Toolkit – matrix of NHS IR options
Types of Institutional Repository currently in use within the NHS
An analysis of the technical approaches taken to Institutional Repositories within NHS LKS with the pros and cons taken from a literature review and the IR survey of 2017
This matrix is intended as an aide for healthcare LKS who are considering venturing into the realm of institutional repository work.
Pros and cons of each system
System / Pros / Cons / LKS contact for advice on implementation*Bespoke software
Atmire Open Repository /
- Easy to use
- Well-regarded platform
- (was BioMed Central)
- Good technical support
- Set-up and annual costs for maintenance
- Older versions can look “dated” so important to keep up with upgrades.
Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
D Space /
- Small company. Excellent support. Open-source
- Storage space included in costs
- Set-up and annual costs for maintenance
Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
See also
2017 Innovation Submission
Samantha Roberts
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FT
EPrints /
- Open-source. Straight forward to download.
- May be considerations about hosting on your own server and difficulties with trouble shooting
- Hosting and support fees
- Investment of staff time
Equella** / No further detail from an NHS perspective
Evernote /
- Free for basic system
- Charges for additional features
University Partnership
-UCL Discovery
- Costs covered by University
- Development and maintenance covered by University
- No mandate from organisation to make use of system
- May result in a focus on publications
King's College London
See also
UCL 2017 Innovation Submission
Library Management System - Generic /
- No additional costs
- May already be hosted via internet
- No additional training required for library staff
- Customers may already familiar with system and know how to access it
- Field structure may be limiting
- May not be able to hold full-text
- May not be able to limit searches only to “Repository” collection
- May not be able to highlight authors affiliated to home organisation
Heritage Cirqa (existing users) /
- Low/no costs
- Familiar system
- One-stop shop for users
- Limited
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHSFT
- Can also be used as LMS so multiple purposes
- Set-up and annual costs for maintenance
Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
David Law
Liberty (existing users) /
- Low/no costs
- Familiar system
- One-stop shop for users
- Discoverable during subject searches for other items
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Please see Vicky Bramwell’s piece on the Knowledge for Healthcare Blog
Blogger** /
- Cheap
Drupal /
- Good system
- Set-up and annual costs for maintenance
Intranet /
- System already available so low/no costs
- Simple but it works
- Limited to existing system capability.
SharePoint /
- Low cost if organisation is already using
- Familiarity with system if already used in organisation
- Limited – can be “clunky”
- Helps to have specialist knowledge of Sharepoint
- There are simpler and cheaper options to deliver a near identical user experience.
Website / Content Management System /
- External access available
- Communications Department may want high level of control/input
Weebly** / No further detail from an NHS perspective
WordPress /
- Cheap
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
Zotero /
- Is an open-source tool. The group function is good for sharing in specific teams
- Zero cost access available
- Web accessibility
- Can pay a fee for better functionality.
North West Ambulance Service
Simple solutions
Access /
- Most NHS organisations will have MS Office applications available
- Simple low cost option
- Basic system
- Not very sophisticated
- Some organisations no longer use and support Access.
Excel /
- Most NHS organisations will have MS Office applications available
- Basic system
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Word /
- Most NHS organisations will have MS Office applications available
- Easy to implement as a starting point
- Basic system
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
Mendeley / No further detail from an NHS perspective / Matt Holland
North West Ambulance Service
Researchgate** / No further detail from an NHS perspective
* Please note that in each case the contact details given may not relate to the comments provided. Contact details are given solely for advice on implementing the system within your organisation.
** We know this system is available but have no further detail from an NHS perspective