Evolution BedTime Stories PPT Presentation Day of Week: ____________________________

Your Name(s): ____________________________

Your Theory Name:

The attached is a chapter from Robert Shapiro’s Origins: A Skeptic’s Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth. Research the (assigned) ‘origin of earth’ story told on one of the days of the week. Organize a 10 minute visual PPT presentation (props would be nice as well) along with copies of an outline of the information surrounding your “theory” to distribute to your classmates. Present your origin of life on earth as though it is the irrefutable truth and you are convinced of your theory. Provide enough information and actual evidence to support your presentation. Your goal is to convince us that your theory is actually how life on earth came into existence. Include the names of leading theorists and the tangible evidence and experiments that support their theory. On the next to last slide, provide information that refutes your theory—but of course you have the counter rebuttal to it since your theory IS how life originated on this planet. Finally, discuss whether your origin theory falls within the realms of a “scientific theory” and why or why not (refer back to what “science” is from the first week of school).

Please present this grade sheet on the day of presentation.

/5pts Your outline should be one page

Please present your information in the following order in your PPT. Remember that EACH slide should have a pertinent picture.

/2pts Title of Theory

/4pts At least 2 leading theorists in support of your theory

/2pt When your theory was initially proposed (dates)? By whom?

/3pts Summary of your theory

/4pts Timeline of life on earth according to theory (what is the chronology of events in earth years, at least 4 dates, that leads up to initial life on this planet as well as the evolution of life to where it is today on earth)

/5pts You should provide AT LEAST 5 lines of evidence in support of your theory.

/3pts You should provide AT LEAST 3 lines of evidence refuting theory.

/3pts 3 lines of evidence rebutting refuting evidence

/4 Bibliography (at least 4 references NOT provided by me) Due _____

Following are some starting points for you:

Monday's Tale Father Raven (Father crow), Inuit, Tulungusaq



Tuesday's tale Abiogenesis, spontaneous generation




Wednesday's Tale Haldane, Oparin, Miller, Urey, Exobiology, Primordial soup



Thursday's Tale Clay Theory, Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith, RNA World



Friday's Tale Old Ones, Francis Crick, biocosmology, ancient astronauts, guided panspermia



Saturday's Tale Panspermia. Astrobiology, Chandra Wickramasinghe



Sunday's Tale Creationism, creation science, Duane Gish, Biblical Archaeology



Gaia Hypothesis James Lovelock, Lynn Margulis


Due to Murphy’s Law, (and in order to avert technical difficulties, computer glitches, time warps, black holes, gremlins, natural and unnatural disasters) please do not wait until the last minute to complete or print your project. Late projects are assessed 20% per day.