ORIGINATING UNIT: Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences, School of Nurse Anesthesia
____________New Course
___X________New Program (Degree Plan)
Semester and year course/program will take effect: Fall 2013
NEW PROGRAM TITLE: Master of Health Science, School of Nurse Anesthesia
Appropriate Computer Abbreviation (30 spaces or less): MHSc
New Course Number: NA
Prerequisites for new course: NA
DESCRIPTION OF NEW PROGRAM (Catalog Copy): The MHSc for post baccalaureate registered nurses is designed for registered nurses who have completed a minimum of forty credit hours in the School of Nurse Anesthesia.
Mission: The MHSc provides graduate academic preparation for nursing practice grounded in the health sciences. The purpose of the MHSc degree plan is to prepare nurses for further graduate work and research careers and equip them to assume positions in a variety of health care organizations.
Upon successful completion of the MHSc curriculum, graduates should be able to:
· Support the University's mission, vision and core values.
· Be ready to serve society on the healthcare team.
· Foster an appreciation for the necessity of learning, thinking critically and continuing to grow personally and professionally.
Program of Study
The MHSc is a degree plan designed to prepare RNs in the scientific underpinnings of nursing practice.
Admission Requirements
Students enrolled in the School of Nurse Anesthesia in either the MSNA or DNP-A who choose to transfer to the MHSc degree program. Students transferring must have the recommendation of the faculty and have complied with the School of Nurse Anesthesia and TCU Code of Ethics and Professional Standards and Behavior. No direct admission is allowed to the MHSc.
Degree Requirements
Completion of the following coursework:
Spring Semester – 6 credits
NRAN 60113 Research and Theory in Nurse Anesthesia*
NRAN 81123 Biostatistics for the Advanced Health Practitioner*
Summer Semester – 6 credits
NRAN 81113 Complexity and Innovation in Health Care*
NRAN 81233 Decision Science and Informatics*
Fall Semester - 16 credit hours
NRAN 81243 Translational Research
NRAN 60123 Physical Science in Nurse Anesthesia
NRAN 60134 Advanced Pharmacology
NRAN 60146 Advanced Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology I
Spring Semester - 12 credit hours
NRAN 60235 Advanced Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology II
NRAN 60213 Advanced Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology III
NRAN 60224 Pharmacology of Anesthetic Agents
Academic Rating System
Per the School of Nurse Anesthesia Handbook, the faculty of the School of Nurse Anesthesia endorses the following grading scale and recommends that faculty in the School of Nurse Anesthesia use the following scale in determining course grades.
A = 92-100
B = 83-91
C = 74-82
F = <74
Per the TCU Student Handbook, the following may also be assigned as needed:
I = Incomplete
W = Withdrew
Q = Dropped by permission of the Dean
A = Audit
MHSc students must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 in accordance with the provisions described below under “Academic Warning”. All grades will be included in the computation of the grade point average, but no more than six credit hours of “C” may be utilized in satisfying degree requirements.
An “I” grade is recorded when the student and instructor have determined that the work required for a course cannot be completed within the term of enrollment due to circumstances beyond the control of the student. Under no circumstance will a grade of “I” be given to avoid earning a less than passing grade for the course.
The “I” grade must be removed within the first sixty days of the regular semester immediately following or it is changed to an “F”. Any extension of this time must have the written approval of the instructor and dean. This policy does not apply to graduate thesis, thesis recital, and dissertation hours. “I” grades on theses and dissertations are removed by special reporting forms when the student completes the work.
The grading policies and regulations of the school or college of a student’s major apply to his or her academic studies.
Grade Point Average
Two grade point averages are maintained by Texas Christian University: (1) a semester average based on courses taken at TCU during a particular term, and (2) a cumulative average based on all work attempted at TCU. A student’s grade point average is computed by dividing the number of grade points (grade points earned by semester hour for the successful completion of academic work) by the number of hours (total credit hours attempted at TCU, excluding those attempted on a pass/ no credit basis).
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is not allowed.
Pass/ No Credit
No courses maybe taken Pass/No Credit.
Academic Warning
The MHSc student who achieves a GPA of less than 3.0 in any semester or term will be placed on academic warning. A student can be removed from that status by achieving a 3.0 cumulative average by the end of the next six (6) hours of enrollment. Failure to resolve academic warning will result in dismissal.
Full Time Students
MHSc students who achieve a GPA of less than 3.0 in any semester or term will be placed on academic warning. A student can be removed from that status by achieving a 3.0 cumulative average by the end of the next six (6) hours of enrollment. If the student should fail to do so, further enrollment will be granted only by special permission of the Director of the School of Nurse Anesthesia. Students wishing to enroll on a part time basis or drop courses must have written permission from the Director of the School of Nurse Anesthesia.
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE OR JUSTIFICATION (For a new course, attach a copy of course objectives, course outline, representative bibliography, and proposed syllabus. For a new program, attach a statement of the mission and objectives of the new program).
Please note that no new courses are submitted for approval. The courses listed on the degree plan have already been approved as a part of the existing nurse anesthesia program, thus are not submitted for approval here.
Justification for the Degree Plan for MHSc
The program was designed by the School of Nurse Anesthesia faculty to respond to students who choose not to continue in the clinical component of the nurse anesthesia degree for a variety of reasons. With the course work proposed for the degree, the student is prepared with a solid foundation in health sciences for further study or other roles in health care.
Faculty: None.
Space: No additional space will be required. The School of Nurse Anesthesia currently has classroom space to support 80 students. There are no plans to admit more students than current space can support.
Library Resources: No additional library resources will be required.
Equipment: No additional equipment will be required.
Does this change affect any other units of the university? ____ Yes, _X__No
If yes, submit supporting statement by chair of affected unit.
If cross listed, provide evidence of approval by all curriculum committees appropriate to both the originating and cross listed units. NA
Chair of Originating Unit: Signature____________________________________________
Name Kay K. Sanders, CRNA, DNP, Director, School of Nurse Anesthesia
Unit Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences School of Nurse