A Division of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association
Nevada Association of Student Councils State Board Meeting
September 18-19, Las Vegas NV
I. Call to Order (3:44 pm)
II. Roll Call
· Mrs. Langhurst not present
III. Officer Reports and Goals (Attached)
a. President: Dylan Johnson
b. Vice Presidents
i. Div. 1A: Kobey Lang
ii. Div. 2A: Jose Banuelos
iii. Div. 3A: Colleen McCoy
iv. Div. 4A-1: Amman Tewolde-Mesfin
v. Div. 4A-2: Charissa Alo
c. Region Representatives
i. Northern: Skylar Merschel
ii. Southern: Ally Stolworthy
iii. Western: Madison Quigley
d. Communication Directors
i. Newsletter Editor: Jayde Powell
ii. Webmaster: Anutr Sivakoses
iii. Secretary: Leah Paquette
e. Student Representative to the State Board of Education: Samantha Molisee
f. Executive Directors
i. Northern: Ms. Topholm
ii. Southern: Mrs. Ginger
iii. Western: Ms. Cox
IV. Old Business
a. Presidential Goals
i. Communication
1. State Board contact with schools:
· Hope to include video introductions of board into the next newsletter
2. Regional collaboration
· Coffer Board for online help or discussion
3. Idea Sharing
· Pinterest: reorganize into categories in order to access material quicker and easier
· Idea tabs for website: Google Doc with ideas to be submitted and organized into categories, then Anutr will evaluate and post appropriate submissions
Samantha Molisee makes a motion to approve the presidential goals as such. Kobey Lang seconds. Passes.
ii. Service
1. NASC Week of Service
· Tabled until state theme was decided
2. State Service Theme
• Discussed theme for NASC Week of service due to close proximity in school voting
Ally Stolworthy makes a Motion to choose hunger as the state theme. Kobey Lang seconds. Motion carries.
Samantha Molisee makes a motion to vote to vote on the motion above. Anutr Sivakoses seconds.
Motion setting hunger as state theme is declined.
Samantha Molisee makes a motion to set homelessness as state service theme. Blake Pride-Zorn seconds. Motion carries.
• Homelessness is set at the state service theme for 2016-17 year
• TBA in newsletter, a video promotion, emailed to presidents, and all over NASC social media
3. NASC Week of Service
· Discussion continues now that theme has been chosen
· Create a video to promote
· Create a hash tag that schools can share their service week projects to
· Have a presentation of all the different school projects at state
· Video to be recorded by September 19
· Newsletter to be released by September 24
· Dates for week of service March 5-11
Anutr Sivakoses motions to approve the dates selected for the 2017 NASC Week of Service. Amman Tewolde-Mesfin seconds. Motion carries.
Samantha Molisee motions to approve the presidential service goals as such. Amman Tewolde-Mesfin seconds. Motion Passes.
iii. Goals and Awards
1. Distinguished Student Leaders Program
· State Board’s participation in DSL
Samantha Molisee motions to promote DSL for across the board participation. Amman Tewolde-Mesfin seconds. Motion carries.
RECESS: Meeting will continue next day (September 19) at 8:00 am at ATECH
V. Meeting Called Back to Order (8:57)
VI. Roll Call
a. All members present
VII. New Business
a. State Goal: Charitable Financial Contribution (CFC)
i. Set Amount
· Discussion about what the year’s goal should be set at
· $150,000
Anutr Sivakoses makes a motion to set the CFC goal at $150,000. Sam Molisee seconds. Motion carries.
b. “Of the Year” Awards Nomination Procedures
i. New Advisor of the Year
Kobey Lang motions for a standard font among nominations. Amman Tewolde-Mesfin seconds. Motion goes under discussion.
ii. Advisor of the Year
iii. Administrator of the Year
iv. Mid-Level Advisor of the Year
Kobey Lang motions to adopt all nomination procedures as so. Megan Tuerke seconds. Motion carries.
Ally Stolworthy motions to maintain all nomination procedures- including Times New Roman preferred. Kobey Lang seconds. Motion carries
c. Regional Award Criteria
i. Northern Region – Golden Nugget Award
· Updated
· Added another brother school contact (allows for brother schools to be more closely located and for easier contact between schools)
· Added a “season of service” with the theme of hunger
Kobey Lang motioned to endorse the new criteria. Megan Tuerke seconds. Motion passes.
ii. Western Region – Wild West Award
· Added a new question to the application
o “What is the purpose”
Megan Tuerke motioned to accept the new criteria of the Wild West Award. Jayde Powell seconds. Motion passes.
iii. Southern Region – Southern Star Award
· Only need to attend 3/4 presidents meeting
· Pinterest pin must be screen shot and sent in
· Video conferences with brother schools are an acceptable activity
· Schools may send in a Pinterest pin or upload to the idea share board on NASC’s website
Blake Pride-Zorn motions to accept the new criteria. Sam Molisee seconds. Motion passes.
d. NASC State Conference 2017: Blake and Megan (updates and goals attached)
· Have speakers set
· Plan to invite inactive schools
· Service activity: Homeless care packages
o Schools will bring supplies
o Each council must create 50 packages to bring to the conference
o Packs put together as regions?
o Service project presentation
e. State Conference 2018 Northern Bids
· Due November 2, 2016
f. NASC Google Calendar
· Region representatives, region executives, and president need access to allow them to enter events into calendar
· Link to subscribe to calendar on website
g. NASC 50th Anniversary
· 50 care packages created by each council
· 50th anniversary pins to be ordered by and sold to each council (before state)
· Stickers to be sold or given as a bag filler at state
· Schools submit videos saying “Happy 50th NASC” (to be viewed at state)
· Schools submit photos with the number 50 (either on paper or with bodies) (to be viewed at state)
h. National Service Project Award Application
Samantha Molisee motions to apply again for the National Service Award. Kobey Lang seconds. Motion passes.
VIII. Privilege of the Floor
· Sam asks for board participation in the Walk for Water on October 15
· Dylan asks to have a link to the state board of education website on the NASC website
· Discussed state board crew necks to be made by Mrs. Langhurst
· Discussed a state board holiday card
o To be taken at November regionals in ugly sweater
IX. Adjournment (10:54 am)
Next Meeting: November 19-21, 2016. Reno, NV
Dedicated in unifying the state through effective communication and assisting all Nevada Student Councils in achieving their goals.