Monroe County Great Start

Survey for Parents of Preschoolers

Great Start is interested in learning what parents of preschoolers (defined as children under the age of 6) are currently aware of regarding services and activities for their child, as well as what services and activities they would be interested in receiving. To assist us, we are asking that parents of preschoolers complete the following survey.


Are you the parent ____or guardian _____of the preschooler?

Total number of people living in your home _______

What is YOUR age range?

· 19 years of age or under

· 20-25 years of age

· 26-30 years of age

· 31-35 years of age

· 36-40 years of age

· 41-45 years of age

· 46-50 years of age

· Over 50 years of age

YOUR gender… Male_____________ Female_______________

How many children do you have and please list each of their ages?

What is the combined annual income range of all members of your household?

· 0-$20,036

· $20,037 – $26,955

· $26,956 - $33,874

· $33,875 - $40,793

· $40,794 - $47,712

· $47,713 - $54,631

· $54,632– $61,550

· $61,551 - $68,469

· Over $68,470 per year

What school district do you currently live in?

Do you have a child that attends…

· Preschool?________ # of days per week?__________

· Daycare? _________# of days per week?_________

Do you have a child with special needs/disabilities currently living in your household? Yes or No

OPTIONAL: If yes, please briefly describe the special requirements/disabilities?


Do you read with/to your child? Yes or No

· How many days per week?

· What activities/playgroups do you REGULARLY attend with your child?

What types of activities/groups would you like to attend with your preschooler?

What type of programs/trainings/resources would make your role as a parent of a preschooler easier? (i.e. Discipline, children’s nutrition, early childhood development, etc.) Please list any of your ideas.

Is there any information on a particular topic you wish you had that you would be interested in receiving? (i.e. Sibling rivalry, developmental milestones, potty training, etc.) Please list all topics that you are interested in.

What day of the week would be best for you to attend an event/program with your child?

What time of day would be best for you to attend an event/program with your child?

What barriers might prevent you from attending certain events? (i.e. Transportation, stroller needs, cost, location, accessibility, etc.)

Would you be interested in attending programs that focus on parenting topics if FREE childcare were provided at the meeting site? Yes or No

If you would like to be notified of upcoming programs and events, please provide us with an email address and/or phone number below. We will not sell this email list or send any SPAM emails. All information provided will remain confidential. Survey data collected will be used to identify parenting needs in Monroe County to serve ALL children 0-6 years old. If you would like additional information or have any developmental concerns about your preschooler, please call (734) 242-5799 ext. 1616, or email