NUR4827 Nursing Management and Leadership
Spring 2009
Course Title & Number: NUR 4827 Nursing Management and Leadership
Credit: Three (3) semester hours
Placement: Senior Year
Instructor: Tonya Freeman, MSN, ARNP
Office 850-473-7760 or Cell 850-698-3713
Semester: Spring 2009
Course Description:
Group process provides the forum to study leadership, collaboration, and coordination in health care settings. Student plans and implements a clinical project related to professional goals. This course is designed to improve the health of consumers through nursing actions.
Required Text:
Tomey, A.M. (2008). Guide to nursing management and leadership, Eighth edition.
St. Louis: Mosby.
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth edition. Washington D.C.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to function as a leader/manager who:
1. Discusses and uses management skills necessary for successful collaboration with other health care professionals.
2. Analyzes the current elements that impinge on nurse leaders.
3. Participates in identifying, planning, and effecting necessary changes to improve delivery of service within a specific health care agency.
4. Identifies and demonstrates behaviors which exemplify the professional nurse role.
Teaching/Learning Activities
1. Lecture/Discussion
2. Group Activities
3. Case Studies and Quizzes
NUR4827 Nursing Management and Leadership
Spring 2009
Course Requirements:
1. Participate in all on-line assignments and discussions/lectures, group sharing, direction, and evaluation.
2. Submit a health issue letter which has as its goal affecting change in the health care arena.
3. Analyze a professional nurse meeting (see instructions).
4. Determine one change that, if implemented, would Reduce the Cost of Health Care (see instructions).
5. Outline a professional interview (see instructions).
6. Complete online quizzes and case studies.
Grading Distribution POINTS
Class Participation/Case studies/Discussion 200
Health Issue Letter 100
Professional Meeting Written Report 200
Interview Assessment Development 100
Reducing the Cost of Health Care Paper 200
Online Quizzes 200
Total 1000
A 93-100 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76
C- 70-72* D+ 67-69* D 63-66*
* Constitutes a failure in this Course.
NUR4827 Nursing Management and Leadership
Spring 2009
** Satisfactory completion of the course is based on satisfactory achievement of course student learning outcomes.
By the end of the semester, a student must achieve a combined grade of at least 73% on all course assignments & Quizzes.
The Student who fails to meet the course student learning outcomes must repeat the course in its
Special Technology Utilized by Students: Students must have the ability to use search engines for supplementary course information & teaching/learning materials.
Personal Communication Technology: Students are to turn beepers, cellular telephones, blackberries and all other sorts of personal communication devices to silent or vibrate when students are in class, lab, clinical, the library or the computer laboratory.
Support Services — Tutorial Assistance
Numerous learning support services are available at no cost to BSN students at UWF. For assistance through UWF, contact the Learning Center at (850) 474-3488.
Support Services — Students with Special Needs
Students with special needs for which accommodations may be appropriate to assist in pursuing the program should contact the UWF Office of Disabled Student Services at (850) 474-2387. Special needs students are encouraged to make such contact as early as possible.
Expectations for Academic Conduct: As members of the University of West Florida academic community, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for excellence in performance, integrity-both personal & institutional-is our most precious asset. Honesty in our academic work is vital, & we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that integrity. Accordingly, we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work of others. We pledge to share community resources in ways that are responsible & that comply with established policies of fairness. Cooperation & competition are means to high achievement & are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is expected unless our directive is to individual performance. We will compete constructively & professionally for the purpose of stimulating high performance & standards. Finally, we accept adherence to this set of expectations for academic conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic community.
From the Student Life Handbook, page 46.
NUR4827 Nursing Management/ Leadership
A student determined to be cheating on NUR 4827 Quizzes or assignments with be given a "0" (zero). This incident will be documented & reported to the Nursing Program Director. This incident may result in additional consequences which may jeopardize your academic standing in the Nursing Program & the University.
It is within the nursing student role to assume responsibility for learning. As a self-directed student, each individual will have completed assignments prior to class time & be prepared to discuss the topic. Reading requirements are listed on the Syllabus. Quizzes may include information from any classroom activity or assignment.
Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is defined by the University as "the act of representing the ideas,
words, creations, or work of another as one's own. Papers will be checked by Turnitin for
plagiarism. Should a student be found plagiarizing in a paper, the student will be reported by the
faculty member to the
Nursing Program Director & follow the process described in the University's Student Life
Handbook. Plagiarism is a serious offense in academia & may result in expulsion from the
From the Student Life Handbook
For complete information regarding Academic Misconduct, refer to the UWF Student Handbook or contact Student Affairs in Building 21, 473-2384.
Other Policies: See the Student Handbook for further policies on plagiarism, disability, & other matters of interest & importance.
Attendance/Absence: UWF has a "No-Cut" policy. Attendance at all classes is expected. Attendance is also required during the orientation period for the course. If the student does not attend the orientation period for the course, the student will be required to withdraw from the course.
Reporting of Absence: When absence from the class is necessary, the student should verbally report to the course faculty or contact course faculty via e-mail no later than one hour prior to class time. It is the absent student's responsibility to obtain missed handout material and class content from another classmate or the instructor.
Quiz Procedure:
1. Quizzes will be given online.
2. Students may choose the timeframe within a 24 hour period to complete the quiz.
3. Students will be given ample time to complete the test. The test will be timed and students are not allowed to exceed the time allowed.
NUR4827 Nursing Management and Leadership
4. Students are to maintain ethical behavior during online testing. The student may utilize his/her notes or textbook as long as the student completes the test without the assistance of others.
5. If a student has a concern about a particular Quiz question, he/she may submit this in writing to the instructor before the next quiz date. Feedback will be at the time of the quiz or via e-mail or discussion.
6. Each Quiz may be reviewed by the student with faculty until the next Quiz date by appointment with Course Faculty.
7. Student must contact the Course Faculty one day before the Quiz is to be taken if they will be unable to make an online connection during the 24 hour period, failure to do so will result in a grade of ZERO (0) on the Quiz. Exceptions to notification of the Course Faculty in advance of the Quiz include the following: (1) death in the immediate family (2) student hospitalization (3) other serious events.
8. The Course Faculty decision will be made on an individual basis regarding approval for a Make-up Quiz to be administered for a student who has missed a scheduled Quiz with prior approval. The Course Faculty will notify the student of the final decision regarding the approval for Make-Up Quizzes. All Make-Up Quizzes will be given on a designated day as determined by the Course Faculty.
Handout Policy: Handouts are available online. All course work will be on line and available on line.
Technology: Cell phones and beepers are to be silenced while on line with live discussions., classrooms, library and computer lab.
Papers: All Papers & Presentations are due on the date & time specified by the Course Faculty. Papers are to be submitted electronically via and in the drop box on e-learning. Exception to the due date & time will be made only under extraordinary circumstances in the opinion of the Course Faculty, & must be negotiated before the paper is due. Papers are to follow APA 5th edition guidelines.
NUR4827 Nursing Management and Leadership
Date / Topic & Objectives / Activities / InstructorAfter completing this unit, the student should be able to: / Due/Read
Jan 18 / 1 . Describe how efforts to contain costs and other / Tomey / Freeman
adjustments have changed today's health care industry / Chapters 5,7,10, 11
and nursing.
2. Explain the role nurse managers play in the success of / View power point
health care organizations. / Case study
3. Discuss how organizational theories evolved.
4. Examine the different types of health care
organizations and how they are structured.
5. Describe how strategic planning shapes the future.
6. Discuss how organizational culture affects success.
7. Explain various nursing care delivery systems.
8. Examine the difference between leaders and
9. Describe how different theories explain leadership and
10. Describe what power is and how it is used.
11. Examine how image is a source of power and how one
may increase his/her power.
12. Discuss what politics mean and how to use political
action to achieve professional goals.
13. Complete a Personal Profile.
Jan 29 / Issues Letter due in and e-learning drop box by 1 1 :59pm
Feb 8 / 1 . Examine one's Personal Profile for a general profile / Case Studie / Freeman
and classical profile patterns. / Power Points
2. Describe how motivation and ability affect job / Chapters 4, 7, 12, 13, 14
3. Compare and contrast selected theories of motivation
to include Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor and how
these theories can help managers.
