Mirela Mazilu, Roxana Cristina Marinescu / 648-109
The Economic and Social Contribution of Tourism from the Sustainable Development Point of View / Dalia Simion, Mirela Mazilu, Monica Patrutescu, Roxana Ispas / 648-111
The Romanian Tourism During the Economic Crisis – Where To? / Mirela Mazilu, Marioara Avram, Roxana Ispas / 648-115
Ways of Raising Finance for the Improvement of Tourism Potential and Tourism Services / Ramona Gruescu, Gheorghe Pirvu, Roxana Nanu / 648-163
Impact of Globalizing Flows on Touristic Traditional Products. Case Study: Romania / Radu Sageata, Claudia Bucura, Virginia Gherasim, Maria Bud, Teodor Toderas / 648-177
Current Coordinates of Tourism Activities from Romania / Virginia Gherasim, Teodor Toderas, Traian Cracea, Marioara Costea, Istvan Raduly, Stefan Dombay / 648-212


Session: Urban & Rural Tourism

Chair: Stefan Dezsi, Luminita Filimon

The Impact of the Quality Requirements of the Environment on the Tourism from the Danube Valley from Giurgiu and Calarasi County / Madalina-Teodora Andrei / 648-112
Bran-Rucar Corridor - Risk Versus Prosperity in the Sustainable Touristic Development / Daniela Dumitrescu, Adrian-Aurel Baltalunga, Gerald Billard, Guillaume Bailly / 648-126
Preliminary Study of Active Tourism Stages in Dornelor Basin, Romania / Corneliu Iatu, Mesalina Boghinciuc, Andrei Coca, Bogdan Ibanescu, Alina Munteanu / 648-138
Beius Land as Project Territory for Sustainable Territorial Development Through Rural Tourism. Case Study: Poieni De Jos / Luminita Filimon, Claudiu Filimon, Ribana Linc, Paul Olau / 648-147
Basic Features of the Rural Tourism from Lapusului Land (Tara Lapusului, Maramures County, Romania) / Stefan Dezsi, Jozsef Benedek / 648-155
The Regeneration of the Historic Center – Strategic Option for Promoting Bucharest’s Tourism / Razvan-Andrei Corbos, Ruxandra-Irina Popescu / 648-160
Aspects of Urban Tourism and its Educational Implications in the City of Timisoara / Cipriana Sava, Laura Coroama / 648-225


Session: Human Resources Development

Chair: Elena Botezat, Dan Popescu

The Commercial Negotiation Framework / Marius Petrescu, Roxana Dinescu, Delia Popescu / 648-139
The Ideal Profile of a Museum Manager / Niculina Balan, Andreea Andreiana, Delia Mioara Popescu, Camelia Stoica / 648-172
Human Resources Development from Small and Medium Enterprises within the Knowledge-Based Economy / Dan Popescu, Iulia Chivu, Alina Ciocarlan-Chitucea, Catalin-Valeriu Curmei, Daniela-Oana Popescu / 648-201
Trainees' Feedback Integration within the Professional Training Programs Redesign in the Human Resources Field / Maria-Madela Abrudan, Alecsandrina Deaconu, Tomina Saveanu, Edit Lukacs, Mirabela Matei / 648-206
Intellectual Capital, Innovation and Creativity as Key Drivers for Long-Run Sustainable Development in the Context of the Creative Economy and Knowledge-Based Society / Marta Christina Suciu, Alexandru Ghitiu-Bratescu / 648-207
Women's Business Potential from the Western Part of Romania / Elena Botezat / 648-230
Successful Banking Management through Communication (A Case Study on the Necessity of Implementing Foreign Language Skills) / Iulia Para / 648-258

Coffee-break: 11:30-12:00


Session: Computerisation of Modern Business Management

Chair: Mihaela Muntean

Leadership - Crucial Element in Implementing ERP Systems / Horga Maria–Gabriela, Hotaran Ilinca / 648-196
Discrete-time deterministic and stochastic triopoly game with heterogeneous players / Mihaela Neamtu, Nicoleta Sirghi, Carmen Babaita, Renate Nitu / 648-249
IT and SW Support of BPM and Business Process Change Management / Zuzana Tuckova, David Tucek / 648-250
BI Approach for Business Performance / Mihaela Muntean, Diana-Alexandra Tarnaveanu, Anca Paul / 648-268
Open Source Software for Accomplishing a Human Resource Management Portal / Margea Camelia, Margea Romeo, Bandu Ioan / 648-269


