Module “Index for Inclusion as a Quality Assurance Tool”

Authors / Lautkina Svetlana Vladimirovna, PhD; Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Correctional Psychology, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov;
Turkovskij Veslav Iosifovich, PhD; Associate Professor and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Goal / The forming of Master’s degree seeking students’ preparedness for productive work with heterogeneous groups
Competence Building / SPK-МА-1; SPK-МА-2; SPK-МА-3; SPK-МА-4; SPK-МА-5; SPK-МА-7
Academic results / To acquire the knowledge of the peculiarities of the academic process in a heterogeneous academic environment (children with special needs, gifted children, children of a low socio‑economic background, immigrant children, etc.)
To be skilled in goal-setting and to be able to arrange psychopedagogical guidance of the subjects of the educational process in a heterogeneous academic environment
To be able to use the methods of tolerance analysis in a heterogeneous academic environment
To be able to manage teamwork and coeducation in a heterogeneous academic environment
To be able to provide psychopedagogical support for those involved in the process of education in a heterogeneous academic environment
To be able to set achievable goals in planning the interactions with social partners, territorial educational establishments and communities for cooperation with groups and organizations of a heterogeneous nature.
To be able to provide psychopedagogical support for the executive and pedagogical staff of the educational establishments in the spheres of pedagogics and diversity management
To be able to manage cooperation and interpersonal interaction of the members of heterogeneous groups and organizations in the application of information technology
To be able to provide an expert judgment of an educational environment
To be able to provide psychopedagogical support for the organizations of various types in assessing the quality of inclusive education
General characteristics of the module / Total amount of topics – 4. Total amount of academic hours – 36 hours, in-class work – 32 hours, unsupervised work – 4 hours. Assessment of academic progress – testing, research project.

Module’s Content and Structure

Topics and Their Contents / Teaching Methods and Organizational Forms of the Educational Process / Forms and Means of Competency Assessment / Academic Workload (hours) / Suggested Literature
Topic 1. Training and educating children with special needs: from segregation to inclusion.
The education of children with intellectual disabilities. A historical overview (XVI – XXI centuries).
The comparative analysis and the description of the three models of the education of children with intellectual disabilities (ID).
Priorities and conditions for effective inclusion of the children with special educational needs in the countries of Western Europe.
Peculiarities of inclusive education.
Beating artificial isolation of the families with intellectually disabled children and the discussion of preventive measures of the social isolation.
Inclusive education in Italy, the US, Great Britain, Sweden, Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine and Russia.
Degrees of disability. The social and medical model of disability
Family of an intellectually disabled child as part of a high-risk group for social segregation and marginalization
The concept of integrated education and training. / Workshops and tutorials.
Methods: simulation games, brainstorming, case studies, role playing. summary charts, testing.
Self-reflection: ‘The Chain of Wishes’ / Making a chart under the title “The Evolution of Society and State Attitude towards People with Developmental Disabilities” / 4h lectures
2h seminars / SL: 8,15,16,18,19,
20,26, 30,32;
BSS: 4,6,36
Topic 2. Psycho-pedagogical characteristics of children with special educational needs.

Children with special educational needs (SEN).

Children with hearing, vision, musculoskeletal disorders and speech problems.
Children with developmental and learning disabilities, Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Children with behavioral and emotional disorders.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children.

Deprived children. Underachieving children. Bilingual children.
Left-handed children.
Intellectually gifted children. / Workshops and tutorials.
Methods: simulation games, case studies, testing.
Using glossary worksheets.
An interactive educational game “The Alphabet” / Writing and defending a research paper.
A multimedia presentation.
an essay “Children with special educational needs” / 6h lectures
4h seminars / SL: 6,14,16,30,32
BSS: 21,23,39,45,
Topic 3. Inclusive Education
Inclusive education: the nature of inclusive education, educational expertise under inclusive education system, benefits and risks of inclusion.
Values and principles of inclusive education.

Inclusive Education Resources.

Models and techniques of psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs (SEN) in terms of inclusive education.
Professional inclusive competencies of the teachers working with children with special educational needs (SEN). / Workshops and tutorials.
Methods: simulation games, brainstorming, case studies, testing.
Using glossary worksheets.
An interactive educational game “The Island” / Studying expertise in the organization of inclusive education in the given region.
Writing an analytical report / 6h lectures
4h seminars / SL: 2,4,7,11,12,
BSS: 1,7,12,25,27,2941,54
Topic 4. Indicators of inclusive education.
Index of inclusion. Access to education. Creating an inclusive learning environment. Implementation of policies for inclusive education. The development of inclusive practices in education. The list of indicators on inclusive education for children with special educational needs (SEN). / Workshops and tutorials.
Methods: simulation games, article summaries and annotations, selecting diagnostic tools testing.
Using glossary worksheets.
The interactive educational game “The Alphabet”, word association games.
Self-reflection: ‘The Chain of Wishes’ / Writing and defending a research paper.
A multimedia presentation. / 4h lectures
2h seminars / SL: 2, 3,14,21,29,3,142;
BSS: 3, 17, 19, 44,52,61

Suggested Literature (SL)

Books in Russian

1.  Битянова, М. Р. Организация психологической работы в школе / М. Р. Битянова. – М. : Генезис, 2000. – 298 с.

