
First Aid Requirements Assessment

Cost Centre
School/Dept / Date of assessment
Assessed by: / Position:

Assess the number type of designated first aiders required

Criteria to be assessed
1 / Is the workplace remote or not remote?
A remote workplace is one that is more than a 20 minute drive from
  • an ambulance station staffed by paid paramedics; or
  • an occupational health service capable of mounting an emergency response; or
  • a hospital or medical centre capable of mounting an emergency response.
Name and distance of nearest facility / Remote / not remote
Name of facility:………………………………………….
2 / Is the workplace a high risk workplace? / Use of hazardous plant
Use of hazardous and/or dangerous substances
Risk of falls over 2 metres
A greater than usual risk of physical violence or armed robbery (eg working alone, working at night, cash handling, physically aggressive clientele)
Working around extreme heat (eg commercial kitchens, prolonged outdoor work in extreme temperatures)
Other (list)
High Risk workplace Yes / No
3 / Maximum number of staff present at the workplace at any one time? / ……………………………………………..
4 / Determine minimum number of designated first aiders required, and the level of training.
Refer to attached guidelines on page 4
Note that in certain circumstances it may not be reasonably practicable to have a first aider available at all times (eg if a staff member spends a lot of time ‘on the road’, or working back late etc). In this case you need to ensure that staff members have effective means of communication with emergency services and receive training/instruction on what to do if a serious work-related injury/illness occurs / Number & level of first aiders required:
Are special arrangements for communication with emergency services and training of staff required?
Yes / No
5 / Are there any special factors in the workplace that may indicate the need for more than the minimum number of first aiders? / Very remote and high risk workplace
Presence of large numbers of other people (not employees) – eg students, contractors, members of public. Note: Open Days, conferences may need extra first aiders present.
Nature of the business is to provide services to non-employees that may increase the risk of injury or illness (eg fitness centre)
Occupational requirements (eg diving)
Other (specify)
Additional first aiders required?
Yes / No
List additional requirements:

Summary of required numbers of designated First Aiders

Senior / Occupational / Remote / Additional requirements (communication, training of staff)

Assess the number and type of first aid kits required

Criteria to be assessed / Number of kits required
1 / Assess how many Standard and/or Small Workplace First Aid Kits are required for your area. Kits need to be conveniently located and easily accessible.
  • You need to ensure that as far as is reasonably practical, the time taken to retrieve a first aid kit and return to a seriously ill/injured person is no more than 4 minutes
  • To determine types of kits you need, consider the types of injuries and illnesses that are reasonably foreseeable given the nature of the workplace and the work done there
/ Standard Workplace First Aid Kits
Small Workplace First Aid Kits
2 / Are there any known specific hazards in the workplace which require specific first aid kit modules or items?
Eye injury
Outdoor work
Hazardous substances (refer to MSDS for specific requirements)
Remote location
Other ………………………………..
…………………………………………. / Burn Injury Module………………………
Outdoor Module…………………………
Remote Module…………………………
Deluge facilities…………………………

Guidelines for determining number of Designated First Aiders (DFAs) required

As a minimum all first aiders to be trained at level 2 – Senior First Aid

1Low risk and not remote workplace

Number of employees / Number of DFAs
< 10 / 0 - but consider 1
10 – 50 / 1
51 - 100 / 2
101 – 200 / 3
201 – 300 / 4

2High risk but not remote workplace (eg laboratories, workshops)

Number of employees / Number of DFAs
< 10 / 1
10 – 25 / 1
26 - 50 / 2
51 - 100 / 3
101 - 150 / 5
151 - 200 / 7
+ consider training 2 occupational first aiders

3Low risk and remote workplace (eg some field trips)

Number of employees (or participants on field trips) / Number of DFAs
< 10 / consider 1
10 – 25 / 1
26 - 50 / 2
51 - 100 / 3

4High risk and remote workplace (eg some field trips including diving and

APY Land medical trips)

Number of employees (or participants on field trips / Number of DFAs
< 10 / 1
10 – 25 / 2
26 - 35 / 3
26 - 50 / 4
Plus consider the need for a Remote First Aider (regardless of the number of participants)

First Aid assessment proforma Dec10Page 1 of 4