4. Describe factors that should be considered in staff
5. Discuss methods used for staff development.
6. Describe how to recruit and select staff.
7. Discuss how to interview prospective candidates.
8. Describe the criteria to evaluate staff performance.
9. Examine how to conduct a performance evaluation.
Feb / Attend FL Board of Nursing Disciplinary Hearing in
Tallahassee, FL or locally, if available an able. TBA
9 / Interview Assessment Development Due to
And the drop box in e-learning @ ll:59pm
22 / 1 . Differentiate groups from teams. / Tomey
Chapter 2 &3
2. Describe the characteristics of different types of / Case studies / Freeman
groups and how groups function, form, and end.
3. Discuss why the nurse manager is a team leader.
4. Examine how to manage groups, task forces, and
patient conferences.
5. Discuss how to differentiate delegation from work
6. Describe why delegation involves responsibility,
accountability, and authority.
7. Explain how effective delegation benefits the
patient, the staff and the organization.
8. Examine the process of effective delegation and
obstacles to delegation.
/ Power
2/23 / Quiz 1 avilable @ 6pm until 6pm 2/27
3/1 / 1. Describe the factors influencing communication
in the organization.
2. Demonstrate effective written and oral
communication skills.
3. Analyze effective and ineffective methods of
4. Describe appropriate communication mode to use
depending on the message and the relationship.
5. Describe how to communicate with difficult
6. Explain how to use a variety of resources to plan staffing.
7. Describe how to determine staffing requirements.
8. Discuss the factors to consider when determining
staffing requirements.
9. Describe how patient classification systems are
used to determine staffing needs. / Tomey
Chapter 1& 13
Power point
Case study
3/22 / Professional Meeting Reoprt Due
1. Explain how conflict can be positive or negative.
2. Describe how conflict can help generate change.
3. Examine the components of conflict care.
4. Describe the different types of conflict.
5. Analyze how to manage conflict.
6. Describe ethical principles and what is involved
in ethical decision making.
7. Discuss the types of laws that exist and how
nurses and nurse managers are liable for their
8. Describe total quality management, continuous
quality management and Six Sigma.
9 Discuss how the principles of quality management
apply to health care. / Tomey
Chapter 6 & 15
Power point
Case study
10. Analyze the nurse's role in risk management including
incident reports.
11. Examine how to handle complaints.
4/5 / 1 . Describe how the budgeting process works. / TOMEY / Freeman
2. Discuss the different types of budgets.
3. Examine how to monitor and control budgetary
performance and how to determine budget variance. / Chapters8 & 9
Power point
4. Describe how staff affect budgetary performance. / Case study
5. Describe the nature, purpose, and process of strategic
6. Explore relationships among purpose, philosophy,
goals, and objectives.
7. Describe operational planning including it's
relationship to strategic planning.
8. Outline the steps in the planning process, including
goal setting.
9. Identify current issues affecting strategic and
operational planning in health care.
10. Define the nurse manager's role in planning nursing
11. Discuss contingency planning.
12. Discuss professional nursing's role in influencing
planning in health care organizations and
13. Discuss time management as it relates to organizations
4/19 / 1 . Analyze the decision making process in the light of / Tomey / Freeman
goal attainment. / Power point
2. Discuss selected approaches to decision / Case study
making/problem solving with attention to risk / Chapters 2, 7,14,
3. Examine why critical-thinking skills are essential to
nurse managers.
4. Describe how to use creativity in management.
5. Discuss how to enhance your decision making and
problem solving skills.
6. Describe how to make decisions in various situations
and how to use a problem solving method.
7. Describe how to help groups solve problems.
8. Analyze how an individual's position and leadership
style affects decision making within the work setting.
9. Identify how changes in the health care system have
affected the nurse manager's position (computers, / Freeman
10 Describe the theories of managing change including
Lewin, Lippitt, Havelock and Rogers.
11 Discuss the effects of change within an organization.
12 Describe the 7 steps of planned change and how they relate to nursing process.
13 Discuss change agent strategies including
power-coercive, empirical-rational and
14. Describe skills useful in effecting successful change.
24 / Reducing the Cost of Health Care Paper due at 1 l:59pm to and drop box on e-learning.
28 / Quiz 2 available April 25 6:00pm to April 28 6:00pm
Interview Assessment Development