Nativity Prep Academy Name:_________________
7th Grade Science Date: __________________
Heart Dissection
Heart Dissection
Instructions: Please read and follow these procedures as you complete your heart dissection. If at any point you have questions, please raise your hand.
1. Before we begin, please diagram the outside of the heart. Please label: Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium, Left Ventricle. Include arrows that show the path of blood through the heart.
Front (Ventral)
2. Please diagram the view looking from the top down (superior view).
Top (Superior)
3. Place a glove on your NON-WRITING HAND. Place your finger in each one of the opening you drew in the top view, and indicate where each opening leads. For example, if your finger travels into the Left Atrium, draw and arrow and write Left Atrium.
4. Using your scalpel and scissors, cut through the wall of the heart so that you are left with a cross-sectional view of the inside of the heart. Please diagram what you see, labeling: Left Atrium, Right Atrium, Left Ventricle, Right Ventricle, Septum, Vavles Include arrows showing the path blood takes through the heart.
Heart Cross-Section
5. Please follow all directions for clean up.
1. What did you learn?
2. What went wrong?
3. What did you like and dislike about the dissection?