NMPhA Mid-Winter Meeting “PHARMACIST: A Friend you can Trust”
Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel
2600 Louisiana NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Saturday, January 27, 2018
8:00am - 1:00pm Executive Council Meeting
8:00am Council Breakfast
8:30am Council Meeting Begins
Noon Council Lunch
1:00pm Council Meeting Adjourns
9:00am – Noon Live CPR 2 year AHA Certification by JJ Arnold.
$60 per person… call 505-363-3761 to RSVP.
1:00pm - 3:00pm Concurrent Programs
Law CE Program
u 2018 New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Drug Law UpdateAdela Padilla, RPh & Cheranne McCracken, PharmD
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-002-L03-P / Contact Hours: 2.0 CEUs: 0.2 / Initial Release Date: 1/27/18
To familiarize health care professionals with new and/or changes to state and federal regulation or laws and to promote compliance with existing laws and regulations. At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws; 3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations;
4) Define the Pharmacist role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-002-L03-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws;
3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations; 4) Define the Pharmacy Technician role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.
Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico Board of Pharmacy
1:00pm - 2:00pm
u Everything a Pharmacist Needs to Know about OsteoporosisE. Michael Lewiecki, MD, FACP, FACE
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-003-L01-P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 Initial Release Date: 1/27/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Recognize osteoporosis treatment guidelines; 2) Define balance of benefits and risks with treatment and 3) Demonstrate risk communication techniques.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-003-L01-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Recognize osteoporosis treatment guidelines; 2) Define balance of benefits and risks with treatment and 3) Demonstrate risk communication techniques.
Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico Clinical Research & Osteoporosis Center
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2:00pm - 3:00pm
v Geriatric Clinical PearlsJennifer Chen, PharmD; Jessica Ann Louthan, PharmD; Michael Meier, PharmD; Steven K. Otto, PharmD; Gina Villano, PharmD
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-004-L01-P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 Initial Release Date: 1/27/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Identify risk factors associated with the development of catheter-associated UTIs (CAUTIs) and discuss the role of antibiotics in the treatment and prevention of CAUTIs; 2) Describe the appropriate use of urinary anticholinergics related to correct indication, medication formulation, dosing, prevention of side effects, and setting goals for symptom improvement; 3) Describe the risk factors and potential mechanism of SSRI-induced hyponatremia; 4) Discuss risks associated with use of PPIs in older adults including infection and electrolyte malabsorption and the associated consequences in this population and 5) Identify safety concerns of NSAIDs in conjunction with other common medications prescribed in the geriatric population.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-004-L01-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Identify risk factors associated with the development of catheter-associated UTIs (CAUTIs) and discuss the role of antibiotics in the treatment and prevention of CAUTIs; 2) Describe the risk factors and potential mechanism of SSRI-induced hyponatremia; 3) Discuss risks associated with use of PPIs in older adults including infection and electrolyte malabsorption and the associated consequences in this population and 4) Identify safety concerns of NSAIDs in conjunction with other common medications prescribed in the geriatric population.
Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico VA Health Care System
3:00pm - 3:15pm Snack Break
3:15pm - 5:15pm General Session - Patient Safety/Opioid Safety CPE
] Designer Drugs coming into the Country & APDs use of Naloxone Brian B. SalleeACPE #: 0104-0000-18-005-L05-P / Contact Hours: 2.0 CEUs: 0.2 / Initial Release Date: 1/27/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) List the types of opioids that are being abused and 2) Describe the use of naloxone by the Albuquerque Police Department.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-005-L05-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) List the types of opioids that are being abused and 2) Describe the use of naloxone by the Albuquerque Police Department.
Program Acknowledged by: BBS Narcotics Enforcement Training and Consulting, LLC
5:30pm – 6:30pm Wine & Cheese – Sponsored by: New Mexico Pharmacy Business Council & American Pharmacies
Sunday, January 28, 2018
7:00am – 8:00am FREE Cardiovascular Risk Screenings… (NO CE)
If interested, schedule your appointment with the NMPhA office @ 505-265-8729/800-464-8729. The screenings will include, a complete fasting lipid profile (includes good and bad cholesterol), blood glucose, blood pressure, body mass index, and a 10-year risk estimate for cardiovascular disease and stroke. The cholesterol and glucose tests require a small fingerstick sample of blood. For the most accurate results, participants should complete a 10 to 12 hour fast (nothing to eat or drink of caloric value) prior to the screening.
This program is put on by students from the UNM College of Pharmacy.
7:30am Pick up name badges
Continental Breakfast
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8:00am - 9:00am Concurrent Sessions - Patient Safety/Opioid Safety CPE
u New Mexico Department of Health Initiatives: Responding to the Opioid Epidemic in New Mexico Christopher Trujillo, PharmDACPE #: 0104-0000-18-006-L05-P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 / Initial Release Date: 1/28/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Describe overdose death and intervention related data; 2) Identify controlled substance prescribing patterns in New Mexico; 3) Describe methods to improve opioid prescribing practice, expand access to naloxone, and expand availability of medication assisted treatment; 4) Define Notifiable Condition and how it’s used in Public Health and 5) Describe how a drug overdose notifiable condition can be used to intervene at various levels to reduce future drug overdose.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-006-L01-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) List methods to improve opioid prescribing practice, expand access to naloxone, and expand availability of medication assisted treatment; 2) Define Notifiable Condition and how it’s used in Public Health and 3) List 3 ways in which a drug overdose notifiable condition can be used to reduce future overdose.
Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico Department of Health
8:00am - 9:00am
v Diabetic Devices Workshop Angela Aldrich, PharmD, PhCACPE #: 0104-0000-18-015-L04–P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 / Initial Release Date: 1/28/18
At the completion of this application-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Compare current diabetic devices; 2) Differentiate between insulin pumps, meters, glucose monitors and 3) Review how to use the various diabetic devices.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-015-L04–T
At the completion of this application-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Compare current diabetic devices; 2) Differentiate between insulin pumps, meters, glucose monitors and 3) Review how to use the various diabetic devices.
Program Acknowledged by: Presbyterian
9:00am – 9:10am Coffee Break
9:10am - 10:10am Concurrent Sessions
u The Basics of Alzheimer’s David Lee DavisACPE #: 0104-0000-18-007-L04-P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 / Initial Release Date: 1/28/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Review Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia; 2) Describe how Alzheimer’s affects the brain; 3) List the causes and risk factors; 4) Recognize how to find out if it’s Alzheimer’s disease; 5) Recognize when the diagnosis is Alzheimer’s; 6) Stages of the disease; 7) Treating the symptoms and 8) Discuss the hope for the future.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-007-L04-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Review Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia; 2) Describe how Alzheimer’s affects the brain; 3) List the causes and risk factors; 4) Recognize how to find out if it’s Alzheimer’s disease; 5) Recognize when the diagnosis is Alzheimer’s; 6) Stages of the disease; 7) Treating the symptoms and 8) Discuss the hope for the future.
