(There’s a Rabbit in the Moon!)
(August 2015)
Unit Statement: The student will read myths from pre-Columbian civilizations and discuss origins of myths. He/she will compare and contrast known myths and legends with pre-Columbian ones. The student will discuss whether or not myths have basis in truth and express needs with newly acquired grammar.
Essential Outcomes:(must be assessed for mastery)
- The StudentWillinterpret pre-Columbian myths and legends using newly acquired vocabulary.
- TSW compare and contrast pre-Columbian myths with commonly-known ones.
- TSW investigate “inexplicable” phenomena in pre-Columbian civilizations.
- TSW debate the veracity of studied myths and phenomena.
- TSW state their opinions about the myths and phenomena using subjunctive with expressions of doubt, uncertainly or disbelief.
- TSW explore and discuss contributions from ancient civilization.
- TSW relate their opinions with evidence and the use of expressions such as pero, sino, ya que, al igual que, o sea que.
- TSW distinguish between general and specific needs with adjective clauses with the subjunctive or indicative.
- TSW read about the past civilizations in Latin America and make a summary.
Suggested Materials: (provided by school)
Textbook: Realidades3, 7, pp. 292-334;
Online Companion Websites: (web codes jed-0701-0711);
Core Practice Workbook: pp. 91-104;
Guided Practice Workbook: pp. 208-237;
Communication Workbook: pp. 92-104
Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:
Attached Suggested Unit Evaluation Rubric.
Speaking Rubric and Writing Rubric found in Course Outcomes.
Teacher generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSWs).
Suggested Unit Evaluation Rubric- SPANISH III- E08
Name: Date: Class:
●To receive a ‘B’, the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes (TSW’s).
●To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery in 2 out of 2 available ‘A’ level TSW’s and ‘B’ level mastery on all of the remaining TSW’s.
TSWs / ‘A’ LEVEL / ‘B’ LEVEL / ‘P’ - Comments1 / TSW interpret pre-Columbian myths and legends using newly acquired vocabulary. / I can create and illustrate my own myth of origin using newly and previously acquired grammar and vocabulary. / I can interpret pre-Columbian myths and legends using newly acquired vocabulary.
2 / TSW compare and contrast pre-Columbian myths with commonly-known ones. / I can compare and contrast pre-Columbian myths with commonly-known ones.
3 / TSW investigate “inexplicable” phenomena in pre-Columbian civilizations. / I can investigate “inexplicable” phenomena in pre-Columbian civilizations.
4 / TSW debate the veracity of studied myths and phenomena. / I can read a fragment from Don Quijote de La Mancha and write a summary about the message of this piece of fiction. / I can debate the veracity of studied myths and phenomena.
5 / TSW state their opinions about the myths and phenomena using subjunctive with expressions of doubt, uncertainly or disbelief. / I can state my opinions about the myths and phenomena using subjunctive with expressions of doubt, uncertainly or disbelief.
6 / TSW explore and discuss contributions from ancient civilization. / I can explore and discuss contributions from ancient civilization.
7 / TSW relate their opinions with evidence and the use of expressions such as pero, sino, ya que, al igual que, o sea que. / I can relate my opinions with evidence and the use of expressions such as pero, sino, ya que, al igual que, o sea que.
8 / TSW distinguish between general and specific needs with adjective clauses with the subjunctive or indicative. / I can distinguish between general and specific needs with adjective clauses with the subjunctive or indicative.
9 / TSW read about the past civilizations in Latin America and make a summary. / I can read about the past civilizations in Latin America and make a summary.
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