Tapp Middle School

(8th Grade- Team 8B)

Teachers: Mr. Davis, Ms. Young Room#(s): 403

Voice Mail: (770) 222-3758 E-Mail(s):

Davis: ext. 481, Young: ext 462

Course: 8th Grade Science Blog(s): http://tappmiddleschool.typepad.com/ddavis/

Text: Holt Physical Science http://tappmiddleschool.typepad.com/young/

Course Description

The Physical Science Standards stress an in-depth understanding of the nature and structure of matter and the characteristics of energy. The standards place considerable emphasis on the technological application of Physical Science principles. Course work will emphasize discovery through laboratory and hands-on experiences. Laboratory investigations, vocabulary, readings, and discussions are an essential part of the course and are used as a “springboard” to develop an understanding of the major concepts in Physical Science. (See the following website for a complete listing of the 8th Grade Physical Science curriculum: http://www.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/picasso/31.html)

The following topics will be explored this year:

Unit: Matter and Properties (Standard-S8P1) 9wks.

·  Atoms and Molecules

·  Pure Substance and Mixtures (Elements and Compounds)

·  States of Matter (Solids. Liquids, Gases and Plasma)

·  Chemical and Physical Properties

·  Law of Conservation of Matter

Unit: Force and Motion (Standard-S8P3) 9wks.

·  Velocity and Acceleration

·  Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

·  Gravity, Inertia and Friction

·  Simple Machines (Lever, Inclined Plane, Pulley, Wedge, Screw, and Wheel and Axle)

Unit: Energy and Transformation (Standard-S8P2) 3wks

·  Law of Conservation of Energy

·  Potential and Kinetic Energy

·  Forms of Energy (Heat, Light, Electricity, Mechanical, Motion and Sound)

·  Heat Transfer (Conduction, Radiation and Convection)

Unit: Light and Sound Waves (Standard-S8P4) 6wks

·  Characteristics of Electromagnetic and Mechanical Waves

·  Light Waves (Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction and Absorption)

·  Properties of Sound

·  Behavior of and Parts of a Wave (Amplitude and Pitch)

Unit: Gravity, Electricity, and Magnetism (Standard-S8P5) 3 wks

·  Gravitational Force

·  Series and Parallel Circuits

·  Electric Currents and Magnets


Students will be issued textbooks, Holt Science and Technology-Physical Science, which cost $70.75. Please make sure that your student does everything possible to maintain the integrity of the book. Parents/Guardians please review and sign the textbook contract when received and have student(s) return it to school as soon as possible. Please be sure to identify any previous damage so the student will not be charged for damages he or she did not cause to the book.


Students will need to bring the following items to class everyday: A one subject spiral notebook with pencils/pen, USB drive, and textbook.


Grades will be calculated as follows: Daily Work and Labs (40%), Assessments and Projects (50%), Homework (10%)

Grading Scale: A: 90-100

B: 80 - 89

C: 74 - 79

D: 70 - 73

F: 69 and below

Assignments/Make-up Policy

All assignments are expected to be completed and handed in upon due date unless the student is absent or has made prior arrangements. It is the student’s responsibility to request his/her make-up work upon returning to school. Students will be given one day for each day they are absent plus one extra day to turn in all make-up work that is missed. Homework will not be given every day; however, the expectation is that students review concepts discussed in the classroom on a daily basis.

Extra Help and Parent Contact

Students needing extra help will need to meet with the teacher(s) before or after class to make arrangements. Parents, please feel free to contact the teacher(s) with any concerns you have about your child’s academics or behavior. Tutoring will be provided on Wednesdays 8:00 am to 8:50am before school in Rm. 401. Please use the blog identified at the top of the paper as it is your best resource for what is going on in the classroom on a daily basis. Homework Hotline Number is (770)-795-5720 ext. 8817 (Davis) and ext. 8821 (Young) .Pinnacle is available to parents and can be used to check student progress weekly, parents that do not have access to Pinnacle should see 8th grade counselor. We look forward to this school year with great anticipation and excitement. Thanks in advance for your support!


All students are expected to follow all classroom rules, as well as school rules. He/She must come to class with the proper materials (paper, pen or pencil, planner, assignments etc.) and be ready to learn on a daily basis. We will be prepared to teach/facilitate learning objectives as well as provide a safe learning environment so that all students learn and achieve to the best of their academic ability.

Classroom rules (Keys to Success)

1.  I will be on time.

2.  I will be prepared and come ready to learn.

3.  I will follow directions the first time they are given.

4.  I will keep my hands, feet, and personal objects to myself (No horseplay, No public displays of affection-hugging etc.)

5.  I will work cooperatively and successfully with my peers.

6.  I will not eat nor drink in class. (No gum, candy, etc.)

7.  I WILL RESPECT MYSELF AND OTHERS (No profane language, teasing, touching etc.)

(-) Consequences for not following the rules

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Parent Contact- Silent Lunch

3.  Parent Contact-Detention

4.  In-pod Isolation

5.  Guidance Consultation/Redirection Plan

6.  Repeated Misconduct will result in an Office Referral

(+) Consequences for “Striving to be the Best”

1.  Individual verbal praise

2.  Homework Pass

3.  Positive phone call or note home

4.  Various Perks throughout the year (prize drawings)

5.  Incentive Celebration


Date Syllabus Received:

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Name: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Class Period: ______

Home Phone: ______

Work/Cell (indicate which): ______

E-Mail Address: ______