Office 365 Migrations



Version 0.2


1. Migration Reporting – Pre & Post Migration 2

1.1 Pre Migration Reports 3

1.2 Post Migration Reports 4

1.  Migration Reporting – Pre & Post Migration

1.1  Pre Migration Reports

Pre-Flight Failure Report

-  E2E

The Pre-Flight process is run on the schedule shared by the customer for migrations. Once the process is completed, a Pre-Flight report is generated with the list success and failed ones. The successful ones will be scheduled for Data Migrations while the failed ones have to be fixed by the customer before being scheduled again.

-  N2E

The pre-flight steps are performed on different T-minus days and depending on the configuration of steps the pre-flight report will contain the below failure categories. These are optional as well as per customer need.

Import Failure Report

Import is the process of importing the users for a specific migration event, this report will list the number of users imported successfully or failed. The Customer needs to action on the failed users as per the details provided in the report.

Audit Failure Report

This step checks if the migration service account has necessary permissions on the source mail file.

Replica Audit Failure Report

This checks the last replication timestamp on the replica, Helps determine the health of the replica.

Replica Creation Report

This reports on the replica stub creation process post which the automated replication takes care of synching the data.

Decrypt Button Report

This reports on the list of users the Decrypt button was sent to

Contact Button Report

This reports on the list of users the contact sync button was sent to.

1.2  Post Migration Reports

-  E2E/N2E

Migration Kick-Off Report

The Migration Kick-Off report is sent during the start of the migration window. This report will contain details of the number of users scheduled for migrations, any pre-flight failures and actual numbers submitted for migrations.

This report is in the form of an email with a URL to the Schedule file used for migrations.

The below is the report template,

Contoso: Kickoff notification

Migration Date / 14 April 2014
Migration Batch / Window3Group2
Total Scheduled / 10 Users
Preflight failure / 01 User
Total Submitted for migration / 09 Users

Migration Completion Report

The Migration completion report is sent at the completion of the migrations or the migration window whichever is earlier. It has the details on the number of mailboxes migrated successfully, failed etc.

This report is in the form of an email with a URL to the Post Migration Report with details of individual user’s migration status.

The below is the report template,

Contoso: Migration Completion notification

Migration Date / 14, July 2014
Migration Batch / W1G1
Total Scheduled / 00
Preflight failed / 00
Data migration Failed / 00
Successful / 00

Please find the failed details in the below link.

Please click here for the report.

The below are the sample post migration report templates. The columns might undergo changes as per business needs.

S. No / Migration Type / Template
1 / E2E
2 / N2E

In the N2E Post migration report, there is a column Success which is a % of the data migrated as per the below formula.

100 - ((Failed + Retry Count)/(Migrated + Skipped + Failed) * 100)

What does “Previously Migrated Items” aka “Skipped Items” mean?

As a user’s mailbox is migrated, the migration tool captures the NoteID of every document it migrates. As the migration tool starts migrate a document, it grabs the NoteID of the document and compares it against the list of NoteID’s it has captured from previously migrated documents. This important because it will prevent the creation of duplicates in the event the migration encounters an error and has to be restarted, however it can also occur in other instances such as when a user sends and email and files a copy in another folder. The email in the folder will be migrated and the email in the Sent items will be marked as “Previously Migrated” and “Skipped”. This can also occur when a user copies and pastes emails between folders as well.

What does “Calendar Supporting Items” mean

These are documents in the Lotus Notes mailbox that either do not have a comparable in Outlook or are just not needed in Outlook. An example of an item with no comparable are meeting response documents. While this data is captured in the migrated meeting the “supporting” response documents are not migrated. Another scenario involves repeating meetings. When a repeating meeting is created in Lotus Notes it consists of a parent document and child documents. When the migration tool migrates repeating meetings it captures the necessary information from the parent document and discards the child documents.

Migration Schedule Policy