National Partnership Council


June 13, 2007
1:00 PM
Meeting called by / Meghan Flanz
Type of meeting / National Partnership Council
Attendees / Ann Converso, Meghan Flanz, Elaine Gerace, Karen Kormelink, Alma Lee, Alice Staggs, Veronica Wales

Agenda topics

NPC Strategic Plan
Meghan Flanz
Discussion / Still a rough draft, needs more work, spelling errors
Conclusions / Added to agenda for Detroit meeting
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Bring copies to Detroit for meeting / Karen Kormelink / 7/16/07
VHA National Violence Prevention Project
Meghan Flanz
Discussion / Need to review subcommittee’s draft
Conclusions / Added to agenda for Detroit meeting
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Bring copies to Detroit for meeting / Karen Kormelink / 7/16/07
/ All-Employee Survey /
Meghan Flanz
Discussion / Unions support the all employee survey
Conclusions / Post notice of Union support on partnership website via the minutes from today’s meeting
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Complete draft of minutes from today’s meeting and distribute / Karen Kormelink
Post approved minutes on Partnership website / Karen Kormelink
July meeting details
Meghan Flanz
Discussion / Hotel contract for Atheneum signed today. Information will go out NLT midday 6/14/07. Reservations must be done by Tuesday June 19, 2007 in order to keep the room block. Rate slightly higher than gov’t rate ($107). Plan to meet for two full days and spend a day touring the Medical Center, Regional Office and Cemetery. Try to plan tours for Thursday. Need vans to transport to cemetery.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Send out hotel and reservation info / Karen Kormelink / 6/14/07
Contact Medical Center to ensure vans available for cemetery tour / Meghan Flanz
Saturday Pay
Ann Corverso
Discussion / This seems to be a national issue when a person is scheduled for a Saturday at a facility that doesn’t have normal tours on Saturday.
Conclusions / Added to agenda for Detroit meeting
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline

Agenda topics

Nurse Professional Standards Group
Discussion / Would like to see Union’s included prior to production of document
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Forward emails regarding this topic to Meghan for review
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Meghan Flanz
Discussion / Added to agenda for Detroit meeting
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline