Amendment #2 – Affected Section Changes.
60th Annual NASS Race to Oxford
Notice of Race/GSI Amendment
Saturday 13 September 2014 Sanction #: 323
Entry Due: Thursday 11 September 2014. Entry Fee: CBYRA Members: $50
Others: $55
Online Entry: Available at
Note: Paper/mail entries are not acceptable. Contact Bob Holmes with issues.
Contact: Bob Holmes: 410.507.8327; email: .
Affected Section Changes.
Signals: The Corinthian Cruising Class will use a plain white flag as their class flag.
RRS 26 (Starting Races) is changed as shown below:
Cruising Class / 0850
0900 / Warning / PHRF A2 / 0940 / Start
Alberg 30 / 0905 / Start / J/35 / 0945 / Start
Catalina 27 / 0910 / Start / PHRF A1 / 0950 / Start
PHRF C / 0915 / Start / PHRF A0 / 0955 / Start
PHRF N / 0920 / Start / Multihull A / 1000 / Start
J/30 / 0925 / Start / Multihull B / 1005 / Start
J/105 / 0930 / Start / Beach Cat / 1010 / Start
PHRF B / 0935 / Start / Farr 40 / 1015 / Start
General recalls or postponed starts: each subsequent class will start at 5 minute intervals after the recalled
Finish: All classes finish between orange flag on Race Committee signal boat and Region 3 Choptank Area Mark “N” (R“2” Fl R4s) off Tred Avon Yacht Club.
The Committee Finish Boat expects to be on-station on the West side of Lighted Mark R"2" to record finishes beginning at approximately 1200 hours, Saturday, September 13. The Committee Finish Boat will remain on-station until either 1730 hours, Saturday, September 13, or all entrants are confirmed as DNS, finished, or retired - whichever occurs first. If the Committee Boat is not on station, a boat shall take its finish time when it passes Lighted MarkR“2” within 100 yards and the mark bears 095 degrees magnetic. Boats recording their own finish time shall report their finish time to the RC as soon as practical after finishing by informing the Race Committee at 410-693-8394.
Time Limit: A boat finishing by 1730 makes the race valid for its class. Boats not finishing by 2000 will be scored TLE equal to the number of boats in the class finishing by 2000 plus 2 points; not to be worse than the number of boats entered in their class. This alters RRS 35, A4.1, A4.2, A5.
Protests: A protest shall be filed at the NASS Race Committee desk, located in the TAYC clubhouse, within one hour of the protesting boat's finish or 2100 hours, whichever is earlier. Protests hearings will start at 2000 hours, on Thursday, 18 September 2014, at the J-World Office, 213 Eastern Ave, Annapolis, MD.