2.  Бут, Т. Показатели инклюзии. Практическое пособие/ Т. Бут, М. Эйнскоу / под ред. М.Ваганова; пер. с англ. И. Аникеев. – М.: РООИ«Перспектива», 2007. – 123 с.

3.  Вербицкий А.А. Личностный и компетентностный подходы в образовании. Проблемы интеграции / А. А. Вербицкий, О. Г. Ларионова. – М.: Логос, 2009. – 336 с.

4.  Волосовец, Т. Инклюзивная практика в дошкольном образовании / Т. Волосовец, Е.Кутепова. – М.: Мозаика-Синтез, 2011. – 144 с.

5.  Дети с ограниченными возможностями: проблемы и инновационные тенденции в обучении и воспитании: хрестоматия / сост. Н. Д. Соколова, Л.В.Калинникова. – М.: Гном и Д, 2001. - 448 с

6.  Дети с отклонениями в развитии: метод.пособие для педагогов, воспитателей массовых, спец. учреждений и родителей / сост. П. Д. Шматко. – М.: Аквариум, 1997. – 126 с.

7.  Екжанова, Е. А. Основы интегрированного обучения / Е.А. Екжанова, Е.В.Резникова. – М. : Дрофа, 2008. – 208 с.

8.  Замский, Х.С. Умственно отсталые дети : с древности до наших дней /Х.С. Замский. – М.: Владос, 2007. – 357 с.

9.  Змушко, А.М. Инклюзивное образование в системе образования Республики Беларусь / А.М. Змушко// Спецыяльная адукацыя. – 2014. – № 5. – С. 9-19.

10. Инклюзивное образование: идеи, перспективы, опыт; автор-составитель Л.В.Голубева.– Волгоград: Учитель, 2011. – 95 с.

11. Инклюзивное образование: состояние, проблемы, перспективы. – Минск : Четыре четверти, 2007. – 208 с.

12. Интеграция детей с ограниченными возможностями в образовательный процесс. Начальная школа / авт.-сост. И.В. Возняк, Л.В. Годовникова. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2011. – 87 с.

13. Интегрированное и инклюзивное обучение в образовательном учреждении. Инновационный опыт / А.А. Наумов, В.Р. Соколова, А.Н. Седегова. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2012. – 147 с.

14. Староверова, М.С. Инклюзивное образование. Настольная книга педагога, работающего с детьми с ОВЗ / М.С. Староверова, Е.В.Ковалев, А.В. Захарова / под.ред. М.С. Староверовой. – М.: Владос, 2011. – 167 с.

15. Коноплёва, А. Н. Интегрированное обучение и воспитание детей с особенностями психофизического развития: моногр. / А. Н. Коноплёва, Т. Л. Лещинская. – Минск : НИО, 2003. – 232с.

16. Лауткина, С.В. Основы коррекционной педагогики : курс лекций / С.В. Лауткина. – Витебск : УО«ВГУ имени П.М. Машерова», 2008. – 211 с.

17.  Малофеев, Н. Н. Инклюзивное образование в контексте современной социальной политики / Н.Н. Малофеев // Воспитание и обучение детей с нарушениями развития. – 2009. – № 6. – С. 3-9.

18. Малофеев, Н. Н. Специальное образование в меняющемся мире. Европа: учеб.пособие / Н.Н.Малофеев. – М.: Просвещение, 2009. – 319 с.

19. Назарова, Н.М. Интегрированное (инклюзивное) образование: генезис и проблемы внедрения / Н.М. Назарова // Коррекционная педагогика : теория и практика. – 2010. – 2010. – № 4(40). – С. 8-16.

20. Образовательная интеграция и социальная адаптация лиц с ограниченными возможностями / А.Н. Коноплева [и др.]. – Минск : НИО, 2005. – 257 с.

21. Организация образовательной среды для детей с особенностями психофизического развития в условиях интегрированного обучения : учеб.-метод. пособие / С.Е. Гайдукевич [и др.]; под общ. ред. С.Е. Гайдукевич, В. В. Чечета. – Минск : БГПУ, 2006. – 98 с.

22. Равен, Дж. Компетентность в современном обществе: выявление, развитие и реализация / Дж. Равен. – М. : Наука, 2002. – 396 с.

23. Ратнер, Ф. Л. Интегрированное обучение детей с ограниченными возможностями в обществе здоровых детей / Ф. Л. Ратнер, А. Ю. Юсупова. – М. : ВЛАДОС,2006. – 175 с.

24. Российские и зарубежные исследования в области инклюзивного образования; под ред. В.Л.Рыскина, Е.В. Самсонова. – М.: Форум, 2012. – 156 с.

25. Селевко, Г.К. Технологии воспитания и обучения детей с проблемами / Г.К.Селевко. – М.: НИИ школьных технологий, 2005. - 144 с.

