College of Human Sciences
International Experiences News
May-June 2010
News from the CHS International Experiences Program
New Addition to Our Staff
Please help us welcome Susannah Cook to the College of Human Sciences. Susannah is the new Manager of International Experiences for the International Experiences Program. She has spent a large part of her life living, studying and working abroad. Come to 133 MacKay Hall to find out how she can help you start your international adventure through the college of Human Sciences.
The International Experiences Office is looking forward to welcoming our new Director of International Experiences, Dr. Andrew Hong. Dr. Hong will be joining the International Experiences Office later this summer. Andrew brings a great deal of experience in International Education the the College of Human Sciences and is a welcome addition to the team!
New Contact Information
The CHS International Experience Program has a new address, new staff and new email addresses. We have moved into the University Teacher Education Program located in 133 MacKay Hall. You can reach us by email at: , or you can contact Susannah directly at: . You can also reach the office by phone at: 294-1010.
Choosing your Adventure…..
Student Teaching Abroad
If you are planning on becoming a teacher you will need to complete your student teaching component. So why not do half of your program in another country? There are opportunities to teach during both, Fall and Spring semesters. There are opportunities to teach in England, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Please keep in mind, sites vary each semester, availability is also contingent upon travel warnings and restrictions.
The Dean's Leadership International Study Program in Austria
Spend part of your Summer Break touring Austria with the Dean of the College of Human Sciences. Learn what it means to be a 'global citizen' by attending the Salzburg Global Seminars’ programs, which are aimed at participants acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for a better understanding of the international political order, the global economy, and worldwide social developments. You will also have the opportunity to explore Salzburg and the surrounding areas. A cultural experience you cannot afford to pass up.
...and beyond
Didn't find what you were looking for? Don't worry; the Office of International Experiences can assist you in finding the right program to fit you, your educational and career goals, not to mention your budget and wanderlust. Just call or email us for an appointment and we can help you make the first steps to getting you on your way.
If you don't believe me...
"New Zealand has proven to be an experience of a lifetime. It has been undoubtedly the most unforgettable experience of my college career. Through my time spent here in New Zealand, I have grown as a person and as a professional. It has prepared me for what may lie ahead of me in my life and career. This has really helped me to discover that I have the ability to be a teacher who can really impact the lives of my students. I know that I will take everything that I have learned these past weeks with me for the rest of my life. This was truly the experience of a lifetime, and I would do it again in a heartbeat!" -Tonya Keller, Spring 2010
"Before I went overseas, I never thought of teaching anywhere else besides Iowa. After going to Rome and learning about the international school setting, I now see other possibilities. Being away from home for two months was hard at first, but it has really shown me that I can do it on my own. I can take care of myself. I am now interested in maybe one day working at and International school and not just in Rome." - Jamie Payton, Spring 2010
CHS Scholarship and Awards
Congratulations to Recipients of CHS International Funding Awards
CHS International Scholarships
Congratulations to CHS students who were selected to receive CHS International Experience Scholarships in the spring competition. Recipients are Kelsey Albright (Dietetics), Samantha Kling (Dietetics), Laura Liechty (Pre Diet and Exercise), Stephanie Blaser(Food Science), Molly Slattery (Kinesiology and Health), Maria Kohlhaas (Elementary Education) and Kristina Emerick (Apparel Merchandising, Design, and Production). Up to ten CHS International Experience Scholarships of $1,000 are awarded annually to CHS students participating in international experiences/study abroad. The next scholarship competition will be held in Fall 2010. For more information please go to our website.
International Activity Awards for AESHM, HDFS and FSHN
Congratulations to Jennifer Margrett (Assistant Professor, Gerontology Program), on her success in garnering a Julia F. Anderson International Fund award and a Louise Rosenfeld International Fund. She will be travelling to Havana, Cuba to present a paper at the international meeting of the Reseau Esperance de Vie en Sante. She has also been invited to participate in a pre-conference meeting of the International Consortium of Centenarian Studies where she hopes to learn more about existing data sets which will provide cross-cultural information regarding centenarian samples and biophysical data which can be difficult to obtain from the United States. More information about the CHS International Activity Awards is online at The next proposal submission deadline is October 5.
CHS Tuition Award for Students who Study Abroad
CHS Tuition Award for Students who Study Abroad
Did you know the College of Human Sciences offers the CHS Tuition Award, providing $800 toward the tuition of students who participate in study abroad programs sponsored by the College of Human Sciences (CHS)? To be eligible for the tuition award, students must participate in a study abroad program sponsored by the College of Human Sciences. Students are not required to have an academic major within the College of Human Sciences. Students must complete and submit a brief application form by the beginning of the semester in which they plan to study abroad, and submit a short summary of their international experience, including photographs, within 14 days of return. The tuition award will be credited toward eligible students’ tuition when the required international experience summary is received. Complete information about the CHS Tuition Award and the application forms are on our website.
Site Development Grants for Faculty
New Site Development Grants and Program Proposal Guidelines
The College of Human Sciences is encouraging expansion of international experience program offerings by providing support to faculty for program site development. The college will competitively award up to four grants of up to $3,000 to $4,000 each for qualifying proposals. Further information about the site visit grants and the application form are online. You can find the guidelines for submitting program proposals online.
Study Abroad Goes Electronic with ISUAbroad
Did you know that in Fall 2008 the Study Abroad Center introduced ISUAbroad, new program and application software that streamlines the entire study abroad process? ISUAbroad provides program information, enables online application submission and enhances reporting capabilities. Using ISUAbroad, students can search for programs, submit inquiries, apply for program admission, request recommendations, and even submit program evaluations. Check it all out at ISUAbroad.
Ideas? Suggestions?
Do you have ideas or suggestions for the CHS International Experiences program? Submit them online at or contact one of the 2010-2011 CHS International Committee members:
Susannah Cook, Manager of International Experiences,
Florence Hamrick, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies,
Carrie Kortegast, graduate student representative,
Ann Thye, Apparel, Educational Studies and Hospitality Management,
Ruth MacDonald, Food Science and Human Nutrition,
Molly McHenry, undergraduate student representative,
Al Murdoch, Kinesiology,
Marcia Rosenbusch, Curriculum and Instruction,
David Whaley, Associate Dean for International Experiences,
Mary Yearns, Human Development and Family Studies,
Ann Pierce, Coordinator of International Student Teaching,