Nevada City Community Broadcast Group

Board of Directors Meeting

BriarPatch Community Room290 Sierra College DriveGrass Valley, CA 95945

Monday, April 22, 2013 - 6:30 p.m.
Approved Minutes by

Therese Tesene, Board Scribe


The Regular Meeting of April 22, 2013 of the Board of Directors of the Nevada City Community Broadcast Group (KVMR) was called to order at 6:35 p.m. in the BriarPatch Community Room, 290 Sierra College Drive, Grass Valley, Nevada County, California, by President Michael Young.


The President called the roll:

PRESENT: Directors Larry Hillberg (arrived at 7:00 p.m.), John Hensley, Barbara Jicha (Treasurer), Barbara Lowell, Sue Lunsford (Secretary), Tim Ogden, Mary Ross (Vice President), and President Michael Young.

ABSENT: Directors Jim Bunnell, Larry Ortiz, and Susan Prince.

STAFF PRESENT: David Levin, General Manager.

GUESTS: Cheryl Dachtler, former Board member and Community Advisory Board member.


Motion by Director Lunsford, seconded by Director Jicha, and carried unanimously, 7-0-4-0, with Directors Bunnell, Hillberg, Ortiz, and Prince absent, to approve the agenda as submitted.


Motion by Director Ross, seconded by Director Ogden, and carried unanimously, 7-0-4-0, with Directors Bunnell, Hillberg, Ortiz, and Prince absent, approving the Minutes of the February 25, 2013 KVMR Board of Directors meeting with two typos corrected.


Motion by Director Hensley, seconded by Director Ogden, and carried unanimously, 7-0-4-0, with Directors Bunnell, Hillberg, Ortiz, and Prince absent, approving the committee reports as submitted.


Cheryl Dachtler, former Board member and Community Advisory Board (CAB) member, presented a report that chronicled CAB’s major accomplishments from 2009 to date. She informed the Board that CAB is experiencing the following challenges: 1) At present, there are no active members on CAB due to terming-out, resignation, ineligibility, and death; 2) Increasing participation at a public forum; and 3) Setting in place annual/biannual activities that focuses CAB in meeting its mission statement and purpose. Ms. Dachtler offered to assist the new CAB after it is formed.




General Manager Levin offered to bring questions from the Board regarding the website to Webmaster Julia Boorinakis-Harper. He encourages and recommends that a couple of Board members including Susan Prince be included in the test group. Director Ross stated that she likes the fact that there are timelines in the website report.

Director Hillberg arrived at 7:00 p.m.

General Manager Levin gave an update regarding the membership drive and stated that he is hopeful that donations will reach the $100,000 mark.

At the request of General Manager Levin, motion by Director Ogden, seconded by Director Hillberg, and carried unanimously, 8-0-3-0, with Directors Bunnell, Ortiz, and Prince absent, adopting a resolution modifying the signature cards at the First US Community Credit Union from David Levin, Mary Ross, Barbara Lowell, Michael Young, and John Hensley to David Levin, Mary Ross, and Michael Young effective immediately.

Discussion ensued regarding problems associated with the membership drive including phone answerers not showing up, the inconsistent availability of food as well as the availability of staff on the weekend. General Manager Levin will bring up these issues with staff at the debriefing meeting.


STATION DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (SDC). Director Ross reported that the SDC made a schedule for the strategic plan. She will contact Program Director Steve Baker regarding a public service announcement asking the public to fill out the survey.

FINANCIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (FRC). Director Jicha went over the minutes of the FRC meeting of April 18, 2013. She discussed the March 2013 financial statements, membership drive, underwriting, proposed budget policy, the timing of the 2013-2014 budget, the capital campaign strategies and events, and a proposed volunteer insurance waiver.

BOARD DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (BDC). Director Lunsford reviewed the minutes of the BDC meeting of April 4, 2013. She discussed review of the strategic plan, annual timeline for board development, recruitment and elections, and proposed changes to the existing budget policy.

FUND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (FDC). Director Young reviewed the minutes of the FDC meeting of April 15, 2013. He stated that the FDC met with EasyCause, an e-commerce and donation company for nonprofits. The FDC is discussing its affect on local merchants and underwriters.


Director Ross reported that the Bridge Committee has been reviewing the bids for Phase I demolition/deconstruction of the KVMR/Nevada Theatre Commission building. The attorneys are reviewing the contract with Landmark Construction. If the contract is approved by all parties, the project launch is scheduled for April 29, 2013.

Motion by Director Lunsford, seconded by Director Ogden, and carried unanimously, 8-0-3-0, with Directors Bunnell, Ortiz, and Prince absent, authorizing the approval of a contract with Landmark Construction for Phase I demolition/deconstruction of the KVMR/Nevada Theatre Commission building after it is approved by all parties.


Motion by Director Hensley, seconded by Director Lowell, and carried unanimously, 8-0-3-0, with Directors Bunnell, Ortiz, and Prince absent, to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Next Board Meeting: May 13, 2013

Briar Patch Community Room

6:30 pm