GDAC Post-Cruise Metadata form

Return to GDAC, BODC, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH

E-mail: /

Cruise Name: [any identifier (acronyms)
including technical name] / DY029 SSB leg 2
Platform Name and type: RSS Discovery
[vessel, mooring, satellite, towed vehicle]
Project: The supply of iron from shelf sediments to the ocean. This project is part of the wider NERC Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry program
[associated project or program name related to funding]
Lead Nation:
Chief Scientist (Lead Scientist / Principal Investigator) Univeristy of Liveropool
Name (including title): Dr. Alex Poulton / Email: / Phone (including country code):
Mailing Address:
School of Ocean and Earth Sciences
Waterfront Campus,
Univeristy of Southampton
European Way
So14 3ZH
Co-Chief Scientist contact details: [GEOTRACES point of contact if different from Chief Scientist]
Name (including title): Prof. Maeve Lohan / Email: / Phone (including country code): =44 238059699
Mailing Address:
School of Ocean and Earth Sciences
Waterfront Campus,
Univeristy of Southampton
European Way
So14 3ZH
Cruise Details
Start Port and Country: Southampton, UK / Start date: 1/04/2015
End Port and Country: Southampton UK / End Date: 30/04/2015
Location: [general description of study area; map/ cruise track/ coordinates if possible]
Celtic Sea

Cruise Overview: [proposal abstract]
Low iron (Fe) concentrations control productivity, phytoplankton community structure and carbon cycling in 25 % of the open ocean. Iron concentrations are tightly coupled to Fe supply, and Fe fluxes from shelf seas to the open ocean are poorly constrained, although estimates indicate they could be 2-10 times higher than atmospheric inputs and thus potentially be a major contributor to the oceanic Fe cycle. The goal of this project is to quantify Fe fluxes from Celtic Sea to the adjacent North Atlantic Ocean. We will utilise trace metal clean sampling techniques, with associated physical diffusion and advection measurements, to determine the supply of dissolved, colloidal and particulate forms of Fe from sediments and their subsequent fate in shelf sea waters and during export to the North Atlantic Ocean. Radium isotopes will be used to determine the flux of iron from the shelf to the open ocean.
Inter-calibration efforts: Please provide details of how each element will be calibrated to meet the requirements of the GEOTRACES programme e.g. use of SaFe standards, collaborative sampling, cross-over stations (latitudes and longitudes of the cross over stations, the cruise which you are crossing with and the station numbers):
Replicate samples
List of parameters to be submitted to GDAC: Key parameters listed - please list any other parameters measured and the PI’s contact information associated with those parameters. Also include information in regards to the phase i.e. dissolved or particulate and how the samples were collected. i.e. Fe (dissolved)- CTD –Bottle or Fe (dissolved) – insitu pumps.
Could PI provide information on when samples are expected to be analysed so GDAC can estimate a data submission date
Trace elements:
x Fe
x Al
x Zn
x Mn
x Cd
x Cu
Other / Contact for each element (PI); [full name, organisation and email] N.B. please include all names and contact information associated with the measurement of each parameter (full name, institute and email address) as these will be referenced in the 2017 IDP and used on the GDAC webpage (
Maeve Lohan
Eric Achterberg
Eric Achterberg
Eric Achterberg
Eric Achterberg
Eric Achterberg
/ Internationally calibrated (Yes or No)
Yes / Expected date of analysis
Dec 2015
April 2016
April 2016
April 2016
April 2016
April 2016
April 2016
Radioactive isotopes:
Stable isotopes:
Radiogenic isotopes:
Nd isotopes
Pb isotopes
x Ra isotopes
/ Walter Giebert, Amber Annet / Yes / April 2016
NON TEI data set (add as required)
Other parameters:
List CTD hydrographic parameters [sensors including make/ model/ when last calibrated, salinity, temperature, oxygen, nutrients etc]
Temperature Sea-Bird 3P s/n 03P‐5700, Sea-Bird 3P s/n 03P‐5785, Frequency 3 (secondary)
Conductivity/salinity Sea‐Bird 4C, s/n 04C‐4138, Sea‐Bird 4C, s/n 04C‐4143, Frequency 4 (secondary)
Oxygen, Sea‐Bird 43, s/n 43‐2055
Beam attenuation WETLabs light scattering sensor, s/n BBRTD‐758R (V4)
Fluorescence WETLabs light scattering sensor, s/n BBRTD‐758R (V4)
Turbidity, WETLabs light scattering sensor, s/n BBRTD‐758R
Altimeter Benthos PSA‐916T altimeter, s/n 62679 (V5)
Salinity, oxygen and fluorescence were also calibrated against samples collect onboard
Particulate Trace elements Maeve Lohan, Data expected Jan 2017
List Underway data: [Met data, navigation hull mounted sensors including make and model]
Navigational sensors: POS MV GPS, Kongsberg Simrad EM122 swath bathymetry sensor
Meteorological Sensors: surfmet system, WETLABS, two sonic anemometers
Sea surface hydrography: Sea‐Bird SBE 38 temperature sensor (SST) located close to seawater intake, fluorometer, transmissometer, thermosalinograph
Is there a national data centre: (name and contact) [If not then GDAC should be used]
BODC Lou Darroch
Other relevant information: