Example: Converting Relational Division to SQL

Get names of guests who have reservations for all presidential suites (i.e. those that have two beds).

pName(g |´| (pGuestNr,RoomNrs ¸ pRoomNrsNrBeds=2r)

pName(g |´| (pGuestNrs - pGuestNr((pGuestNrs |´| pRoomNrsNrBeds=2r) - pGuestNr,RoomNrs)))

pGuestNrs |´| pRoomNrsNrBeds=2r

mysql> select distinct s.GuestNr, r.RoomNr

-> from Reservation s, Room r

-> where NrBeds = 2;


| GuestNr | RoomNr |


| 101 | 1 |

| 101 | 2 |

| 101 | 3 |

| 102 | 1 |

| 102 | 2 |

| 102 | 3 |

| 103 | 1 |

| 103 | 2 |

| 103 | 3 |

| 104 | 1 |

| 104 | 2 |

| 104 | 3 |

| 105 | 1 |

| 105 | 2 |

| 105 | 3 |

| 106 | 1 |

| 106 | 2 |

| 106 | 3 |


18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(pGuestNrs |´| pRoomNrsNrBeds=2r) - pGuestNr,RoomNrs

mysql> select distinct s.GuestNr, r.RoomNr

-> from Reservation s, Room r

-> where NrBeds = 2 and

-> (s.GuestNr, r.RoomNr) not in

-> (select GuestNr, RoomNr from Reservation);


| GuestNr | RoomNr |


| 102 | 1 |

| 102 | 2 |

| 103 | 2 |

| 103 | 3 |

| 104 | 1 |

| 104 | 2 |

| 104 | 3 |

| 105 | 2 |

| 105 | 3 |

| 106 | 1 |

| 106 | 3 |


11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

pGuestNr((pGuestNrs |´| pRoomNrsNrBeds=2r) - pGuestNr,RoomNrs))

mysql> select distinct s.GuestNr

-> from Reservation s, Room r

-> where NrBeds = 2 and

-> (s.GuestNr, r.RoomNr) not in

-> (select GuestNr, RoomNr from Reservation);


| GuestNr |


| 102 |

| 103 |

| 104 |

| 105 |

| 106 |


5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

pGuestNrs - pGuestNr((pGuestNrs |´| pRoomNrsNrBeds=2r) - pGuestNr,RoomNrs))

mysql> select distinct GuestNr

-> from Reservation

-> where GuestNr not in

-> (select distinct s.GuestNr

-> from Reservation s, Room r

-> where NrBeds = 2 and

-> (s.GuestNr, r.RoomNr) not in

-> (select GuestNr, RoomNr from Reservation));


| GuestNr |


| 101 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

pName(g |´| (pGuestNrs - pGuestNr((pGuestNrs |´| pRoomNrsNrBeds=2r) - pGuestNr,RoomNrs)))

mysql> select Name

-> from Guest natural join

-> (select distinct GuestNr

-> from Reservation

-> where GuestNr not in

-> (select distinct s.GuestNr

-> from Reservation s, Room r

-> where NrBeds = 2 and

-> (s.GuestNr, r.RoomNr) not in

-> (select GuestNr, RoomNr from Reservation)))

-> guestsWithReservations;


| Name |


| Smith |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)