


August 28, 2014

Call to order The Mustang Public Library Board met on August 28, 2014, in the Education Room of the Mustang Public Library. Chairperson Jan Malone called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Desiree welcomed and introduced a new board member, Regina Jennings.

Attendance Board members present were: Regina Jennings, Sharyl Allen, Jack Price, Betsy Brogan, Jan Malone, and Karl Mengers. Bill Edwards was absent. Also present was Desiree Webber, Library Director.

Introduction of guests and/or hearing of citizens. No guests were present at this meeting.

Discussion, consideration and action concerning approval of Minutes of July 8, 2014 meeting. Minutes can be filed as read. Jack made the motion and Karl seconded the motion to accept the minutes.

Desiree updated the board members regarding the doors into the Children's Library. The doors are very heavy and some injuries have occurred to children as a result. The City Manager has approved replacing the heavy doors with ones that are lightweight and easy to open. Desiree met with a hardware specialist and is working with vendors for recommendations and quotes.

Discussion, consideration and action regarding a policy on businesses using public areas of the Library. Desiree has determined that this policy falls under the “Customer Behavior Policy”. The wording of the policy has been changed to reflect that use of public areas for business purposes disturbs others using the library. If they wish to conduct business they are able to rent/reserve a meeting room to have conversations or to conduct their business. The library will use “Table Tents” to show there is a revised policy. Betsy made a motion to approve the change of wording in the policy and it was seconded by Sharyl. Regina – yes, Sharyl – yes, Jack – yes, Betsy – yes, Jan – yes and Karl -yes.

Distribution of book sale items on last day. The Department of Corrections “Positive Tomorrows” can have the remaining book sale items as a donation. The motion to donate the books was made by Jack and Betsy made the second. Regina – yes, Sharyl – yes, Jack – yes, Betsy -yes, Jan – yes, Karl – yes.

Discussion, consideration and action cooncerning acceptance of ODL Annual Report for FY 2013. Desiree went though items of the Annual Report to the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. She noted that State Aid is up because of the increase in the population of the area the library serves. Motion to accept the Annual Report was made by Karl and Jack made the second.

Regina – yes, Sharyl – yes, Jack – yes, Betsy – yes, Jan – yes, Karl – yes.

Discussion, consideration and action concerning submittal of ODL Annual Report for FY 2013 to City Manager, Tim Rooney. A motion was made by Betsy and seconded by Sharyl to submit the Annual Report to the City Manager. Regina – yes, Sharyl – yes, Jack – yes, Betsy –yes , Jan – yes, Karl - yes.

Director's Report Desiree passed out copies of her report. She noted that many people are using the Library's resources on line. The circulation of library materials is up by 38%. Desiree also mentioned in her report that architect Richard Semtner, with Rees Associates, Inc., provided needed assistance and vendor recommendations at no charge regarding replacement doors for the Children's Library. Also City Manager, Tim Rooney would like to speak to the Library Board on Thursday, October 23, to discuss the upcoming vote for Hotel Tax. Rick Sinnett completed the mural in the Teen Area of the Library on August 22, 2014. Desiree mentioned she will be on vacation the last two weeks of September.

Other Business Sharyl asked about the possibility of using a picture of the new mural as a background for library cards. Desiree said new cards have just been ordered but she will check into it. The library will have a booth at Western Days.

Adjourn Jack made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Regina seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6 :35 p.m. Jan - yes, Betsy - yes, Jack – yes, Sharyl – yes, Regina -yes and Karl - yes.