Newcastle College
Corporation Meeting
Minutes of Meeting held on 29 January 2008
2225 Present
Jon Bryan
Ruth Crowther
Jackie Fisher Principal and Chief Executive
Alan Groves
Carole Howells
Jamie Martin Chair of the Corporation
Peter Michell
Alex Turner
2226 In Attendance
Colin Booth
Linda Moore
Mark Sacco Clerk to the Corporation
Gary Whitehead
Esme Winch
2227 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Steven Broomhead, Shaun Chapman, Graham Cook, David Faulkner, Sue Pearson and Joanne Syrett.
2228 Conflict of Interest
2229 Informal Discussion
2230 Presentation on Inspection.
This was to be delivered with the Principal’s Report.
2231 Minutes of Corporation meeting held on 11 December 2007
The minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2007 were accepted as an accurate record.
2232 Matters Arising
Minute 2212: The Clerk had forwarded Governors’ congratulations on students’ achievements at the regional Heating and Ventilation Contractors Association Awards ceremony.
Minute 2213: The Clerk had forwarded Governors’ thanks to Finance staff for the special effort to prepare accounts for Skelmersdale.
2233 Register of Actions
Minute 2220: This matter was being investigated by the Director of Estates.
2234 Clearance of Committee Meeting Minutes
The Corporation received the minutes of the following meetings:
· Skelmersdale and Ormskirk Advisory Committee 26 November 2007
· Remuneration Committee 4 December 2007
2235 Principal’s Report
Jackie Fisher provided an update on operational developments at the college.
Three student entries had been shortlisted for the Royal Television Society Student Television Awards. The Clerk undertook to forward Governors’ best wishes to the entrants.
Action – Mark Sacco
A student at Newcastle Aviation Academy had been granted an International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading scholarship. The Director of Applied Science had received an award from the Engineering Employers Federation “in recognition of his contribution to the engineering industry in the North East of England. The Clerk undertook to forward Governors’ congratulations to these individuals.
Action – Mark Sacco
The Principal provided a presentation on quality matters. Newcastle College had been one of the first colleges to be awarded the New Standard for employer facing provision funded by the LSC. Inspection by Ofsted was anticipated and preparations were being made.
The Corporation received the report.
2236 Gender Equality Scheme
Linda Moore presented the report, highlighting proposed amendments to update the Gender Equality Scheme and a proposal to align review of the Scheme with review of the Valuing Diversity Policy.
A further minor amendment was agreed, to clarify the introduction to the Scheme.
The Corporation approved
· The updated Gender Equality Scheme, as amended at the meeting
· That re-approval of the Gender Equality Scheme would be aligned with re-approval of the Valuing Diversity Policy
2237 Corporation Matters
Mark Sacco presented the report highlighting new Instrument and Articles of Government which came into effect on 1 January 2008, a proposed action plan for compliance with this and a proposed Calendar of Meetings for 2008-2009.
Governors emphasised the need to protect commercial confidentiality when disclosing information to the public. The Clerk undertook to arrange a briefing session on confidentiality and disclosure for Governors and to seek approval of a protocol for disclosure prior to publication of governance information via the website.
Action – Mark Sacco
The Clerk also undertook to compile extracts of reports to the Corporation concerning the outcomes of staff disciplinary cases for review by Governors outside the meeting.
Action – Mark Sacco
The Corporation approved
· That the composition of the board should be updated to increase the number of student members from one to two whilst maintaining the total membership number at 15
· The proposed action plan for compliance with the new Instrument and Articles of Government, subject to the approval of a protocol for the publication of governance information
· The Calendar of Meetings for 2008-2009.
2238 Student Union Constitution
Ruth Crowther presented the report, highlighting proposed changes to the Student Union Constitution. A further minor amendment was agreed, to reflect renaming of the Race Equality Working Group as the Diversity Working Group
The Corporation approved the Student Union Constitution, as amended at the meeting.
2239 Draft Skelmersdale and Ormskirk Self Assessment Report 2006-2007
Jackie Fisher presented the report, highlighting judgements that had been made about Skelmersdale and Ormskirk College and the development plan. The Skelmersdale and Ormskirk Self Assessment Report had been subjected to a rigorous validation exercise and was believed to be robust and realistic.
The Corporation approved the content of the Skelmersdale and Ormskirk Self Assessment Report for submission to the LSC Provider Gateway.
2240 Performance Monitoring
Jackie Fisher presented the report, highlighting details of College performance to Period 3; the position was very strong.
In response to an enquiry, Esme Winch undertook to review current levels of sickness absence and update Governors about this outside the meeting.
Action – Esme Winch
The Clerk undertook to arrange a short briefing by John Dallinson at the following meeting on FE Learner Numbers.
Action – Mark Sacco / John Dallinson
The Corporation received the report.
2241 Interim Report on Complaints and Learner Feedback
Linda Moore presented the report which related to the Autumn term 2007. There were high levels of satisfaction with courses and teaching. The college had responded to issues raised by students while settling in. All complaints concerning equality had been satisfactorily addressed: none had concerned race, one had concerned gender and two had concerned disability.
In response to an enquiry, the Clerk explained that the college’s Complaints Procedure was available to members of the public who requested information under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Corporation received the report.
2242 Key Performance Indicators: Teaching and Learning
Jackie Fisher presented the report, highlighting interim results of a recent benchmarking exercise conducted by a team of Ofsted inspectors, to review the quality of teaching and learning across all areas of the college.
The Corporation received the report.
2243 Property Strategy
This item was deemed confidential and a separate minute was taken.
2244 Finance Report
Esme Winch presented the report. Financial performance was generally strong.
The highest risk to financial performance was associated with Train to Gain; the college’s approach would be developed further during the remainder of the financial year and improvements would be implemented from September 2008. It was suggested that dialogue with CBI about Train to Gain might be beneficial.
The Corporation received the report.
2245 Other Business
Governors’ Strategy Session
A strategy session had been scheduled for 12 February 2008. The Executive would develop a programme. Jackie Fisher invited Governors to forward any suggestions about topics for discussion.
2246 Confidentiality of Business
Matters relating to property strategy were deemed confidential.
2247 Date and time of next meeting:
11 March 2008 at 5.00pm
Meeting closed: 7.05pm