26. Специальная педагогика : учеб. пособие / Л. И. Аксенова [и др.] : под ред. Н.М.Назаровой. – М. : Академия, 2008. – 400 с.

27. Специальная психология : учеб. пособие / В. И. Лубовский [и др.] ; под ред. В.И.Лубовского. – М. : Академия, 2003. – 464 с.

28. Тьюторство. Самоопределение в контексте современности / под ред. С.Сироткина, И. Чиркова. – Ижевск: ERGO, 2011. – 16 с.

29. Участие общественных организаций инвалидов в развитии инклюзивного образования / М.Ю.Перфильева [и др.] ; под ред. Т.Г. Туркиной. – М. : РООИ Перспектива, 2012. – 63 с.

30. Хитрюк, В. В. Основы дефектологии : учеб.пособие / В. В. Хитрюк. – Минск: Изд-во Гревцова, 2009. – 280 с.

31. Хитрюк, В.В. Основы инклюзивного образования : практикум / В. В. Хитрюк. – 2-е изд. – Мозырь : Белый ветер, 2015. – 136 с.

32. Хитрюк, В.В. Основы обучения и воспитания детей с особенностями психофизического развития : учеб.-метод. пособие / В. В. Хитрюк. – Барановичи : РИО БарГУ, 2011. –193 с.

33. Шевченко, С.Г. Коррекционно-развивающее обучение: организационно-педагогические аспекты: метод, пособие для учителей классов коррекционно-развиваюшего обучения / С.Г.Шевченко. М.: Владос, 1999. – 136 с.

34. Ямбург, Е.А. Школа для всех: Адаптивная модель (Теоретические основы и практическая реализация) / Е.А. Ямбург. – М.: Новая школа, 1997. – 352 с.

Books in English

35. European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2012) Profile of Inclusive Teachers. Odense, Denmark : European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education.

36.  European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2011) Teacher Education for Inclusion Across Europe — Challenges and Opportunities. Odense, Denmark: European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education.

37.  European Commission (2010) Communication from the Commission. Europe 2020. — Astrategy for smart sustainable and inclusive growth. COM (2010) 2020.

38.  European Commission, DG Education and Culture (2011) Thematic Working Group ‘Teacher Professional Development’: Report of Peer Learning Activity: Policy Approaches to Defining and Describing Teacher Competences.

39.  European Commission (2011) Communication on Early Childhood Education and Care (February 2011) COM (2011) 66.

40.  European Parliament (2011) European Parliament Resolution of 12 May 2011 on Early Years Learning in the European Union (1/2010/2159).

41.  Fisher J. Nongovernments : NGOs and the Political Development of the Third World / J. Fisher. - Connecticut: Kumarian Press, 1998. - 237 p.

42.  Florian, L. and Black-Hawkins, K. (2011) Exploring Inclusive Pedagogy. British Educational Research Journal, 37(5), 813-828.

43.  Lindsay, G. (2007) Educational psychology and the effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 1-24.

44.  Lipsky D. K., Gartner A. Achieving full inclusion: Placing the student at the center of educational reform // W. Stainback and S. Stainback (Eds). Controversial issues confronting special education: Divergent perspectives. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1991.

45.  Meijer, C.J.W. (2003) Inclusive education and classroom practices. Middelfart: European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education.

46.  National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (2010) An Equal Education for All - Together We Make It Possible. Edita: National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools.

47.  National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (2010) Bliss - for people who need to communicate with symbols. Edita: National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools.

48.  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2005) Teachers Matter: Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers. Paris: OECD Ouane, A. (2008) Creating education systems which offer opportunities for lifelong learning. Paper presented at UNESCO International Conference on Education ‘Inclusive education: the way of the future’ 48th session. Geneva, 25-28 November 2008.

49.  Raising Achievement for all Learners “Quality in Inclusive Education” : Key Project Messages / The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, 2012. - 8 p.

50.  Recommendation of the European parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning (2006/962/EC).

51.  Serge Ebersold, Amanda Watkins. Mapping the Implementation of Policy for Inclusive Education (MIPIE): An exploration of challenges and opportunities for developing indicators / The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, 2011. - 101 p.

52.  Sjur, B. and Radu, D. (2010) Higher education for modem societies: competences and values (Council of Europe higher education series No. 15, 2010).

53.  Towards shared descriptors for Bachelors and Masters, A report from a Joint Quality Initiative informal group, December 2003.

54.  UNESCO (2004) Education for All: The Quality Imperative. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005. Paris: UNESCO.

55.  UNESCO (2012) Addressing Exclusion in Education. A Guide to Assessing Education Systems Towards More Inclusive and Just Societies. Paris: UNESCO.

56.  Walker H. M. Antisocial behavior in school: Strategics and best practice. - Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks / Cole, 1995. - 235 p.

57.  Wallace, B. (2010) Tackling underachievement. Maximising opportunities for all pupils in an inclusive setting in. London: Routledge.

58.  Wallace B., Leyden S., Montgomery D., Winstanley C., Pomerantz M. and Fitton S. (eds.) 2010. Raising the achievement of all pupils within an inclusive setting. London: Routledge.