Children are abused by strangers. / About 80% of abusers are known to the child
All abusers are male. / The majority of cases involve males. The number of reported female abusers is increasing.
Victims are always female. / About 18% of suspected cases at ACH are boys.
Children fantasize about sex with adults. / Children fantasize about those things that are in their experiences. They may fantasize about romance, not sex.
Children never lie. / Children lie to stay out of trouble, not to get into trouble. More commonly they will lie to deny abuse.
Children feel negatively about the abuse. / Sometimes they have a close, warm relationship with an abusive adult. They may feel protective of that adult. The sexual touching may feel good.
Children usually tell. / Children seldom tell. When disclosure does occur, it is usually delayed and tentative.
There are usually physical findings of abuse. / In the majority of cases, especially those involving the very young child, there will be NO findings. This is compounded by the delayed reporting on the part of the child.
Emergent medical examination is needed. / Except in acute rape cases, a poorly done examination by a disinterested healthcare professional is worse than no exam.

From Sexual Abuse Prevention: Clinical Guidelines, Arkansas Commission on Child Abuse, Rape, and Domestic Violence.