
Motor Learning and Control

University of Central Missouri

Department of Health and Human Performance

Fall 2008

Course Information:

Instructor: Ken Bias

Class meets T-Th 8:00-9:15

Office hours: M-W-F 10:00-11:00 & 1:00-2:00

T-TH 9:30-10:30 & 1:30-2:30

Times may need to change because of student teacher observations. Please feel free to make arrangements with me if you need to meet and I’m not available.

Office number: 660-543-4547

Phone Cell: 816-517-4066


Course Description:

PE 3850 is designed to introduce physical education students to Motor Learning and Performance development. This class will allow future physical education teachers to gain a better understanding for how the human body develops the ability to perform movement.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course the students will be able to:

·  Gain further insight and development within the profession of physical education.

·  Define selected terms related to motor learning and development.

·  Develop an understanding for the principles of human skilled performance.

·  Increase the understanding for the principles of skilled learning.

Course Content:

The outline of the course is as follows:

·  Examination of literature in physical education or fitness wellness fields by reviewing articles from selected professional journals (JOPERD, Strategies, etc.).

·  Lesson plan development to promote motor learning.

Conceptual Framework Iformation

Belief Statement
The Central educator is a competent, caring, reflective practitioner committed to the premise that all can learn.
As a cornerstone of the institution for over 130 years, the University of Central Missouri's Teacher Education Program develops teachers and other school professionals who are well grounded in theory, display competence in content knowledge and instructional strategies, and possess the dispositions to ensure success for all learners. The Teacher Education Program prepares individuals as professional educators for an ever-changing, culturally diverse population. Faculty and candidates provide support and service to schools in meeting their present and future challenges by developing communities that learn through research and scholarly activities. Educator preparation is a campus-wide responsibility, a commitment that reflects the honor and worth of serving a vital profession.

Future Physical Education Teachers:

·  Students who gain acceptance into the Student-teaching phase of their degree in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) should retain all course artifacts for inclusion in their portfolio.

·  Included is a scoring rubric to aid students in understanding how they will be evaluated on their artifacts. Students must earn a mark of “Meets” or “Exceeds” in order to submit the artifact into their portfolios.

“Meets” or “Exceeds”

Indicator: demonstration of the ability to design and implement lesson plans within a physical education setting.

Documents: Lesson Plans.

Location: Syllabus

Scoring Guide: (90% Exceeds), (80% Meets), (70% Progressing), (60% Below Does Not Meet).

NASPE Standards Met:

Standard #1:

·  Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities

Standard #2:

·  Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Required Reading:

Schmidt, R. A., & Wrisberg, C. A. (2008). Motor learning and performance: A situation-based learning approach. (4th ed). Human Kinetics: Champaign, IL

Attendance Policy:

Students are highly recommended to attend class daily. There will be a lot of daily assignments that will affect your grade. I would like to have the following information from each student:

·  Full Name

·  Contact number in case of emergency

·  Major area of study

·  Anticipated/desired grade for this class!


·  No hats!

·  Cell phones off unless you are asked to turn it on!

·  You should dress appropriately for movement!

·  Be on time!

·  No spiral paper!

Course Assignments

·  Chapter exercises (10) 100 points

·  Literature reviews (3) 150 points

·  Observations (9 hours) 200 points

·  Lesson plan (1) 50 points

·  Chapter tests (4) 280 points

·  Final exam 70 points

Course grading procedures:

·  This class is worth a total of 850 points. Every point counts so please always try your best and ask for help whenever needed.

·  Some of your course work will be submitted electronically. Work must be submitted to me in “rich text format” only. Assignments should be emailed to me at under the following subject line example kbiaspe3850-chapter1exercise.

Chapter exercises (10 x 10 pts.) 100 pts:

·  After the completion of each chapter, you will be given one exercise to complete and submit electronically. That reinforces the subject matter from the text.

·  Missouri Standards (1.2.3) & (1.2.4)

·  Missouri Competencies (1.1)

Examination of Literature (3 x 50 pts.) 150 pts:

·  Throughout the term each student will be required to read a set of articles and write a review paper over the articles. These articles will be assigned over the course of the semester.

·  The review papers must be typed, double spaced and cited in APA format, length 3-5 pages.

·  Check the rubric to gain a better understanding for the expectations for the writing process.

·  Missouri Standards (1.2.9)

·  Missouri Competencies (2.1) & (2.2)

Observation hours (9 hours) 200 pts:

·  Each student will observe and if possible interact with the students in the class.

·  I will discuss and provide a list of places in which you may perform the observations.

·  Journals will be kept and anonymity of those being observed will be maintained throughout.

·  Each journal entry should consider the following:

o  A description of the setting.

o  Objective of the class as far as motor learning or skill development.

o  What would you do differently for this lesson plan?

o  Are all of the students actively engaged in the lesson?

o  What type and how much equipment are being used?

·  Missouri Standards (1.2.9)

·  Missouri Competencies (3.1)

Lesson plan development 100 pts:

·  You will need to design five separate lesson plans to develop either a gross motor movement skill like (SKIPPING) or a skill development lesson like (throwing). Each lesson must be designed to last 30 minutes and should contain a minimum of six activities that promote the objective of the lesson.

·  Note: your ability to plan and present a well designed lesson is very crucial to your development as a professional. Great care should be taken in preparing these lessons.

·  Lesson plans must contain the following information:

o  Introduction:

o  Equipment needs:

o  NASPE Standards Met:

o  Objectives:

o  Teaching Prompts:

o  Activities:

o  Safety concerns:

o  Closure:

·  Missouri Standards (1.2.1) & (1.2.2)

·  Missouri Competencies (1.5)

Chapter test 10 for 350 pts

·  Will be taken at the end of selected sections of the text. Although there are 10 chapter test, some test will be combined.

·  Missouri Standards (1.2.5)

·  Missouri Competencies (1.2), (1.5)

Final Exam 100 pts:

·  The final exam will be over the last section of the text book.


Evaluation will be done on a straight percentage scale.

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

Below 59% = F

Academic Dishonesty Policy:

·  Academic dishonesty is defined as:

o  An intentional act of deception in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or effort of another person or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information in any academic work.

·  Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty includes:

o  Cheating: the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids OR an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent mastery of academic effort or information. This includes unauthorized copying or collaboration on test or assignment or using prohibited materials and texts.

o  Fabrication: the falsification or invention of any information (including falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data and listing incorrect or fictitious references.

o  Assisting: occurs when one student helps another to commit an act of academic dishonesty. This includes paying or bribing someone to acquire a test or assignment, changing someone’s grade or academic records, or taking a test/doing an assignment for someone else (or allowing someone to o these things for you).

o  Plagiarism: The act of representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own OR presenting someone else’s words, ideas, artistry or data as one’s own. This includes copying another person’s work (including unpublished material) without appropriate referencing, presenting someone else’s opinions and theories as one’s own, or working jointly on a project, then submitting it as one’s own.

The following rubric will be used to evaluate literature reviews in this class.

70% of grade
- Content / 30% of grade
- Presentation
100%-94% / Learner demonstrates a well-developed focus, thorough points of development, and a logical pattern of organization of ideas and concepts. The original posting covers the topic thoroughly, demonstrates substantial reflection and/or self assessment, exhibits a broad integration of readings, and reveals conceptual knowledge and skills. / Learner demonstrates a well-developed focus, thorough points of development, and a logical pattern or organization of discussion ideas and concepts required in assigned activity.
· Substantially achieved stated learning outcome(s)
· Substantially integrated key concepts and terms from course materials
· Substantially evaluated, concluded, and applied concepts learned-demonstrated learning through use of examples and/or illustrations
· Supported insights and assertions through research and use of additional outside academic resources / Learner demonstrates exemplary accomplishment of task.
· Consistently appropriate and precise language for the assignment
· Consistently clear divisions between the writer’s voice and the sources used to support claims
· Consistent and clear use of standard American English in grammar and punctuation
· Consistent use of APA formatting
Above Average
93%-87% / Learner demonstrates a clear focus, substantive points of development, and a logical pattern of organization of discussion ideas and concepts.The original posting covers the topic in some detail, demonstrates reflection and/or self assessment, exhibits integration of readings, and reveals adequate conceptual knowledge. / Learner demonstrates a clear focus, substantive points of development, and a logical pattern of organization of ideas and concepts required in assigned activity.
· Above-average achievement of stated learning outcome(s)
· Above-average integration of key concepts and terms from course materials
· Above-average evaluation, conclusion, and application of concepts learned-demonstrated learning through use of examples and/or illustrations
· Above-average support of insights and assertions through research and use of outside academic resources / Learner demonstrates above average accomplishment of the task.
· Appropriate and precise language with occasional lapses
· Mostly clear divisions between the writer’s voice and the sources used to support claims
· Somewhat consistent use of standard American English in grammar and punctuation
· Somewhat consistent use of APA formatting
86%-80% / Learner demonstrates noticeable focus, adequate points of development, and a noticeable pattern of organization of discussion ideas and concepts. The original posting partially covers the topic, demonstrates some reflection and/or self-assessment, exhibits a sporadic integration of readings, and reveals incomplete conceptual knowledge and skills. / Learner demonstrates a noticeable focus, adequate points of development, and a noticeable pattern of organization of ideas and concepts required in assigned activity.
· Adequately achieved learning outcomes
· Partially integrated key concepts and terms from course materials
· Analyzed and applied concepts learned-limited use of examples and illustrations
· Limited use of outside references or use of non-academic resources / Learner demonstrates adequate accomplishment of task.
· Somewhat precise language
· Irregular divisions between the writer’s voice and the sources used to support claims
· Lapses in use of standard American English in grammar and punctuation
· Lapses in use of APA formatting
Needs Improvement
79%-70% / Learner demonstrates some focus, irregular points of development, and lapses in the pattern of organization of discussion ideas and concepts. The original posting is unrelated to the assigned topic, demonstrates little to no reflection or self-assessment, exhibits little to no integration of readings, and reveals deficient conceptual knowledge and skills. / Learner demonstrates some focus, irregular points of development, and lapses in the pattern of organization of ideas and concepts required in assigned activity.
· Minimal to no learning outcomes achieved
· Key concepts and terms from course materials lacking or omitted
· Does not describe and/or summarize course materials
· No references or inclusion of additional outside academic sources / Learner demonstrates incomplete attempt to address the task.
· Frequent lapses in concrete language,
· Consistent irregularity in divisions between the writer’s voice and the sources used to support claims
· Consistent lapses in use of standard American English in grammar and punctuation
· Consistent lapses in use of APA formatting
Not acceptable
69% or below / Learner demonstrates no clear focus, no clear development, and no clear organizational pattern of discussion ideas and concepts. Learner fails to post or original posting demonstrates no reflection or self-assessment, did not exhibit integration of reading, is deficient in conceptual knowledge and/or skills. / Learner demonstrates no clear focus, no clear development, and no clear organizational pattern of ideas and concepts required in assigned activity. Learner fails to submit or submission fails to demonstrate learning outcome(s). / Learner demonstrates incomplete attempt to address the task.
· Consistent lapses in concrete language; regular use of slang, etc.
· Little to no division between the writer’s voice and the sources used to support claims
· Failure to use standard American English in grammar and punctuation
· Failure to use APA formatting