Session: Regional Development

Chair: Maciej Smetkowski, Vasile Surd

Changes in the Urban Functional Zones Triggered by the Development of Commercial Services / Radu Sageata, Virginia Gherasim, Teodor Toderas, Maria Bud, Claudia Bucura / 648-104
Planning and Regional Sustainable Development Concept Based on the Use of Geospatial Solutions from the Perspective of Macrostrategical Approaches / Vasile Surd, Veronica Constantin / 648-110
Convergence Processes in European Metropolitan Macroregions: Specific Case of Capital Cities in Central and Eastern Europe EU Member States / Maciej Smetkowski / 648-167
Tracking Changes in the Regional Social-Economic Activity by a Geometric Fitting Model: The Romanian Case / Andreea Iluzia Iacob, Ciprian Costin Popescu, Gina Cristina Dimian / 648-203
Migration Movements in the Romanian Rural Space (1990-2008) / Liliana Guran-Nica, Cornelia Marin, Narcizia Todica-Stefan / 648-213
Modeling Regional Convergence in the European Union – Some Limitations of Manoilescu Solution / Vasile Dogaru / 648-226


Session: Financial Reporting

Chair: Catalin Nicolae Albu, Alexandra Mutiu

Challenges and Opportunities Represented by Shift to IFRS in the Czech Republic / Katerina Struharova, Karel Steker, Milana Otrusinova / 648-181
The utility of cash-flow statement for Romanian financial statements users during financial crisis / Ovidiu Megan, Bogdan Cotlet, Anca Schmidt / 648-214
Is Accounting Research in Romania Aligned with Issues Faced by IAS.IFRS Adopters? / Alexandra Mutiu / 648-233
IFRS for SMEs in Europe – Lessons for a Possible Implementation in Romania / Catalin Nicolae Albu, Nadia Albu, Szilveszter Fekete Pali-Pista, Dan Dacian Cuzdriorean-Vladu / 648-241
Issues Regarding Costs, Expenses, Revenues and the Moment of their Acknowledgment in Accountancy / Paula Ramona Rachisan, Sorin Romulus Berinde, Adrian Grosanu, Carmen Giorgiana Bonaci / 648-248
Ways to use the reasonable estimate of the patrimonial elements in preparing finacial statements / Nicolae Bobitan, Ciprian Sipos / 648-270

Lunch-break: 14:00-15:00


Session: Entrepreneurship Management

Chair: Anca Dodescu, Nicolae Bibu

Museum Management / Andreea Andreiana, Camelia Stoica, Niculina Balan, Delia Mioara Popescu / 648-171
Entrepreneurship Education and Training. Study-Case: the AntrES programme on Women Entrepreneurship in Western Romania / Anca Dodescu, Alina Badulescu / 648-208
Entrepreneurial Training and the Attitude toward Entrepreneurship. Assessing the Impact of AntrES Programme / Alina Badulescu, Anca Dodescu / 648-209
An International Assessment of Operational Risk Management / Gabriela-Victoria Anghelache, Bogdan-Octavian Cozmanca, Catalina-Adriana Handoreanu, Carmen Obreja, Ana-Cornelia Olteanu, Alina-Nicoleta Radu / 648-224
The Entrepreneurial Profile of the Bihor County Women Wishing to Start Businesses. Case Study – A Research Performed within the ANTRES Project - "Entrepreneurship and Equality of Chances. An Inter-regional Model of Entrepreneurial School for Women." / Maria-Madela Abrudan, Olimpia Ban, Mirela Bucurean, Nicoleta Bugnar, Dorina Popa, Simona Bodog, Adela Laura Popa / 648-234
Bankruptcy and Forms of Their Solutions in SMEs in Czech Republic / Marie Pasekova, Dagmar Barinova, Jiri Strouhal / 648-240
Characteristics of dynamic companies from Romania. Timiș County case. / Nicolae Bibu, Diana Sala, Mariana Prediscan / 648-274


Session: Eco-Tourism & Environment Relationship in Tourism

Chair: Olimpia Ban, Smaranda Cosma

The Systemic Location of Tourist Elements in the Integrated Spatial Planning. Case Study. The Outskirts of Bistrita Municipality / Vasile Zotic, Viorel Puiu, Diana-Elena Alexandru / 648-099
Touristic Culture Through Identification of the Visitor with Events and Natural and Built Patrimony of Some Fortresses from Romania / Iulian Dinca, Stelian Nistor, Liviu Bucur, Marcu Stasac / 648-174
Study about Brand Identity for Romania as a Tourist Destination / Smaranda Cosma, Alexandra Urcan, Marius Bota / 648-137
Building a Brand for Romania’s Capital – An Opportunity for Tourism and for the Business World in the Current Crisis Conditions / Ruxandra-Irina Popescu, Razvan-Andrei Corbos / 648-161
A Critical Analysis on the Evaluation of Tourism Attractiveness In Romania. Case Study: the Region of Moldavia / Iatu Corneliu, Bulai Mihai / 648-146
Travel Agent Destinations Selection based on a Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Method / Olimpia I. Ban / 648-227
International Hotel Chain Strategies used into the World Compared with Romania / Smaranda Cosma, Fleseriu Cristina, Claudiu Morgovan, Marius Bota / 648-256