Mission Statement:
To provide to individuals from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society.
CHINMAYA MISSION is a global establishment encompassing a wide range of spiritual and charitable activities. Under the banner of Chinmaya Mission, thousands around the world study and teach Vedanta, run schools and colleges, provide medical aid to the needy through hospitals and rural clinics, organize relief projects and serve humanity in a myriad of ways.
Chinmaya Mission Vancouver conducts study sessions for adults, youth and children on a regular basis. Those who are interested in knowing more about these activities may contact the Chinmaya Mission, Vancouver for further information. / Evening Lectures on
November 18 – 20
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Morning sessions on final day,
November 21
9:30 am to 11:00 am
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
The Yoga of Knowledge
& Wisdom.
Chapter 7 of Bhagavad Gita
The Unitarian Church of Vancouver
949 West 49th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
Morning lectures
November 19 – 20
6:30 am to 7:30 am
Nirvana Shatakam
155 East 54th Avenue (rear entrance)
Vancouver, BC
Those who are interested in knowing more about activities of the Chinmaya Mission may contact
Raj Kapahi 604 433 3441
Brni. Robyn 250 652 0057
Arun Mehta 604 322 3217 / CHINMAYA MISSION
H.H. Swami Shantananda
Lecture series on
Chapter 7 of Bhagavad Gita
Nirvana Shatakam
The Chinmaya Mission is an outgrowth of the life-long dedication, sacrifice and spiritual teachings of the renowned Vedantic Master, His Holiness Swami Chinmayananda.
Swami Shantananda is a senior disciple of Swami Chinmayananda. Swami Shantananda completed his spiritual studies at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya in Mumbai in 1978, then spent a further two years in retreat in the Himalayas. He had the unique privilege of travelling with Swami Chinmayananda for some time as His personal secretary.
For more than 12 years, Swami Shantananda served Chinmaya Mission centres in Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is currently the resident acharya (teacher) of the Tri-State Centre in Cranbury, New Jersey. Swamiji has been working in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania since 1992.
Swami Shantananda is an erudite scholar and gifted speaker. His indefatigable energy and razor sharp intellect are coupled with a modern mind. Swamiji’s compassion and ready smile have endeared him to young and old alike.
The seventh chapter of the Bhagavad Gita teaches Yoga of Knowledge and Wisdom.
The chapter begins with the unexpressed doubt of the student, Arjuna – “How can the finite individual (jiva) realize the infinite Truth (Brahman)?” The Lord then begins a step by step explanation of the process of merging the individual mind into the Higher Consciousness.
The initial three verses introduce the subject matter and instil an enthusiasm for gaining Self knowledge. The Lord states “Listen carefully ….so that you may know ME in my Totality, without any doubt”.
This chapter explains the nature of matter and spirit: the two natures (prakritis) of the Lord, through which He brings forth the whole universe. The lower eight-fold prakriti (apara) constitutes all gross and subtle matter. The higher prakriti (para) is sentient spirit. Beyond these two prakritis, the Lord declares, is “MY” absolute nature which is the causeless cause, the unseen essence.
The all pervading Truth is revealed as indwelling in everything through a series of exquisitely beautiful verses. The Lord sings…”I am the sapidity of water , I am the light in the Sun and the Moon, I am the symbol Om in all the Vedas, the sweet fragrance in the Earth, the brilliance in Fire, the life in all beings….
Single pointed contemplation of the Divine with full devotion and sincerity is advised for transcending our Lower Nature. The teaching is, in essence, that the Realization of the essential oneness of the individual self with the Supreme Self is the means for crossing beyond limitations and sorrow.
The wise person lives at all times in a state of Self abidance. Whether in the seat of meditation or acting dynamically in the world, never is the vision of Truth lost at any time. / NIRVANA SHATAKAM
Nirvana Shatakam is a beautiful text comprised of six meditation verses on the Supreme Reality. Composed by the great Vedantic master Adi Shankaracharya, Nirvana Shatakam declares the enlightened sage’s direct experience of Self realization.
The text is well known for its depth of revelation and the melodious style in which the verses are traditionally chanted.
The six verses, written in simple Sanskrit, provide seekers at all levels of practice with subtle pointers for contemplation of Truth. Contemplation deepens when the meditator’s “spiritual heart” (integrated mind and intellect) has been well prepared and purified.
The text employs the vedantic method of negation (vyatireka) of the false, and assertion (anvaya) of the Truth, to reveal the ever present, changeless Being which supports all changing name and form. The last line of each verse declares the nature of the supreme Self, the true “I”, beyond the physical, mental and intellectual aspects of the individual…… “Auspiciousness am I, Auspiciousness am I,…..”.