Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change
ISSN: 2157-7617 / Open Access

November, 2015


Editorial Coordinator,

Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change,

ISSN: 2157-7617

Subject: Accepting the Editorial Board Member position of Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change

Dear Journal Coordinator,

I would like to continue as an Editorial Board Member for the prestigious journal, Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change, a renowned periodical in Earth Science and allowing the journal to display my affiliation details at journal’s website.

I am happy to render my continuous support and suggestion(s) for the betterment of journal in favoring the dissemination of scientific knowledge for the respective research community.

Best wishes,


Name: Fatih Evrendilek

Designation: Professor

Current Affiliation: Abant Izzet Baysal University

Country: Turkey

Contact Email:

Contact Number: 5356645729

Suggestion or proposal:

Best wishes to the journal for publication of quality articles in the field of Earth Science and Climatic Change. I would like to mention that...

1. Some major points towards making Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change or Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography SCI-indexed

1.  Article Processing Charges should be reduced significantly to 100 USD per article until the Journal is more visible and receives a reasonable stream of submissions.

2.  A MS Word and latex manuscript templates should be made available for authors to submit their articles in accordance with formatting style of the Journal.

3.  Online submission and tracking system should be improved to meet the standards of the main publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley, and Springer.

4.  “General information for authors and peer review” should be made available succinctly, as indicated below as an example.

5.  Relevant articles from the journal should be asked or encouraged to be included in submissions before their acceptance until the Journal is SCI-E indexed.

6.  Editing and language services prior to the start of the peer review process should be made available to non-native speakers at reduced prices.

2. General Information for Authors

Mission:The Journal seeks to publish those papers that are most influential in their fields or across fields; that will significantly advance scientific understanding; and that present novel and broadly important data, syntheses, or concepts and is committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers.

3. Manuscript Types

  • Research Articles (up to ~8000 words, including references, notes and captions) are expected to present a major advance or important new research results of broad significance.

Reviews (up to 6000 words) are expected to describe and synthesize recent developments of interdisciplinary significance and highlight future directions.

Technical Comments/short communications (up to 1000 words) are expected to discuss the core conclusions and/or methodology of research published.

4. Publication

Most papers are published in print and online 4 weeks after acceptance. Requests for accelerated online publication should be explained to the editors in the cover letter.

5. Manuscript Selection

The Journal is committed to prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers. When preparing manuscripts, the JESCC MS Word or LaTeX template files must be used. Manuscripts to the Journal should be submitted through our manuscript submission and information portal at https://---. Our submission and review process is electronic. We do not accept submissions by e-mail or postal mail. Please follow the formatting instructions and uploading directions found on this site.

Authors are notified of decisions by e-mail, and the status of the manuscript can be tracked at https://---. Membership in AAAS is not a factor in selection of manuscripts for publication. The Journal treats all submitted manuscripts as confidential documents and expects our Board of Reviewing Editors and reviewers to treat manuscripts as confidential material. Our peer review process is also confidential and identities of reviewers are not released.

Papers are assigned to a staff editor who has knowledge of the field discussed in the manuscript. Authors of papers that are not selected for peer review are notified promptly, within about a week. Research papers that are selected for in-depth review are evaluated by at least two outside referees. Reviewers are contacted before being sent a paper and asked to return comments within 1 to 2 weeks for most papers. Selected papers are edited to improve accuracy and clarity and for length.

6. Submission Requirements and Conditions of Acceptance

Authorship All authors must agree to be so listed and must have seen and approved the manuscript, its content, and its submission to the Journal. The Journal will send an email to all authors to confirm receipt of each paper. Submission of a paper that has not been approved by all authors may result in immediate rejection without appeal. Any changes in authorship must be approved in writing by all the original authors. All authors of accepted manuscripts are required to affirm and explain their contribution to the manuscript, agree to the conditions of publication including the availability of data and materials, and declare any conflicts of interest.

Funding and conflict of interest Authors must agree to disclose all affiliations, funding sources, and financial or management relationships that could be perceived as potential sources of bias, as defined by the Journal’s conflict of interest policy.

Prior publicationThe Journal will not consider any paper or component of a paper that has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Distribution on the Internet may be considered prior publication and may compromise the originality of the paper as a submission..

Unpublished data and personal communications Citations to unpublished data and personal communications cannot be used to support claims in a published paper. Papers will be held for publication until all "in press" citations are published.

Data and materials availability All data necessary to understand, assess, and extend the conclusions of the manuscript must be available to any reader of the Journal.

Human research studies Informed consent must be obtained for studies on humans after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained. All research on humans must have IRB approval.

Animal care Experimental animals must be handled in accordance with the authors' institutional guidelines.

License Authors retain copyright but agree to grant to the Journal an exclusive license to publish the paper in print and online. Any author whose university or institution has policies or other restrictions limiting their ability to assign exclusive publication rights must apply for a waiver or other exclusion from that policy or those restrictions.

Access policies After publication, authors may post the accepted version of the paper on the author's personal Web site. The Journal also provides an electronic reprint service in which one referrer link can be posted on a personal or institutional Web page, through which users can freely access the published paper on the Journal’s Web site. For research papers created under grants for which the authors are required by their funding agencies to make their research results publicly available,

7. Contact Information

Peer Review

As a peer reviewer, you are part of a valued community. Scientific progress depends on the communication of information that can be trusted, and the peer review process is a vital part of that system.

Only some of the submitted papers are reviewed in depth. For in-depth review, at least two outside referees are consulted. Reviewers are contacted before being sent a paper and are asked to return comments within 1 to 2 weeks for most papers. Reviewers may be selected to evaluate separate components of a manuscript. The Journal may give the opportunity for cross-review which means that once all reviews are in, one may read the other reviews and make additional comments within 2 business days. As cross-review is not required, we will proceed based on the reviews in hand if we do not receive cross-review comments. We greatly appreciate the time spent in preparing a review, and will consult you on a revision of a manuscript only if we believe the paper has been significantly improved but still requires input. The final responsibility for decisions of acceptance or rejection of a submitted manuscript lies with the editor.

8. Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

1.  Reviews should be objective evaluations of the research. If you cannot judge a paper impartially, you should not accept it for review or you should notify the editor as soon as you appreciate the situation. If you have any professional or financial affiliations that may be perceived as a conflict of interest in reviewing the manuscript, or a history of personal differences with the author(s), you should describe them in your confidential comments.

2.  If, as a reviewer, you believe that you are not qualified to evaluate a component of the research, you should inform the editor in your review.

3.  Reviews should be constructive and courteous and the reviewer should respect the intellectual independence of the author. The reviewer should avoid personal comments; The Journal reserves the right to edit out comments that will hinder constructive discussion of manuscripts.

4.  Just as you wish prompt evaluations of your own research, please return your reviews within the time period specified when you were asked to review the paper. If events will prevent a timely review, it is your responsibility to inform the editor at the time of the request.

5.  The review process is conducted anonymously; The Journal never reveals the identity of reviewers to authors. The privacy and anonymity provisions of this process extend to the reviewer, who should not reveal his or her identity to outsiders or members of the press. The review itself will be shared only with the author, and possibly with other reviewers and our Board.

6.  The submitted manuscript is a privileged communication and must be treated as a confidential document. Please destroy all copies of the manuscript after review. Please do not share the manuscript with any colleagues without the explicit permission of the editor. Reviewers should not make personal or professional use of the data or interpretations before publication without the authors' specific permission (unless you are writing an editorial or commentary to accompany the article).

Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change

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