Carleton UniversitySenate

Ottawa, CanadaCurriculum Committee

May 19, 2007

To: Senate Executive

From: Brian Mortimer, Clerk

RE: Late Curriculum Changes for 2007-8 and Changes for 2008 – 2009

The Senate Curriculum Committee has received several proposals for curriculum changes. These include both program and course changes at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The appropriate faculty boards, and also Senate Executive, have approved these changes. The course changes are approved as 2007 – 2008 changes. On the other hand, the program changes are approved as 2008 – 2009 changes. This is necessary since we have already begun admitting students to these programs for September 2007 and course registration for the fall term will be underway very soon. The departments of French and Earth Sciences will need to work with the students admitted for 2007-2008 to modify their programs as required to accommodate changes in course offerings.

Changes for the 2007 – 2008 academic year

Graduate Faculty Board


Courses Changes

  1. Delete course FREN 5401 Sémiotique littéraire
  2. Delete course FREN 5402 Littérature et rhétorique
  3. Delete course FREN 5406 Genres I
  4. Delete course FREN 5407 Genres II
  5. Change title for FREN 5601 from “Sémiotique culturelle” to “Études culturelles”

Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Three courses were approved by the OCIECE Board of Management for the 2006/2007 calendar but were inadvertently dropped from the submission. (for 2007 – 2008)

  1. SITE EACJ 5132 (ELG 5132) Smart Antennas
  2. SITE EACJ 5133 (ELG 5133) Introduction to Mobile Communications
  3. SITE EACJ 5360 (ELG 5360) Digital Watermarking

Faculty of Science

  1. Course Categories for the B.Sc.: general housekeeping to update the lists to reflect course additions and deletions elsewhere.
  1. Earth Sciences Course changes:

(a)New Courses ERTH 2406 Geology and Map Interpretation

(b)New Course: ERTH 3002 Gemnology

(c)Changes in the prerequisites of ERTH 2404, ERTH 3201, ERTH 3202, ERTH 3204, ERTH 3805, ERTH 3806, ERTH 4403, ERTH 4707, ERTH 4802, ERTH 4908.

(d)Deletion of the preclusion statements for ERTH 2401, ERTH 2402 and ERTH 2403

Changes for the 2008 – 2009 Academic Year

Graduate Faculty Board


Program changes

  1. Designate FREN 5300 Méthodologie de la recherché as compulsory in all three program options. This is a recommandation from OCGS.
  2. Restrict to a maximum of 0.5 credits directed reading course FREN 5800 (Lectures dirigées)
  3. Modify restriction on credits taken outside the department

Science Faculty Board

Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences Program Changes

  1. Replace ERTH 2404 Engineering Geoscience with ERTH 2406 Geology and Map Interpretation in:

i)B.Sc. Honours Program

ii)B.Sc. Earth Sciences with Concentration in Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoecology

iii)B.Sc. General Program (20.0 credit)

iv)B.Sc. General Program (15.0 credit)

v)B.Sc. Chemistry and Earth Sciences Honours Program

  1. Changes, following from changes in Geography courses, in requirements to:

i)Earth Sciences and Physical Geography B.Sc. Combined Honours

ii)Earth Sciences and Physical Geography: Concentration in Terrain Science B.Sc. Combined Honours

  1. Changes in the requirements of Chemistry and Earth Sciences B.Sc. Combined Honours following from changes to Chemistry courses
  2. Modify the references to professional accreditation to bring them up to date.