TLNA Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner
November 12, 2008, 6 pm to 9 pm
Lapham School
Pat McDonnell gave a brief update of major issues going on in the neighborhood including the recent adoption by the City of our Neighborhood Plan, the purchase of the former Kozak properties by Michael Matty, and the work that will begin to raise funds for the new Tenney Park Shelter.
Joe Sensenbrenner described a program that helps develop community leaders. It is a series of classes (e.g. Effective Public Speaking) that is offered twice each year. Cost is based on ability-to-pay. For more information: Grassroots Leadership College, 1321 E. Mifflin St., (608) 441-0085, ,
Tom Kasper, long time member of TLNA, spoke about the original focus of the association and the successes it had in fighting school closings and securing funds for TLC (Tenney Lapham Corporation) to support several local businesses and several new homeowners.
Sandy Ward described a proposed change in the membership section of the Neighborhood Association By-Laws (see attached document). These proposed changes had been endorsed by the TLNA Council and notice of considering these changes was published in the last TLNA Newsletter. Several questions and comments were considered from the floor. Ward moved and Linster seconded that the Association adopt the proposed changes. The vote was 31 in favor, no abstentions, and 1 opposed.
Election of Officers to the Council
Richard Linster read the list of nominations (see attached document) for all offices except Chair of the Social Committee. Nominations from the floor were sought. Andrew Hauck nominated Ariana Hauck to be Chair of the Social Committee. Several seconds were heard from the floor. After seeking further nominations from the floor and receiving none, Richard called for a vote on the entire slate. The vote was unanimously in favor of the slate as presented.
Ariana’s contact information: Ariana Hauck, 115 N. Paterson St., 334-9658,
At the fall association meeting, the TLNA Council will bring forward to the full association a proposal to alter the association by-laws to change the criteria for membership in the association. The association area is bounded by the Yahara River on the east, Blair Street on the west, Lake Mendota on the north, and East Washington Street on the south.
Current wording of Article IV (MEMBERSHIP)
Section 1. All persons age eighteen (18) and over who reside in, or are homeowners, or who are owners or managers of businesses in the above area or who support the goals and activities of the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association, are eligible for membership in the organization
Proposed wording of Article IV (MEMBERSHIP)
Section 1. Types of membership.
1.1Regular Members. All persons age eighteen (18) and over who reside in, or are homeowners, or who are owners or managers of businesses in the above area are eligible for regular membership in the organization.
1.2Associate Members. An associate member is an individual over age eighteen (18) who does not fall in one of the above four categories but has paid dues. Associate members have all of the privileges of regular membership except they may not vote.
At present, the phrase, “or who support the goals and activities of the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association” is included in the list of who is eligible for membership. The Council believes that this phrase is problematic in two ways. First, it is vague and could not be enforced if ever someone wished to do so. Second, it allows anyone anywhere to be a voting member of the association. The proposed wording of the by-laws would retain the idea that anyone who resides in, is a homeowner, or is an owner or manager of a business can be a voting member. The proposed wording adds a new category (associate member) so that anyone anywhere can join or remain a member of the association but not have a vote.
At the fall association meeting we will ask for a vote on this proposed change. Please come to the meeting to discuss and vote on this important matter.
Nominees for TLNA Council (November 2008)
President: Patrick McDonnell
Vice President: David Waugh
Secretary: Sandra Ward
Treasurer: Diane Brusoe
Social: Ariana Hauck
Newsletter: Joe Brogan
Transportation: Tim Olsen
Housing: Diane Milligan
Safety: Richard Freihoefer
Parks: Jim Sturm
Business: Jim Wright
Community Services: Allen Crossley
Education: Lisa Hoon
Membership: Richard Linster
Special Projects: Susan Baumann-Duren
Area A: EmrysLinster
Area B: Bob Shaw
Area C: Gay Davidson-Zielske
Area D: Jim Roper