Standard Operating Procedure: Pre-award Process –College of Pharmacy (COP) Research Office
Pre-Submission Timeline / Faculty / COP Research Office / Key Contact*-6 to -12 months / 1. Identifyfunding opportunity. / Identifiesfunding opportunity and informs faculty with relevant experience. / Julie
-6 months / 2. Notifythe date of submission and provide the names and roles of key personnel. / Reviews Sponsor Guidelines and provides a Checklist of required application components for submission and due dates. / Alla
-4 to -6 months / 3. Generate specific aims page and title.
-4 months / 4. Option: Specific Aims Page/Introduction Page Review
- Specific Aims page
- Proposal Title
- List of faculty (internal and external) to attend Aims Review meeting
- Introduction page (for resubmission)
- Summary Statement (for resubmission)
-2 to -3 months / 5. Option: Project Intensive Review
Submit Research Strategy. / SchedulesProject Intensive Review. / Julie
-1 month / 6. Confirm date of proposal submission. / Alla
eIAF Process / 7. Provide theBudget Components and Budget Justification. / Prepares Budget and Cost Share. / Alla
*Note: The budget does not have to be final as a 25% change in funds is allowable.
8. Provide theeIAF materials:
- Funding Announcement Number
- eIAF Proposal Information Form
- Abstract
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- IRB and IACUC Approval Letters (if relevant)
- Financial Disclosure
*The eIAF must be fully routed and application submitted a minimum of 3 business days prior to the agency deadline. / Alla
-1 month
Review of Scientific Content / 9. Option: Research Strategy Editing – 48 hours
Provide updated Specific Aims and Research Strategy. / Reviews application components for content and readability. / Julie PDO
10. Option: Biosketch Support: Provide biosketch for key personnel. / Reviews formatting, publications and research support. / Alla
-10 business days / 11. / Submits eIAF for certifications. / Alla
Populates administrative details in application. / Alla
-3 to -5 business days / 12. Submitfinal documents. / Attaches the documents and reviews final application package. / Alla
13. Review final application package. 14. Approve final application package. / *If any changes are made to the application documents, faculty approval will be obtained. / Alla
-3 business days / 15. / Sends final application to the Research Administrator (Kim Blair) in OSPA. / Alla
16. Review and resolve any errors or warnings with the assistance of the COP Research Office. / OSPA submits application to sponsor.
* OSPA deadline for all submissions is 5pm (business day) regardless of agency deadline. / Alla
Submission Day / 17. / Application is successfully submitted.
1Submission priority and support are based on the timeliness of notification and submission of eIAF materials to the COP Research Office.
2Shaded components indicate recommended actions. All other actions are required.
*Key Contact: Julie Oestreich, Alla Arnold, or Allyson Eyermann to assist as required.
Abbreviations: eIAF = electronic internal approval form, IRB = institutional review board, IACUC = institutional animal care and use committee, PDO = Proposal Development Office, OSPA = Office of Sponsored Projects Administration.
1. Proposal Development Office (PDO)
Funding Opportunities:
To receive announcements for funding opportunities, please enroll through the Proposal Development Office:
Proposal Reviews:
2. Key Personnelinclude: principal investigator(s), co-investigator(s), and other significant contributors.
☒ PI: Click here to enter text.☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.
☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.
☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.
☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.
☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.☐Choose an item.Click here to enter text.
3. Required Components for NIH Submissions:
☐ Cover Letter
☐ Introduction to Application (1 page maximum for resubmissions)
☐ Progress Report Publication List (for renewal/revision applications)
☐ Project Summary/Abstract (30 lines maximum)
☐ Project Narrative (3 sentences maximum)
☐ Specific Aims (1 page maximum)
☐ Research Strategy (typically 6 or 12 pages maximum)
☐ Bibliography and References Cited
☐ Human Subjects Sections (if relevant)
☐ Vertebrate Animals Section (if relevant)
☐ Select Agent Research (if relevant)
☐ Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources
☐ Letters of Support
☐ Resource Sharing Plan
☐ Biosketch for all key personnel
☐ Facilities and Other Resources section
☐ Equipment section
☐ Subaward Budget(s) and Consortium/Contractual Arrangement documents (if relevant)
☐ Multi PD/PI Leadership Plan (if relevant)
☐ Other attachments as required by the funding announcement (if relevant)
4. Budget:
Provided by faculty:
☐Personnel and % Effort
☐Travel (domestic and international)
☐Animals and Average Housing Days
☐Other Animal Costs
☐Chemicals and Supplies
☐Analytical Costs
☐Number of Graduate Students with Tuition Fees
☐Publication Costs
☐Sub-contracts and Amounts
Provided by COP Research Office:
Employee Class☐
Health Insurance☐
Inflation Adjustments☐
Tuition amounts☐
Animal Housing Rates☐
Mandatory Waste Recharge☐
Cost Share☐
Electronic Internal Approval Form (eIAF) Components:
Provided by faculty:
☐Project Title
☐Proposed project start and end dates
☐Funding Announcement Number
☐Project Information (Human Subjects, Animal Subjects, Biohazards/rDNA, and
Radioactive Materials) and approval status/numbers
☐Yes/No Questions on the eIAF Form
☐Up to 5 keywords not contained in the title
☐Category(s) that describe the project on eIAF form
☐Abstract or Specific Aims
☐Budget Justification
☐IRB Approval Letter (if relevant)
☐IACUC Approval Letter (if relevant)
☐Financial Disclosure (update every year and within 30 days of acquiring a new financial interest)
Provided by COP Research Office:
Financial Disclosure dates for Key Personnel☐
Notes on PI effort, CAS items, and cost sharing☐
Guidelines for the funding opportunity☐
Enrichment distribution☐
Appendix Page 1