Newson Biology I Feb. 2013
Name: _______________________________________________________
Person Chosen: ________________________________________________
Since we are celebrating Black History Month, you will be responsible for creating a poster on an African American who made a major contribution to the field of science. The scientist list is on the back. .
This project is worth 98 points (14 points per category). These are the categories that will be graded:
1. Person’s full name
2. Date of Birth and Date of Death
3. Picture of the Person
4. Family History (where they were born, are they married, do they have children)
5. Education History and List of degrees earned and/or awards or honors received
(Where they attended school and how long)
6. Describe their contribution to science
7. A time line marked with the person’s life accomplishments
This project will count as a test grade. It is due February 12, 2013 during your class period. Late projects will be deducted 35 points per day it is late. I will not accept projects that are 3 days late. You may turn your projects in early.
Scientist List
Newson Biology I Feb. 2013
Virgie Ammons
George Alcorn
L.C. Bailey
Benjamin Banneker
James Bauer
Patricia Bath
Andrew Beard
Miriam Benjamin
Edmond Berger
Leonidas Berry
David Blackwell
Henry Blair
Bessie Griffin
Sarah Boone
James Bowman
Otis Boykin
Elmo St. Brady
Herman Branson
Charles Brooks
Phil Brooks
Henry Brown
John Albert Burr
William Cardozo
Ben Carson
George Washington Carver
Emmett Chappelle
Mark Dean
Marie Maynard Daly
Charles Drew
Annie Easley
Sarah Goode
Joseph L. Graves
Lloyd Hall
John E. Hodge
Kerrie Holley
Lonnie Johnson
Percy Julian
Henry Roberts Jr.
Raphael Lee
Henry Mc Bay
Garrett Morgan
Ronald McNair
Arlie Petters
Earl Renfroe
Jesse Russell
Vivien Thomas
Madame C.J. Walker
Ernest Wilkins Jr.
Granville Woods
Biology I February 2013
Black History Project