Program Acknowledged by: Alzheimer’s Association, NM Chapter
9:10am - 10:10am
v Independent Pharmacy Ownership: Challenges and OpportunitiesJoseph Daniel Cross, RPh, PhC; Mona Ghattas, RPh; Brian Hunt, PharmD; Michael Raburn, RPh; Ashley Seyfarth, PharmD
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-008-L04–P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 / Initial Release Date: 1/28/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Describe the current market landscape and recent industry trends regarding independent pharmacy, both locally and nationally; 2) List the potential mechanisms through which an independent pharmacy can be opened or acquired; 3) List factors that should be
NMPhA Mid-Winter Meeting / Page 4 / Sheraton UptownNMPhA Mid-Winter Meeting “PHARMACIST: A Friend you can Trust”
considered for the development of a successful independent pharmacy; 4) List technologies and other programs or resources available to help independent pharmacies manage workflow and general business activities; 5) Compare basic challenges and rewards associated with independent pharmacy and 6) Evaluate the importance of staying engaged politically, professionally, and civically as an independent pharmacy and list examples of independent pharmacy driven objectives.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-008-L04–T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Describe the current market landscape and recent industry trends regarding independent pharmacy, both locally and nationally; 2) List the potential mechanisms through which an independent pharmacy can be opened or acquired; 3) List factors that should be considered for the development of a successful independent pharmacy; 4) List technologies and other programs or resources available to help independent pharmacies manage workflow and general business activities; 5) Compare basic
challenges and rewards associated with independent pharmacy and 6) Evaluate the importance of staying engaged politically, professionally, and civically as an independent pharmacy and list examples of independent pharmacy driven objectives.
Program Acknowledged by: TBD
10:15am - 11:15am Concurrent Sessions
Mandatory for Pharmacists w/ Vaccination Prescriptive Authority (One Live CE hour per year)
u Are you Wise to Immunize? Tammy J. Butler, PharmDACPE #: 0104-0000-18-009-L06-P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 / Initial Release Date: 1/28/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Describe problem solving to frequently asked questions using 2017 US and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) updates; 2) Outline an appropriate immunization regimen for patient cases and questions; 3) Discuss common misconceptions, concerns, and controversies regarding immunizations and 4) Outline the pharmacist's role as an immunizer and challenges one may face while fulfilling these roles.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-009-L06-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Describe the current status of adult vaccine-preventable diseases in the US; 2) Discuss the importance of immunizations in adults; 3) Discuss common misconceptions, concerns, and controversies regarding immunizations and 4) Outline the pharmacy's role in immunizations and challenges one may face while fulfilling these roles.
Program Acknowledged by: TBD
10:15am - 11:15am
v USP 797 & USP 800: Updates Are Coming – Are You Prepared?Alexandra Sible, PharmD
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-010-L07–P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 / Initial Release Date: 1/28/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Describe the background and purpose of USP General Chapters 797 and 800 and explain key differences between the two chapters; 2) Describe proposed changes to USP 797 and USP 800; 3) Outline the proposed timelines for implementation of new USP 797 and USP 800 standards and 4) Identify challenges that pharmacies and pharmacy personnel may face in implementing new USP 797 and USP 800 standards.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-010-L07–T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Describe the background and purpose of USP General Chapters 797 and 800 and explain key differences between the two chapters; 2) Describe proposed changes to USP 797 and USP 800; 3) Outline the proposed timelines for implementation of new USP 797 and USP 800 standards and 4) Identify challenges that pharmacies and pharmacy personnel may face in implementing new USP 797 and USP 800 standards.
Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy
NMPhA Mid-Winter Meeting “PHARMACIST: A Friend you can Trust”
11:20am – 12:20pm General Session
] Mountain High and Valley Low: A Pharmacist and Technician Primer for Appropriate Diagnosis and Management of Bipolar DisorderWesley Campbell, PharmD, PhC, BCPS, BCPP
ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-011-L01-P / Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU: 0.1 Initial Release Date: 1/28/18
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Identify presenting symptoms and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for manic, depressive, and mixed episodes of bipolar disorder; 2) Design a comprehensive pharmacotherapeutic regimen for bipolar disorder taking into account comorbid conditions, concurrent medications, and patient preference; 3) Appraise a patient treatment regimen for bipolar disorder for appropriateness of
medication indication, dose, and follow-up monitoring; 4) Employ effective counseling skills when discussing common bipolar disorder treatments with patients and caregivers to promote optimal medication utilization and minimize adverse effects and 5) Discuss the role pharmacists have in routine screening for suicidality in patients with chronic mental health conditions, providing example questions and brief assessments for effective triaging to appropriate mental health care providers.