Bloom’s Taxonomy: Year 7 Ancient China Homework

Remembering / Understanding / Applying / Analysing / Evaluating / Creating
Belief Systems / List the Ancient Chinese Gods and state what they each represented. / Describe the burial process of the deceased. / Make a DIY set of instructions on how to satisfy the Gods. / Compare Ancient Chinese religion to another ancient civilisation. / Justify the need to protect landmarks from ancient cultures. / Construct a model of a Terracotta Warrior.
Government / What happened when an Emperor died? Who was next in line? / Describe the Government system of Ancient China. / Draw a concubine. / Compare the life of a high class person to a lower class person. / Discuss issues of crime in Ancient China and justify why the law of Ancient China worked. / Create a timeline of important events in Ancient China.
Leisure / Find information about the type of music Ancient Chinese listened to. / Interpret a series of Ancient Chinese symbols. / Investigate Ancient Chinese games. Write one as a procedure. / Compare an Ancient Chinese artwork to an Ancient Egyptian artwork. / Evaluate and prepare a recipe from Ancient China. / Design and make a piece of jewellery suitable to wear in this time period.
Built Structures / List and describe the different forms of housing that was available. / Outline the various modes of transport used at this time. / Carry out research and record information on how the Great Wall of China was built and over how long. / What hardships and health problems did the people have whilst building the Great Wall of China? / Give your opinion on what was used and what was done in order to create the Great Wall of China. / Construct a model of the Great Wall of China or an Emperor’s Temple.
Language and Location / Copy the Ancient Chinese alphabet and then write your name. / Explain how people interacted with each other for example, how did they greet each other? / Calculate the size of China compared to Australia/ NSW. / Examine an Ancient Chinese script and provide a written report on the meaning. / Evaluate the importance of the river systems of Ancient China. / Construct a map of Ancient China and show rivers, cities and major landmarks.
Modern Day China / Tell how different your life would be if you were growing up in Ancient China? / Describe the differences between Ancient and modern China. / Record how school differs from now to times in Ancient China. / Discuss and analyse possible damage to landmark areas from tourists. / Imagine you will be visiting China in 2020. What will you expect to find? Will there be any ancient landmarks left? / Design a tourist pamphlet for China encouraging holiday makers to visit.