My Sister’s Keeper Script
Anna: Jeemin Han Jesse: Dongmyung Lee
Campbell: Andy Lee Kate: Dongmyung Lee
Sara: Jenny Joung Brian: Andy Lee
Narrator: Jenny Joung Doctor: Dongmyung Lee
Firefighting clothes
A lot of normal clothes
Formal clothes
Hip-hop clothes
Doctor clothes
Scene # 1
Anna: Most babies are accident. Drinking too much at a party is an accident. Not me…I was born for a very specific purpose, which was to save my sister’s life. Scientists managed to hook up my mother’s eggs and my father’s sperm and were able to create a specific combination of precious genetic materials.
Narrator: Anna, a very special little girl, was born for a special reason.
(Going back in time)
Brian/Sara (sad voice): Doctor, is there any way that we can make Kate in a better condition? Help us… please!
Doctor: There is one way… but it might not work…
Sara: we will do whatever it takes us to help Kate… What is it?
Doctor: We can produce a certain genetic material for Kate by combining your sperm and your egg. The odds are really low but do you want to try it?
Sara: Uh....... Yes please.
Doctor: Ok… Let’s do this.
Narrator: This was how Anna was born to rescue her big sister, Kate.
Scene # 2
(Anna comes into Campbell’s office)
Anna: My sister is dying, and my mother wants me to donate one of my kidneys to her.
Campbell: Wait.. So what are you talking about Anna?
Anna: I’m telling you, my parents don’t even care about me. The only reason I’m alive is because my mother wanted me to become a perfect donor for Kate, and now she needs me to donate my organs to her.
Campbell: Anna, no one can make you donate an organ if you don’t want to.
Anna (sarcastically): Oh really.
Campbell: Yes, really. Did you even talk to your parents about why you don’t want to donate a kidney?
Anna: They don’t listen to me.
Campbell: They might, if you tell them that this is a crime.
Anna: They don’t really pay attention to me except when they need my blood or when Kate is in danger.
Campbell: So Anna, why are you here?
Anna: I’m here to find a lawyer! You! I want you to be my lawyer to represent me in court against my parents. How much do I have to pay?
Campbell: I charge two hundred dollars an hour. But for this case, the money isn’t important for me.
Anna: You can’t be my lawyer for free. I will polish your doorknobs then.
Campbell: Well I guess if you want to. Well then I’ll be seeing you soon, to start on our case.
(Anna leaves the office)
Narrator: Anna went to see Campbell to make Campbell become her lawyer. He kindly says yes. Anna sues her parents for not giving her rights to not donate her body organs.
Scene #3
Narrator: Sara is a housewife, Brian is a firefighter, and Jesse is another child of Sara and Brian. He is the brother of Kate and Anna, a delinquent, and arsonist.
(Jesse is smoking and drinking beer)
Jesse: Aah~ I’m so bored... I should go back home and sleep.
(He sets fire to gas stove, and leaves)
(Brian rushes in, with a hose)
Brian: Oh Jesus, the arsonist struck here too! Hurry, turn the water on!
(Turns the fire off)
Brian: That was close! They should hurry up and catch the arsonist.
Scene #4
(Back in Jesse’s house)
Jesse: Hi dad ! what’s up?
Brian: Jesse! Why did you leave this cigarette?
Jesse: What are you talking about? I don’t get you
Brian: Jesse, I am a professional firefighter and as well as your dad. Why did you do all this?
Jesse cries and hugs brian.
Narrator: With that, Jesse stopped criminal activities.4
Scene #5
Kate: (counting the dolls) Your name is catty, your name is piggy, your name is bear, your name is ducky, your name is doggy, and you are my elephant~!
Anna: (coming into the hospital) hi Kate
Kate: hi Anna
Anna: How are you doing?
Kate: I’m good thank you
Anna: aw, you know that I love you right?
Kate: I love you too. you are my best friend.
Anna: you are my best friend too I hope you get better
Kate: Thank you
Scene #6
Narrator: That night, Kate was asleep. Suddenly, she started coughing and blood was coming out from different parts of her body.
Kate: (sleeping and waking up because coughing) AHHHHHHHH
Brian: (running into Kate’s bedroom) Kate what’s wrong?
Kate: (crying) I’m bleeding
Brian: Are you ok? Quickly call the doctor!!!
(In the Ambulance car)
Sara: (crying) Kate, hold on, Don’t worry about it… we will take you to the hospital and everything would be fine!
(In the hospital)
Brian: Doctor! What is going on?
Doctor: It is a very new therapy. You get it intravenously, for 25 to 60 days. We need to give her a lot of drugs, still we are not sure what will happen.
Narrator: (Showing a picture of Sara and Brian sitting down holding hands being worried) While Kate was in the hospital getting drugs and shots on her, Sara and Brian stayed there and worried about Kate for the whole time. They even forgot about Anna.
Scene #7
(setting is in court, and Campbell, Anna, and Sara are talking to the judge)
Sara: Excuse me Judge, but my daughter, Anna, no longer wishes to continue this case.
Judge: Do you mean that Anna wants to give up her medical rights back to her parents?
Campbell: Anna what are you talking about? Didn’t you hire me to be your lawyer?
Anna: Well um…
Sara: We just talked with each other and decided that we don’t want to do this anymore.
Anna: Actually… I still want to do this…
Campbell: Good.
Sara: (looks extremely surprised)
Judge: Well we will be continuing the case soon, please take a break.
(Everyone exits)
Scene # 8
(In the courtroom)
Sara: Brian Why aren’t you here? Are you that busy to come?
Campbell: It’s ok, we are going to win this case.
Judge: We are all here to decide on Anna’s case. First, lets hear about Anna’s position. Mr. Campbell?
Campbell: I believe that Anna should win this case because she has been suffering for the past 13 years giving up her organs to Kate, her sister. And she has been treated like a test experiment.
Judge: ok. What do you think Sara?
Sara: First of all, Brian is not here, so I would be speaking today. I think Anna should donate her kidney because I have a dying daughter.
Judge:(going in the room to decide and after coming back with the results) We have decided that Anna should win this case.
Scene # 9
(In the car going back from the court house)
Campbell: Good job on winning the case Anna!
Anna: Yeah, thank you for being my lawyer for a such cheap price
Campbell: It’s ok (crashes into a pole)
Anna: AHHH screaming
Narrator: So Anna dies by a car accident. Campbell decides to donate Anna’s kidney to Kate. Thanks to that, Kate survives and lives a healthy life. And the whole family feels sorry for Anna. But time heals and life goes on. Jesse is no longer a delinquent and has earned a price from the mayor for crime busting and Kate is feeling free from illness.